امتیازات Rise of the Tomb Raider

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Sina R

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Rise of the Tomb Raider - Review Thread

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Game Revolution : 100
The past decade has seen the genre jump, shoot, and blow stuff up real good with games like Resident Evil 4, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, and Dead Space. Each redefined what a well-balanced 15-hour experience could be by delivering a compelling narrative, tight gameplay, and outstanding world building. Rise of the Tomb Raider bests even those classics with a character that resonates like no other. Even if it took nearly twenty years for that to happen, this is an adventure worth replaying with a hero who’s unforgettable.

Game Informer
: 95
Rise of the Tomb Raider captures the thrill of being an adventurer and leaves you thinking about Lara's next move. You have daredevil sequences, heroic moments, fun exploration, and exciting fights that even Indiana Jones would envy. If Crystal Dynamics keeps raising the bar from here, I can't wait to see what's next for Lara.

: 93
Rise of the Tomb Raider raises the bar set by Lara’s last outing with a rollicking adventure story, strong villains, gorgeous vistas, and smart puzzles – go off the main path to find the best stuff in dastardly optional tombs. Though the mandatory combat doesn’t distinguish itself with challenging enemies unless you crank up the difficulty, Lara’s newfound versatility on the battlefield makes fighting a lot more fun.
IGN Spain : 92

Lazy Gamer : 92

Vandal Online : 91

VentureBeat : 91
Rise of the Tomb Raider is an epic adventure, and it’s a story well told and well played.
Attack Of The Fanboy : 90

Hobby Consolas : 90

Meristation : 90

Multiplayer.it : 90

GamingTrend : 90

Gaming Nexus : 90

Pure Xbox : 90

Gamespot : 90
As a third-person adventure game, Rise of the Tomb Raider excels. Rather than collide, gameplay and story share the space, supplementing each other and emerging as a cohesive whole.

GamesRadar+ : 90
While essentially a retread of its predecessor, Rise of the Tomb Raider is a magnificent adventure game, brilliantly combining action genres and letting you play the way you want to.
CGMagazine : 90

Hardcore Gamer : 90
While there has been an influx of open world games over the last few years, Crystal Dynamics have been able to find a perfect balance of cinematic action and strong adventure elements...Rise of the Tomb Raider is an adventure like no other, giving players a twenty hour experience that will have them engaged from the moment Lara comes on screen.
Videogamer : 90
Press Start : 90

MondoXbox : 90

Post Arcade National Post : 90

IGN Italia : 88

God Is A Geek : 85
An essential purchase, and although it's a case of simply being more Tomb Raider, lessons have been learned along the way to make this one of the most refined and enjoyable blockbuster rides available.
Polygon : 85
In many ways, Rise of the Tomb Raider could be viewed as a fairly modest sequel. It successfully builds off Crystal Dynamics' excellent reboot, but it doesn't introduce any massive changes; the scope is greater but still in spitting distance of the previous game. But successfully regaining the feeling created in an extremely good game is no small feat.

JeuxActu : 85

: 85

SpazioGames : 85

Xbox Achievements : 80
Rise of the Tomb Raider is a strong sequel to 2013's reboot, building upon the potential of its predecessor while adding to the sense of wonder and exploration-based aspects more in keeping with Ms. Croft's roots. Of course, more tombs and puzzles to solve would always be welcome, but Rise is nonetheless a fantastic blend of entertaining combat encounters, traversal and open-world exploration, and arguably a cut above the previous game in gameplay terms, if not necessarily in story terms.

TheSixthAxis : 80
Rise of the Tomb Raider is an action-packed tour-de-force that, while derivative at times, is a fantastic romp from beginning to end. This sequel learns some of the lessons of its predecessor by making the game more like a recognisable Tomb Raider game, while at the same time implementing some new features and impressive visual design. While not quite the globetrotting adventure some were hoping for, Rise of the Tomb Raider is well worth playing.

Game Rant : 80

Gameblog.fr : 80

Eurogamer Italy : 80

Xbox Achievements : 80

Metro GameCentral : 80

We Got This Covered : 80

New Game Network : 76

Destructoid : 75
Rise of the Tomb Raider is better than its predecessor, but only because of its additions; it doesn't fix any of the things that were wrong with Tomb Raider (2013). The story is smoothed down, much of it hidden away in dull audio logs. It's not about "survival" as billed, given the ease of mowing down dozens of folks and plenty of resources. But finding tombs wherein to clamber about ancient Rube Goldberg machines, coupled with the gorgeous visual flair and diverse environments, make Rise's wilderness one worth exploring and elevate Tomb Raider's otherwise perfunctory take on the third-person action platformer.

XGN : 75

آخرین ویرایش:
DarkStation : 10

Rise of the Tomb Raider is all about its pacing. It’s a game that will throw you into a huge action sequence and then slowly ramp back up. You don’t have to worry about endless waves of enemies. Instead you will move from one area to the next, traversing the world, hunting so you can craft and upgrade, and scouring the world for treasure and tombs. Crystal Dynamics took what worked in Tomb Raider and made it even better. Rise of the Tomb Raider is one of the best games of the year. It’s absolutely beautiful and plays as good as any game on the market today

GRYOnline.pl : 8

Rise of the Tomb Raider is a game that is built on the solid foundations of the first installment of the rebooted cycle and as such it works great. Unfortunately, because of the few novelties (e.g. heavily modified crafting system), the game is no longer the emotional roller-coaster that it was during our stay on Yamatai island. As a next installment in the series the adventures of Lara Croft work well, but the famous Miss Archaeology won't come away completely unscathed from a duel with Uncharted 4

- - -ویرایش - - -

Gaming Age : 9.1

Rise of the Tomb Raider is a blast to play. This sequel blends together combat, exploration, and puzzle-solving better than its predecessor, balancing all of these elements and stretching them out in a way that makes the pacing feel spot on

Eurogamer Poland : 9

Rise of the Tomb Raider is another interesting and modern installment in the adventure series. The campaign, despite slight problems with stereotypes, is extremely engaging and full of interesting scenes - even after the end credits

The Daily Dot : 9

Where the previous game is an over-the-top whirlwind, Rise of the Tomb Raider is better as a savored experience

Atomix : 8.9

The last Lara Croft adventure comes with basic adjustments to its gameplay that make it an enjoyable and memorable experience. We loved the tombs, we loved the puzzles, we loved the exploration, we loved the world, we loved the combat. Even though not everything is completely perfect in Rise of The Tomb Raider, it’s a step in the right direction for the franchise
آخرین ویرایش:
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49 تا نقد توی متا ثبت شده که همشون سبز هستن، امیدوارم سایر عزیزان جوگیر نشن و بهش امتیاز پایین ندن که این ریتم نمرات سبز بازی به هم نریزه :دی
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