امتیازات Mass Effect: Andromeda

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Mass Effect: Andromeda
Developer: BioWare
Publisher: EA
Platforms: PS4 X1 PC
Release date: March 21 2017

Stevivor 95/100
Somos Xbox 95/100
Generacion Xbox 92/100
XGN 90/100
Impulsegamer 90/100
Press Start 90/100
GameSkinny 90/100
Areajogunes 90/100
LaPS4 90/100
GamingNexus 88/100
COGconnected 88/100
MMORPG.Com 87/100
GamePro 87/100
Post Arcade 85/100
Meristation 85/100
IGN Spain 85/100
GRYOnline.pl 85/100
Atomix 85/100
Spazio Games 85/100
God is A Geek 85/100
GameStar 85/100
Forbes 85/100
Hobby Consolas 84/100
Eurogamer Italy 80/100
PC GamesN 80/100
Multiplayer.it 80/100
GamingTrend 80/100
PCGamesN 80/100
Digital Chumps 80/100
Critical Hit 80/100
Mondo Xbox 80/100
Game Informer 80/100
JeuxActu 80/100
3Djuegos 80/100
PC Gamer 80/100
GamingTrend 80/100
Playstation Unverse 80/100
Xbox Achievements 80/100
Attack of the Fanboy 80/100
The SixthAxis 80/100
PC Games 78/00
Vandal Online 78/100
IGN Italia 78/100
RPG Fan 78/100
4Players.de 78/100
IGN 77/100
Polygon 75/100
Dual Shockers 75/100
Gaming Age 75/100
The Game Machine 75/100
PSX-Sense.nl 75/100
TechRaptor 75/100
Level Up 75/100
GameCrate 74/100
Ragequit.gr 72/100
Hardcore Gamer 70/100
PCMag 70/100
GameMAG 70/100
Game Planet 70/100
Windows Central 70/100
NZ Gamer 70/100
The Escapist 70/100
Arcade Sushi 70/100
CG Magazine 70/100
Game Revolution 70/100
RPG Site 70/100
VideoGamer 70/100
Trusted Reviews 70/100
Twinfinite 70/100
Insidegamer.nl 70/100
GamesRadar 70/100
Gameblog.fr 70/100
We Got This Covered 70/100
Yahoo! 70/100
Destructoid 65/100
Playstation LifeStyle 65/100
US Gamer 60/100
GameSpot 60/100
Digital Spy 60/100
Cheat Code Central 60/100
Push Square 60/100
Guardian 60/100
EGM 60/100
Metro GameCentral 60/100
Daily Dot 60/100
GBATemp 59/100
GamesBeat 55/100
Digital Trends 50/100
Oyungezer Online 50/100
M3 50/100
Slant Magazine 50/100
Giant Bomb 40/100

متا : 71
آخرین ویرایش:
جالب اینجاس اینایی که الان از فعالیت های اخیر bioware ایراد میگیرن همونایین که موقع عرضه inquisition بهش لقب بهترین rpg تاریخ رو دادن (حتی میتونم اسم ببرم ) :)
خب الان مشکل چیه؟ من خودم بهترین بازی سال 2014 ـم همین Inquisition بود، چون بازی خیلی خوش ساختی بود و ساعت ها ازش لذت بردم. الان که به نظر میاد Bioware تو روند ساخت Mass Effect اشتباه کرده دیگه کسی نباید ازش ایراد بگیره؟ واقعا ارتباطش چیه؟ :D البته تا خودمون بازی نکنیم دقیق نمیشه نظر داد ولی فعلا به استناد نقدها اینجور برداشت میشه که این شماره از Mass Effect در حد شماره های قبلی سری و ساخته های قبلی Bioware نبوده. مسلما ایراد گرفتن در این مورد یه امر طبیعی هست، حتی اگه کسی واسش Inquisition بهترین بازی تاریخ باشه هم میتونه ایراد بگیره.
inquisition هنوز هم یکی از بهترین هاست یه سری چیزی بود توش که تو کمتر بازی پیدا میشه یادمه مثلا به یه بخش از مپ دسترسی نداشتی باید از توی skyhold دستور ساخت پل میدادی اونوقت کلا به قسمت که از قبل دسترسی نداشتی میتونستی برسی کوست های جدید بزنی من خیلی این ریزکاری هاشو دوست داشتم
هنوز خیلی نقد مونده ،
تیتر نقد بازیسنترو میخوام پیشنهاد بدم ، سقوطی باشکوه :-"
این جریانا یه خوبی داره اونم اینکه که قیمتش سریع میاد پایین من میتونم بگیرم !!! :D من با انیمیشن های Kingdom of amalur کنار اومدم با اینم کنار میاد ، فقط داستانش خوب باشه ! هرچند از گیمپلیش نگرانم توی تریلر گیمپلی ، فوق العاده سریع بود و هیچ شباهتی به بازی های قبلی نداشت !
GameSkinny : 9
If you are a fan of Mass Effect, RPGs, or open-world games, this is one to pick up.

iDigitalTimes : 8
Despite all of the flaws with bugs, graphics, story and everything else, Mass Effect: Andromeda is still a wonderful game and something very special. Just like the characters in the game, Andromeda establishes a bold new start for the series, and builds a foundation for even greater things to come.

4Players.de : 7.8
It is a new start. For mankind. For the hero. For the franchise. For Bioware. And for the most time, it gives you decent entertainment, albeit very safe and carbon-copied from ME1 and other sci-fi franchises - Andromeda treats the original basically like The Force Awakens approaches the elements of A New Hope. Just don’t expect anything new or fancy. Plus: the script quality varies between good, fairly decent and outright embarrassing and awkward.

Game Crate : 7.4
Mass Effect: Andromeda manages to feel both overloaded with content and spread too thin. There are great battles to be won, puzzles to solve, and satisfying social interactions, but they're hidden behind layers of presentation problems and tedious travel times.

Windows Central : 7
This is by far the least optimized, most buggy entry in the series. The sheer volume of glitches, animation problems, frame rate issues, and weird hitching lag plagues the entire experience, and it's a damn shame.

PcMag : 7
Despite its rougher edges, Mass Effect: Andromeda is a fine third-person shooter that features terrific space exploration. If you can overlook the clunky menus and graphics issues, you're in for some fun space hijinks.

The Escapist : 7

Mass Effect: Andromeda is a game that takes few risks and pushes few boundaries. It's a Mass Effect game designed to make fans of the series feel at home, but technical issues and lackluster writing leave it feeling like a missed opportunity to regain the prestige the franchise once enjoyed.

Push Square : 6
Mass Effect deserves better than Andromeda. The series has stumbled into a new generation, weighed down by tedious open world tropes and a catalogue of performance issues on the PS4. That said, it's not quite the disaster that some would have you believe. There really is a good Mass Effect game here, complete with endearing characters and great combat, but it's buried beneath a mountain of unnecessary clutter. In time, patches may sort many of its problems out, but until then, we can only recommend Andromeda to the

Cheat Code Central : 6
There's a decent game in here somewhere, but Mass Effect: Andromeda feels like a collaboration from Mass Effect fans rather than a group of known and established developers.

EGM : 6
There is a strong core of characters and story bedrock laid down in Mass Effect: Andromeda, but between questionable design choices, boring missions, and glitches galore, it's hard not to view BioWare's journey to a brand new galaxy as anything less than mission failure.

Guardian : 6
Problems are inevitable in a game of such epic proportions but there is a lot here that will make you want to keep playing
به نظرم بهتره صبر کنیم تا بایوور یه اپدیت های اعمال کنه بعد بازی رو تجربه کنیم. همون موقعه که گفته شد قراره شپرد رو کلا محو کنن از بازی فهمیدم مس افکت دیگه تموم شد و این بازی رو بوسیدم و گذاشتم کنار
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به نظرم بهتره صبر کنیم تا بایوور یه اپدیت های اعمال کنه بعد بازی رو تجربه کنیم. همون موقعه که گفته شد قراره شپرد رو کلا محو کنن از بازی فهمیدم مس افکت دیگه تموم شد و این بازی رو بوسیدم و گذاشتم کنار

چه اپدیتی بده بازی اصلا ایرادی نداره نه باگی داره نه مشکل فریم نه چیز دیگه ای یا حداقل من که چیزی مشاهده نکردم گذشته از اینا دیگه اینقدرها هم انیمیشن بازی افتضاح نیست 1 عده می خوان بگن فقط به این خاطر نمراتش کم شده در صورتی خیلی راحت با انیمیشن ها می شه کنار اومد حتی از خیلی بازی های روزم بهتره اگر مبنا به این باشه گرافیک neir هم باور کنید چیزی در حد gow2 هست اما متاش 89 شده

از همه ی این حرف ها گذشته من با گیم پلیش تا اینجای کار حال کردم.
مشکلاتی که بازی بخاطرش نمره از دست داده خیلی هاش مشکلاتی هست که با پچ و ..... رفع نمیشه چون اصلا مشکلات فنی نیستن.

اینکه فچ کویست داره و دیالوگا مصنوعین و داستان جای کار داشت و ...... با پچ حل نمیشه بلکه با ارایه نسخه جدید حل میشه و این شماره خوب یا بد در این حد..... .

ZTGD : 8
Mass Effect Andromeda is a great game with some serious side effects. The bugs and glitches take me out of the experience at times, and some of the story falls apart, but the exploration and characters constantly drag me back in. It is a rough start for sure. I wondered a few hours in if I was going to keep going, but it finally sucked me in and never looked back. It feels safe, it feels like Mass Effect, but that is also what makes it worth playing.

Hooked Gamers : 8
Andromeda’s plot is quite inconsistent, bouncing back and forth between some fantastically impactful moments and others that fall extremely flat. Like I said above, I do like the general set-up. Separating things into a new galaxy (and by virtue or travel time, about 600 years) from the events of the previous Mass Effect games is smart, and it works. Beyond that, I’m glad they didn’t just jump right into another galaxy-ending threat right away. This slower burn of trying to get Milky Way civilization started is different, and a welcomed change of pace. I will note that there is a bit of a beginning lull that may turn some players away during the first few hours of the game.

Gear Nuke : 8
Mass Effect: Andromeda is brimming with potential but is held back by its numerous flaws that could have been easily fixed, yet remain as a blemish on the overall quality of the game.

Game World Navigator Magazine : 7.7
Original Mass Effect trilogy rests on three pillars: great protagonist, believable universe and dramatic story. For Andromeda, Bioware felled all three of them, raising two new ones in their stead: exploration and combat system. The resulting game is quite engaging – but not enough to overcome the nostalgia for Shepard

Worth Playing : 7
At the end of the day, Mass Effect: Andromeda isn't bad so much as it is disappointing. The core gameplay has been improved from Mass Effect 3, and the multiplayer is almost worth the price of admission on its own. Alas, it's dragged down by a weak presentation, poor plot, and a general lack of ambition. When Andromeda shines, it's a lot of fun, but in a month filled with top-notch games, it's disappointing that Bioware's years-in-the-making follow-up is so thoroughly mundane. There's plenty of fun to be had if you're willing to overlook the flaws, but Andromeda asks you to overlook flaws just a bit too often

Let's Play Video Game : 7

While Andromeda is lacking some of the overall urgency of previous Mass Effect games, it makes up for that somewhat with the increase in scope and detail to the world. It’s certainly lacking polish, and several areas of the game feel like steps backwards for the series, but there is stuff to love.
آخرین ویرایش:
هرچقد بیشتر بازی میکنم بیشتر به این نتیجه میرسم که بازی شدیدا underrated هست، سیستم کامبت بازی راحت یکی از بهترین سیستم هایی هست که تو ی اکشن آر پی جی دیدم، کلا گیم پلی بازی حرف نداره، داستان و شخصیتا هم تا به اینجا خوب بودن ، انیمیشنا دو سه مورد داغون دیدم ولی درکل اونجوری نیست که رو مخ باشه، ولی خب باید بهتر کار میکردن

توصیه میکنم دوستان خودشون بازی کنن و در قید و بند این عدد دو رقمی نباشن.
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