Digital Chumps 80
Lavish pop-goth theatrics and profusely ridiculous violence compose the bible to which Devil May Cry 5 remains unabashedly faithful. Whether engaging with micro-intricacies buried deep inside its three protagonists or simply opting for maladroit participation, both approaches are furiously consumed with making the player look and feel extraordinary. Devil May Cry 5 is flexible, confident, and genuine Devil May Cry.
Cheat Code Central 90
Aside from my story gripes with Lady and Trish and my couple of issues with the Devil Breaker, Devil May Cry 5 practically exceeded my expectations. As a fan of the series all the way back to day one, and especially a fan of Devil May Cry 4 and my man dude Nero, Devil May Cry 5 is not only an excellent character action game. It’s also a mostly satisfying end to the story. I’m sure there’s more Devil May Cry to be had from here, but the story that started all the way back 2001 finally feels like a complete work, and that’s a rare treat. 80
Devil May Cry 5 is a very good and engaging episode for the lovable franchise. All three playable characters feel great, and you really should try it if you're a fan of the beat-them-all genre.
Game Informer 85
For all of its pacing issues, Devil May Cry 5 is still a lot of fun to play. Combat is a blast, and the cutscenes are delightfully absurd; fans of Devil May Cry 3 and 4 should feel right at home here. Capcom goes back to the baseline action I’ve always enjoyed, and executes that with the series’ signature over-the-top style. However, this entry’s changes and additions to that core experience don’t enhance what the series does well; they feel more like roadblocks than steps forward.
Easy Allies 90
Devil May Cry 5 has a lot going on in almost every possible way. Some ideas such as gold orbs and linked missions feel undercooked, yet it's hard to describe the fighting as anything other than spectacular. The number of options within any single battle is nothing short of ridiculous. If most games are defined by having a bunch of ideas and then trimming them down to the best ones, it's almost as if DMC5 couldn't say no when it came to weapons or abilities while also taking the time to give each a strong purpose. Beyond the mechanics, what lingers even longer is that some of the encounters, especially toward the end, are exciting because you'll care about the events that led to them. Devil May Cry 5 has been a long time coming, but it feels like hitting the jackpot.
USgamer 90
Capcom fills fans' dark souls with light! Devil May Cry 5 is an excellent return to form for the franchise, setting it up for a bright future. Nero's here, Dante's back in pitch-perfect form, and V provides a brand-new style of play. All Capcom really needed to do with Devil May Cry 5 was repackage the classic DMC gameplay with a modern coat of paint, but DMC 5 is an excellent, thoughtful update.
Twinfinite 100
The wait between Devil May Cry 4 and Devil May Cry 5 might have been long, but the payoff is more than worth it. It doesn't deviate from the series' formula, but instead refines it to a polished sheen; one that's packed with an absurd amount of style and spirit. This is a must-play action game for fans of the series and the genre alike.
Video Chums 82
Devil May Cry 5 features incredible action-intense gameplay as well as gorgeous visuals, engaging cutscenes, and phenomenal audio. If it included a little more variety then it would easily be the best in the series.
XGN 75
Devil May Cry 5 is a fun new hack and slash entry in the series, but it doesn't deliver enough refreshment. This makes the action sometimes feel like you have been there before. But what a lovely place to be kicking demons' back to hell.
Devil May Cry 5 is a return to the series in its truest form. Capcom has been a massive hot streak lately and I cannot wait to see what they do next. I loved DmC and thought it was a solid reboot, but I feel like continuing the original series was the right move. The combat feels great, the game looks outstanding, and the nostalgia is strong with this one. Capcom already has two game of the year contenders on its hands and it is only March.
App Trigger 90
Devil May Cry 5 reintroduces players to the core values of peak action-adventure gaming, being equally as fun as it is charismatic. Despite a fairly short story that fails to engage at times, diverse gameplay, stunning visuals, and a gorgeous art style make up the difference to make this one of the best gaming experiences early on in 2019.
COGconnected 94
Devil May Cry 5 excels at bringing back that iconic feeling the franchise is known for and does so with killer style, strategic, fast-paced combat, and a pumping soundtrack. Every cutscene feels like it belongs in a movie, and every battle feels powerful and intense as each new ability is unlocked. The only fault the game has shown me is a drop in frame rate during a few cutscenes but is definitely nothing to be worried about. Devil May Cry is back with a vengeance.
Destructoid 100
This is the sort of fine-tuned wacky action game the genre deserves.
Game Revolution 80
Its reluctance to properly evolve keep it from being the king of its genre, but its commitment to its stylish and responsive mechanics still makes it one of the best hack and slash games, crown or not. 90
Devil May Cry 5 is a brilliant and exhausting game that continuously reaches new levels of greatness. This is Capcom at its finest.
GamesBeat 70
As much as I can gripe about its flaws, it’s hard not to grin when you’re shoving a running motorcycle wheel into a demon’s face. But this won’t become another action game classic.
GameSpot 90
DMC5 proves the series can still be brilliant and imaginative without compromising its longest-held traditions.
God is a Geek 100
Devil May Cry 5 is a stunning hack and slash game and never fails to amaze. Combat this good should be illegal.
Hardcore Gamer 80
While the story feels rushed, and a couple missions could have been compressed into a singular one, Capcom has crafted a well-designed and finely-tuned structure that encourages exploration and experimentation.
IGN 95
The question of which Devil May Cry game is the best has gotten much easier with Devil May Cry 5. The combat is the strongest the series has seen to date, the story does a great job of balancing all three of its main characters and doling out rewarding bits of its mysterious story at an enticing pace, and the unlockable difficulties, sheer number of techniques to earn, and the upcoming free Bloody Palace DLC will provide a ton of incentive for replayability. It’s good to have you back, Dante and Nero.
IGN Italia 88
Devil May Cry 5 is a solid, addictive and visually satisfying entry in the DMC series. With a little bit more content, it would have been an even better game.
IGN Spain 91
DMC5 makes even better what this franchise does best, improving on its formula in almost every way, but doesn't do anything new In the process. The game doesn't has any hiccups or problems, so if you are the kind of gamer that loves these frantic action games, you'll be more than happy with Capcom's latest creation.
Press Start Australia 90
Devil May Cry 5 rights all the wrongs of its predecessors with style and gusto, whilst being incredibly welcoming to series newcomers. The three playable characters bring great combat variety against the games huge slew of enemies and bosses. There are a few little niggles that stop the game from being the best it could be, but Devil May Cry 5 is undoubtedly one of the best in the series.
Stevivor 70
People come to the franchise for combat and, despite its flaws, that's precisely what Devil May Cry 5 excels at. I personally still prefer Ninja Theory's take on proceedings and hope we'll see a continuation of that world next; I definitely appreciate new ideas and takes on this well established franchise.
TheSixthAxis 90
Hideaki Itsuno, my hat goes off to you and your crew. It's only March, and yet Devil May Cry 5 is another clear Game of the Year contender. The silly arguments on whether the original DMC or DmC is better can stop now, because DMC5 is here and it’s bloody brilliant. This is a proper return to form for the series, something that fans of both can get behind.
TrueGaming 70
For everything Devil May Cry 5 does right, it does something wrong. The good graphics, the fantastic music and the new gameplay ideas are watered down by the weak, uninteresting story and its repetitive experience that will leave the fans with a mediocre experience.
Capcom returns to its trusted formula for something that plays like a outrageously pretty PS2 game - and that's a very good thing. [Eurogamer Recommended]
Capcom is a master of the genre it spawned.