امتیازات Grand Theft Auto V ( پست اول خوانده شود )


کاربر سایت
با هر نوع مقایسه و نام بردن از بازیهای دیگر بشدت برخورد خواهد شد.


GodisaGeek – 10/10
LeveL - 10/10
Quarter To Three - 10/10
OPM AU - 10/10
AtomicGamer - 10/10
The Digital Fix - 10/10
D+PAD Mag - 10/10
ZTGD - 10/10
GRYOnline.pl - 10/10
Gameover.gr - 10/10
Playstation Universe - 10/10
GameRevolution - 10/10
ImpulseGamer - 10/10
DarkStation - 10/10
Gamestyle - 10/10
SlantMagazine - 10/10
LevelUP - 10/10
Games.cz - 10/10
EGM - 10/10
DarkZero - 10/10
Gameplanet -10/10
X360 Magazine UK - 10/10
SpazioGames - 10/10
Everyeye.it - 10/10
TheSixthAxis - 10/10
Gameblog.fr - 10/10
3DJuegos - 10/10
eurogamer.es - 10/10
Telegraph - 10/10
Guardian -
eurogamer.pt - 10/10
Gamer.nl - 10/10
Vandal Online - 10/10
The Globe And Mail - 10/10
HardCore Gamer Magazine - 10/10
Gamereactor Sweden - 10/10
Digital Spy - 10/10
IGN Italy - 10/10
PlayStation LifeStyle - 10/10
Gameractor Denmark - 10/10
Metro GameCentral - 10/10
Thunderbolt - 10/10
VideoGamer - 10/10
Gamer.no - 10/10
CVG – 10/10
IGN – 10/10
Strategy Informer - 10/10
OXM – 10/10
OXM US - 10/10
OPM -10/10
MondoXbox - 10/10
Xbox 360 Achievements – 10/10
LaPS3.com – 10/10
Edge – 10/10
eurogamer.it - 10/10
Eurogamer.de – 10/10
GiantBomb – 10/10
GamesTM - 10/10
Mersitation - 10/10
Machinima - 10/10
GamesRadar - 10/10

تا به حال 60 نمره کامل در متا ثبت شده.

NZGamer - 9.8/10
XGN - 9.8/10
Gametrailers - 9.8/10
Digital Chumps - 9.8/10
InsideGamer.nl -9.8/10
AusGamer - 9.8/10
GameInformer – 9.8/10
Multiplayer.it - 9.7/10
PSX - 9.5/10
Gamesbeat - 9.5/10
Polygon - 9.5/10
GamingTrend - 9.5/10
NowGamer - 9.5/10
CheatCodeCentral - 9.4/10
Eurogamer – 9/10
Push Square - 9/10
Joystiq – 9/10
USgamer - 9/10
GamerLimit - 9/10
Destructoid – 9/10
Gamespot - 9/10

The Escapist - 7/10



آخرین ویرایش:
پست اول آبدیت شد.
تمامی 10 ها فعلا:

GodisaGeek – 10/10
The Globe And Mail - 10/10
HardCore Gamer Magazine - 10/10
IGN Italy - 10/10
Gameractor Denmark - 10/10
Metro GameCentral - 10/10
VideoGamer - 10/10
Gamer.no - 10/10
CVG – 10/10
IGN – 10/10
OXM – 10/10
OPM -10/10
MondoXbox - 10/10
Xbox 360 Achievements – 10/10
Games.it – 10/10
LaPS3.com – 10/10
Edge – 10/10
eurogamer.it - 10/10
Eurogamer.de – 10/10
GiantBomb – 10/10
GamesTM - 10/10
Mersitation - 10/10
Machinima - 10/10
GamesRadar - 10/10
آخرین ویرایش:

"Unfortunately, you can only hear a character say "&^%@ you, Mother&*^%er" so many times before it starts to grate on you. You can only embody a vicious psychopath a short time before it becomes boring, at best, and soul-crushing, at worst. Forcing players to murder people, not in a gamey "I killed you to complete a goal" way that defines this medium, but in a terrorizing and demeaning way, is not what will make videogames great. Rockstar had a chance to elevate, and they wasted it on portraying characters you don't want to spend five minutes with, let alone the hours it would take to play through the game's story."

And I'm telling you to go fock yourself.
همه به فحش دادن کاراکتر ها گیر دادن . به نظر من هم یکم تو این مورد زیاده روی شده ولی کلان سبک و سیاق gta اینجوریه . واقعا ایراد گرفتن از این مسله دیگه خیلی مسخره هست .
من متا رو طرف های 95 پیشبینی میکنم.
دوره 10 و 9 دادن گیم اسپات هم تموم شده و اگه نقد ویدئویی رو ببینید از اول تا آخر تعریف کرده و از نکات خوبش گفته.

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

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