امتیازات Elden Ring

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U n i t e d

کاربر سایت
سازنده : .FromSoftware Inc
سبک : Action RPG
ناشر: Bandai Namco Entertainment
تاریخ انتشار: 25-02-2022 (جمعه ۶ اسفند 1400)
پلتفورم ها: PS5 - PS4 - XBOX SERIES - XBOX ONE - PC

Open Critic


Xbox SX

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با تشکر از @voldmort

EDGE 10/10​
Not for the first time, a Miyazaki game has arrived and the landscape appears transformed. As you play, there is a sense of plates shifting beneath you, of the T&C's of game development being rewritten. We haven't felt this way since breath of the wild.​
Eurogamer - Essential
All that said, Elden Ring remains a glorious game, one that established fans are going to savour for some time to come, and one that may just welcome new fans into the FromSoft fold. Sumptuous visual design, dark and detailed lore and a vast-but-intricate open world are reason enough to venture out into the Lands Between. Add to that FromSoftware's unforgiving and unforgettable gameplay loop and this is something truly special.​
Game Informer - 10/10
Elden Ring challenged me, captivated me, and enchanted me, an unyielding deluge of discovery and artistic vision unbound. Elden Ring represents a truly amazing combination of various game elements that all come together to create something fascinating, special, and unforgettable. Elden Ring isn't just the best game this year; it's one of the best games ever made.​
GameSpot - 10/10
In a genre that has become wrought with bloated and over-designed games, Elden Ring is defiantly contrarian in almost every way. Its commitment to design by subtraction and to placing the responsibility of charting a path through its world entirely on the player makes it stand head and shoulders above other open-world titles. Elden Ring takes the shards of what came before and forges them into something that will go down in history as one of the all-time greats: a triumph in design and creativity, and an open-world game that distinguishes itself for what it doesn't do as much as what it does.​
Destructoid - 10/10
To say I was blown away by Elden Ring is an understatement. Sure it's still going to appear esoteric and unapproachable to a subset of people. There are things it could still do better in terms of onboarding, and it could do even more on the front of quality-of-life enhancements for returning Souls players.

But as an experience, it's one of the most wondrous and open-ended games I've played in years. It has so much to say from a design perspective that people will be talking about its choices for years on end, and playing it for longer.​
IGN - 10/10
Like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild before it, Elden Ring is one that we'll be looking back on as a game that moved a genre forward.​


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صرفا بخاطر اینکه botw 1 انقدر عالی بود که جای پیشرفت شبیه سابق نیست ( مخصوصا روی همون سخت افزار سویچ).
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در کل نسل 7 اینا استدیو مورد علاقه من بودن و بعد این همه سال همچنان امیدی هست که موفقیت های اسکایریم، فال اوت 3 و ... رو تکرار کنن ولی توی ابعاد گسترده تری :-"
کلاس درس رو اشتباه گفتم من اصلا ! الان که نقد هارو خوندم دانشگاهی هست واسه خودش ! راجع به سختی و چالش های بازی هگم خیالم راحت شد . گویا بازی همچنان چالش برانگیزه و یکی از باس های بازی دسته منتقد رو به چوخ داده ! از دنیای بازی خیلی خیلی تعریف کردن و رسما زلدا رو ریختن تو سولزبورن ها !

بزن خودتو به مریضی یه ۲۰ روزی سر کار نرو @voldmort 😂 وگرنه زودتر تو تمومش میکنم اسپویلشم میکنم واست که دیگه به استاد شک نکنی:D
امسال starfield رو من خیلی چشمم بهش هست :-" جدا از اینکه خیلی سال از انتشار fallout 4 میگزره، نسل کنسول ها هم تغییر کرده و بازی نسل بعدی هست، بتزدا هم پتاسنیل داره دوباره به اوج برگرده ولی خوب 50/50 هستش.

در مورد زلدا :-" با اینکه چیز خاصی از بازی نمیدونم ولی به نظرم به اندازه بازی قبلی موفق نمیشه (از نظر امتیاز ها )
صرفا بخاطر اینکه botw 1 انقدر عالی بود که جای پیشرفت شبیه سابق نیست ( مخصوصا روی همون سخت افزار سویچ).

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