امتیازات Star Wars Battlefront II

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کاربر سایت

Developer : EA DICE
Publisher : Electronic Arts
Engine : Frostbite 3
Platforms : PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows
release date : November 17, 2017​
Hobby Consolas : 91
We Got This Covered : 90
Areajugones : 90
Everyeye.it : 86
COGconnected : 86
t's clear that the developers have been paying close attention to player feedback, as this feels like a significant improvement over the previous entry in the series. Major additions like the single-player campaign, the revamped Star Card system and the streamlined game modes all make for a much more robust moment-to-moment playthrough. There's still room for improvement with the loot box system, but it's already been fixed once, and there's every chance that it's only going to get better. The look and feel of Star Wars has been expertly captured in every inch of this game, while the battles are a faithful homage to the most exciting conflicts in the entire series.​
Atomix : 85
JeuxActu : 85
SpazioGames : 85
XGN : 85
Multiplayer.it : 83
3DJuegos : 80
Meristation : 80
GamingTrend : 80
Gameblog.fr : 80
Star Wars Battlefront II draws a line from the past of the license. Complete overhaul of the space combat system, disappearance of the walker mode, addition of classes, significant content at the launch, various objectives, addition of a solo campaign. Everything we have expected in the first one is finally here. Only the cash shop and the feeling of shooting (little bit spineless) are problems. Despite that we have in front of us a complete Star Wars game, especially with best the SW space combat since the X-Wing series.​
DarkStation : 80
Star Wars Battlefront II improves on the original with more maps and heroes, but there are fewer modes, and the online gameplay may waver over time for some. Regardless, the core gameplay is solid, and the new Galactic Assault is excellent. The single-player content is still slim, but the campaign is nonetheless a great inclusion that adds more than you’d think to the official canon. I’m not a huge fan of the Loot Crates, though I’d live with it for the promised free DLC, the first of which has content from The Last Jedi. Still, in a perfect world, Star Cards would be fairer to obtain and unlocking heroes wouldn’t be such a grind. EA plans to keep tweaking the game post launch and adding content through Live Service, and I’m intrigued to see how the game evolves over time. Overall, Star Wars Battlefront II isn’t a shooter for everybody, but it’s a must-have for fans. Indeed, the Force is strong with this one.
GamesRadar+ : 80
GameSpace : 80
GameCrate : 73
Polygon : 70
Cheat Code Central : 70
PlayStation LifeStyle : 70
InsideGamer.nl : 70
EGM : 70
Post Arcade (National Post) : 70
Digital Trends : 70
IGN : 65​
Battlefront 2 does a lot of things right, offering a Star Wars experience that’s stunning to look at and wonderfully faithful to the source material, but it stumbles hard on the delivery. The campaign is amusing but scatterbrained, and worse, in multiplayer the randomized progression systems are downright hostile toward its players. EA has already made two big adjustments to this system in the week leading up to launch alone, and we can only hope that more significant changes are on the way. But right now, the Star Cards system’s frustrating progression is actively driving me away from the multiplayer battles.

GameSpot : 60​
Despite the removal of the microtransactions, player progression is still largely tied to the randomized loot boxes--mitigating player agency and choice in multiplayer.
Metro GameCentral : 60
AusGamers : 60
Shacknews : 60
Game Revolution : 50
M3 : 50

Metacritic(PS4) : 69​
آخرین ویرایش:
The 600 credits received from a hero crate is worth 27% the cost of a hero crate. This is equivalent to 30 crystals. To account for this, I reduced the cost of a hero crate from 110 crystals to 80 crystals. 12,000 crystals can be bought for $100.

Opening the required 3,111 loot crates requires 248,880 crystals. If you only purchase $100 crystal packs, this will cost $2,100.

There is a grand total of 324 cards. Upgrading these will require a total of 155,520 crafting parts. This requires opening a grand total of 3,111 loot crates which will require 4,528 hours of gameplay.
EA داره بدجور چهره خودش رو پیش گیمرها خراب میکنه
یکی از راه ها برایه دریافت کردیت تکرار بخش ارکید موذ بود که EA اومده این جریان رو محدود کرده و بعد از اتمام چلنج ها برای اولین بار و دریافت کردیت, برای بار بعد یا چندم بهت کردیت نمیده و بهت پیام میده که بعد از 3ساعت تا یک روز دوباره دریافت کردیت فعال میشه
InsideGamer.nl : 70
Star Wars Battlefront 2 has deeper gameplay and an actual single player that really honors Star Wars. Unfortunately loot boxes and a bad progression system prevent this game from really blowing us away.
و باز هم تعریف از محتوا و گیم پلی ولی علت کم کردن نمره لوت باکس ها
EA داره بدجور چهره خودش رو پیش گیمرها خراب میکنه
یکی از راه ها برایه دریافت کردیت تکرار بخش ارکید موذ بود که EA اومده این جریان رو محدود کرده و بعد از اتمام چلنج ها برای اولین بار و دریافت کردیت, برای بار بعد یا چندم بهت کردیت نمیده و بهت پیام میده که بعد از 3ساعت تا یک روز دوباره دریافت کردیت فعال میشه
خراب هست هر سالم منفورترین ناشر میشه خبر نداری ؟ بعد این کاراش رو منتقدها و نمراتشون تاثیر میزاره رو نمره دادنشون
دوست عزیز درباره رینبو، شما داری با پول درون برنامه کاراکتر های اضافی رو تهیه میکنی، اتفاقا خیلی هم حرکت خوبی کردن، که حتما لازم نیست $ خرج کنی برای دست رسی به کارکتر های Season pass، و در غیر این صورت بازی خودش 20 تا operator اولیه رو داره که کافی هم هست، نه مثل این بازی که از اول همه hero به نظر لاک هستن.
حرکت خوبی هست ولی با قیمت مناسب. 25 هزار تا برای یه اپراتور خیلی زیاد هست. 10 - 12 هزار تا تقریبا مناسب هست.
خراب هست هر سالم منفورترین ناشر میشه خبر نداری ؟ بعد این کاراش رو منتقدها و نمراتشون تاثیر میزاره رو نمره دادنشون
شما که ماشالله بیشتر از همه خبر داری حتی قبل از این که رسانه ها بودنند:)
شما هر چی میفرمایید درسته:-bd
شما که ماشالله بیشتر از همه خبر داری حتی قبل از این که رسانه ها بودنند:)
شما هر چی میفرمایید درسته:-bd
انقدر جبهه نگیر نظرسنجی های سالهای قبل ببینید حالا یک نفر اومد یک حرف مفتی زد دیگه این که همین بازیسنترم خبرش رفتن
Game Revolution : 50
Even if EA and DICE decided to do an about face and remove or lessen the effect loot boxes have on gameplay, they're too wired into Star Wars Battlefront 2. It would take a full overhaul of the leveling and progression system to straighten up this mess. It's a shame because Battlefront 2 is really a great game underneath the predatory microtransactions.
کاهش متا به 77
این منتقد هم که بنظر خیلی اعصابش از جریان پرداخت های درون بازی ریخته بهم:D
PlayStation LifeStyle : 70
DICE needs to untangle monetization and progression, keeping any elements that give players an advantage in battle away from real world money. Progression should feel like a reward for playing the game, not paying the game. It’s disappointing that this conversation needs to surround such an amazing title. Star Wars Battlefront II is an insanely fun and full featured experience no matter which corner of the galaxy or era of the story you go to.
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