امتیازات Kena: Bridge of Spirits

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Gamer.no : 10
"Amazing graphics is one thing, but Bridge of Spirits is so much more thanks to engaging level design and surprisingly deep combat. It's a game that overdelivers on almost all fronts, making for a truly superb and memorable adventure."

Finger Guns : 8
"Kena: Bridge of Spirits is a fantastic achievement, one that celebrates the wonder of adventure games with a story to fall into, characters to root for and a ton of collectibles to uncover. The ‘Now That’s What I Call An Adventure Game’ nature of the mechanics offers little in the way of huge originality, but presents them in a world so full of beauty and wonder you’ll soon forget all about it. The future is bright for Ember Lab."
gamepressure 8
Despite occasional flaws, Kena is an enjoyable adventure that mixes familiar elements with the occasional difficulty spike to shake things up. It plays it safe with simplistic combat and an old-school format, but its impressive presentation ultimately lulls you into its world nicely. Its cutscenes tell a story that leaves you curious for more, so here’s hoping that this is just the beginning of great things to come.

gameblog.fr 8
For a first attempt, it's a masterstroke. The formula applies perfectly to Kena Bridge of Spirits, which marks a more than promising start from Ember Lab. Not content with shining through its artistic direction and technique and making us crack with its burps, this action and adventure game that looks like an animated film offers an overall experience that is certainly a bit classic, a little young in some cases. aspects, but perfectly condensed to allow both gameplay and storytelling to satisfy players who are looking for a nice trip to take after several periods of confinement. No doubt, the magic happens.
Power Unlimited : 8
Kena: Bridge of Spirits is one of the most charming platform adventures ever, with beautiful environments, characters and a compelling and exciting story. As far as gameplay is concerned, you've played these kinds of games many times before and technically the game isn't perfect, but it's packed in a masterful jacket.

Game Revolution : 7
Kena: Bridge of Spirit’s exceptional visuals clash with its unexceptional gameplay to create a gorgeous experience that would be forgettable if not for its technical prowess. Its combat, puzzles, and platforming are enjoyable but fail to set the world alight, though the adventure is elevated by the beauty of its open world and its highly animated characters.

metro.co.uk 6
Highly impressive on a technical level but the throwbacks to PS2 era game design feel less like a homage and more an indication of the developers’ lack of experience and imagination.

Pros: Fantastic graphics and art design. Competent combat and the Rot are an interesting spin on Pikmin style helpers.

Cons: Despite the graphics the game feels very old-fashioned, with shallow action and puzzles, simplistic level design, and unengaging storytelling and characters.​
Gaming Trend : 9.5
I'm not sure how Ember Lab did it, but I walked away from Kena: Bridge of Spirits with my expectations surpassed to a much further extent than I could have imagined. The visuals are breathtaking, the gameplay evolves in meaningful ways, and the heart the story contains has no bounds. You'll find it hard to come across a more wholesome and beautiful game in 2021 than Kena: Bridge of Spirits, it's everything I wanted it to be and more
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