امتیازات Metal Gear Solid HD Collection

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چرا کسی هایپ نمیکنه؟:biggrin1: امتیازهاش که عالیه! دلم لک زده واسه MGS1 :biggrin1:
امین هایپ نمیخواد دیگه اسمش روشه MGS :دی
امتیازها عالیه ولی نسخه-ی 1 تو بازی نیست :( من دلم لک زده برا MGS3 که برای 24مین بار تمومش کنم :دی

  • Concept:Several old Metal Gear games with a new coat of paint
  • Graphics:Great visuals and a smooth framerate have these titles looking better than ever
  • Sound:I hope you like codec conversations, because you’re going to hear a lot of them. Thankfully, the voice acting is top-notch
  • Playability:The controls don’t age particularly well on the PS2 entries. It may take some time to get re-acclimated
  • Entertainment:Each game stands well on its own, so getting them all at once means hours upon hours of fun
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