امتیازات Overwatch


Tech Team
کاربر سایت

Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment, Activision Blizzard
Developer: Blizzard Entertainment
Genre: First-person shooter
Modes: Multiplayer video game
Platform: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows

The Escapist 100/100
Twinfinite 100/100
Destructoid 100/100
Game Informer 100/100
PlayStation LifeStyle 100/100
Forbes 100/100
Guardian 100/100
We Got This Covered 100/100
Telegraph 100/100
IGN Denmark 100/100
Digital Spy 100/100
Gaming Age 100/100
GamesBeat 98/100
COGconnected 98/100
ZTGD 95/100
GameWatcher 95/100
LevelUp 95/100
Impulsegamer 95/100
Gamer.nl 95/100
God is a Geek 95/100
GamingTrend 95/100
Arcade Sushi 95/100
IGN 94/100
Atomix 93/100
Digitally Downloaded 90/100
Push Square 90/100
DarkStation 90/100
MondoXbox 90/100
IBTimes UK 90/100
3DJuegos 90/100
ActionTrip 90/100
Gamer.no 90/100
Shacknews 90/100
VideoGamer 90/100
TheSixthAxis 90/100
Meristation 90/100
Multiplayer.it 90/100
Eurogamer Poland 90/100
Eurogamer Italy 90/100
Playstation Universe 90/100
Metro GameCentral 90/100
Gameplanet 90/100
Hobby Consolas 90/100
The Jimquisition 90/100
Windows Central 90/100
ICXM 90/100
XGN 90/100
The Daily Dot 90/100
Lazygamer 90/100
Vandal Online 90/100
Gameblog.fr 90/100
Hardcore Gamer 90/100
GamesRadar+ 90/100
Attack of the Fanboy 90/100
IGN Italia 90/100
IGN Spain 90/100
GameSpot 90/100
Game Revolution 90/100
High-Def Digest 90/100
Areajugones 88/100
PC Gamer 88/100
Ragequit.gr 87/100
LaPS4 86/100
4Players.de 85/100
JeuxActu 85/100
GameCrate 85/100
Everyeye.it 85/100
Merlin'in Kazanı (Turkey) 83/100
The Games Machine 82/100
Brash Games 80/100
CGMagazine 80/100
Brash Games 80/100
M3 80/100
Polygon 80/100
Game Rant 80/100
NZGamer 79/100
Gamers' Temple 74/100

متای نسخه PC با 44 نقد 92
متای نسخه PS4 با 23 نقد 90
متای نسخه XB1 با 11 نقد 92​
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