امتیازات Cyberpunk 2077

پیش بینی امتیازات بازی Cyberpunk 2077

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کاربر فعال
Cyberpunk 2077


Initial release date: 10 December 2020
Developers: CD Projekt, CD Projekt RED
Designers: Mike Pondsmith, Konrad Tomaszkiewicz
Publishers: CD Projekt, CD Projekt RED
Ps4|xbox one|pc
نقد های روی pc

GameOver.gr 10/10
PLAY! Zine 10/10
Digital Spy 10/10
Meristation 10/10
PC Games 10/10
God is a Geek 10/10
The Digital Fix 10/10
IGN Japan 10/10
Gameblog.fr 10/10
Gameblog.fr 10/10
M3 10/10
TheGamer 10/10
VG247 10/10
VGC 10/10
GameSpew 10/10
GamesRadar+ 10/10
LEVEL (Czech Republic) 10/10
Hobby Consolas 9.8/10
SpazioGames 9.5/10
The Games Machine 9.5/10
Stevivor 9.5/10
Areajugones 9.5/10
Multiplayer.it 9.4/10
MGG Spain 9.4/10
IGN Italia 9.3/10
Vandal 9.3/10
Game World Navigator Magazine 9.3/10
Gamersky 9.1/10
GameStar 9.1/10
GRYOnline.pl 9/10
3DJuegos 9/10
GameMAG 9/10
IGN 9/10
Power Unlimited 9/10
PCGamesN 9/10
Game Informer 9/10
GameWatcher 9/10
RPG Site 9/10
Carole Quintaine 9/10
Eurogamer Italy 9/10
Everyeye.it 9/10
Games.cz 9/10
4Players.de 9/10
TrueGaming 9/10
PC Invasion 9/10
GamingBolt 9/10
Hardcore Gamer 9/10
MMORPG.com 9/10
Game Debate 9/10
Ragequit.gr 8.9/10
Impulsegamer 8.6/10
New Game Network 8.6/10
Merlin'in Kazanı (Turkey) 8.5/10
Everyeye.it 8.5/10
JeuxActu 8.5/10
Millenium 8.5/10
DualShockers 8.5/10
Riot Pixels 8.4/10
Screen Rant 8/10
Trusted Reviews 8/10
Gamer.nl : 8/10
Comicbook.com: 8/10
Metro GameCentral 8/10
Gamer.no 8/10
GameCrate 8/10
AusGamers 8/10
Gaming Nexus 8/10
PC Gamer 7.8/10
Destructoid 7.5/10
Critical Hit 7.5/10
Easy Allies 7.5/10
CGMagazine 7.5/10
Noisy Pixel 7.5/10
GameSpot 7/10
PCMag 7/10
Attack of the Fanboy 7/10
Shacknews: 70
Malditos Nerds 7/10
We Got This Covered 7/10
Game Revolution 7/10
Worth Playing 7/10
RPG Fan 7/10
Edge Magazine 7/10
GamesBeat 6/10
Guardian 6/10
KeenGamer 6/10
Slant Magazine 6/10
Quarter to Three 4/10
نقدهای رو PS4

Atomix 9/10
KeenGamer 8.7/10
VideoGamer 8/10
LaPS4 7.1/10
GAMINGbible 7/10
Digital Chumps 7/10
GameSpace 7/10
Worth Playing 6.5/10

GameGrin 6.5/10
GamingBolt 6/10
Gamers Heroes 6/10
Cultured Vultures 6/10
VGC 6/10
DarkStation 6/10
PlayStation Universe 6/10
BaziCenter 6/10
RPGamer 6/10
Game Rant 6/10
TheSixthAxis 6/10
Playstation Official Magazine UK 6/10
Hobby Consolas 5.5/10
PlayStation LifeStyle 5/10
Hey Poor Player 5/10
PSX-Sense.nl 5/10
Multiplayer.it 4.5/10
IGN 4/10
Gameblog.fr 4/10
Areajugones 4/10
USgamer 4/10
EGM 4/10
Jeuxvideo.com 3.5/10
GRYOnline.pl 3/10
Push Square 3/10
نقدهای رو Xbox One

Xbox Tavern 9.4/10
TrueAchievements 9/10
TheXboxHub 9/10
Xbox Achievements 8.5/10
Daily Star 8/10
Generación Xbox 8/10

Vgames 7.5/10
GamePro Germany 6.8
Gaming Age 6.7/10
Siliconera 6/10
Game Informer 5.5/10
Pure Xbox 5/10
IGN 4/10
Post Arcade (National Post) 4/10
COGconnected 4/10
Jeuxvideo.com 3.5/10

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Phantom Liberty

Initial release date: 26 Sep 2023
PC, PlayStation 5,
Xbox Series X/S

PS5 ---> 87
XSX ---> 90
PC ---> 89


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به روز میشه...​
آخرین ویرایش:
God is a Geek : 100

Despite a few flaws, Cyberpunk 2077 is one of the most consistently astounding pieces of media I've ever had the pleasure of consuming.

Jeuxvideo.com : 85

Cyberpunk 2077 is a game that feels like a constant emotional elevator. Endowed with a moment of grace capable of making a lasting mark on players and the industry in general, with prospects for deep approaches, which only reveal themselves according to your investment, an incredible staging, writing that's Flawless and jaw-dropping, lovingly crafted, CD Projekt's RPG is as striking in its lack of finish, which is often hard to excuse for a game of this stature.

Gamestar : 91

In the last generation of consoles, I only had tears in my eyes twice. During the Yuriko quest from Ghost of Tsushima. And the credits of Cyberpunk. Think of that wistful stomach ache when you finish your favorite book for the first time. All the great characters, the heartwarming experiences, the strokes of fate, the funny coincidences rattle past your inner eye once again. It will never be the same as the first time. You would love to have your memory erased by a Ripperdoc so that you can relive it all. That's what Cyberpunk 2077 does to me. And probably with you too.
منتقد گیم اسپات از محتوای زیاد بازی ایراد گرفته:‌ :D

این تیکه که نوشته
Superficial and often "edgy" aesthetic choices often have no real purpose, which makes them grating rather than adding anything relevant to the world
فکر میکنم نسبتی با نویسنده پالیگان داره :))

Measured against the extreme expectations, Cyberpunk 2077 can't fulfill any of them. But all in all, despite the countless small weaknesses and inconsequences, with interesting characters, great story and dialogues or the freedom concerning gameplay, CD Projekt delivers a unique and great RPG that every fan of the genre needs to play.

IGN Japan : 100

Cyberpunk 2077’s biggest achievement is Night City, the most fascinating city in videogame history so far. While the combat outside of the main story does sometimes feel a little repetitive, the way it encourages the player to interact with the everyday lives of the inhabitants of this bustling city results in a roleplaying experience in the truest sense of the word. The game towers like a skyscraper in the Western RPG genre skyline.
ویدئوهای نقدها دیوانه کننده س. جریان به زور بگردی یه ایراد پیدا کنی داره تکرار میشه. ابعاد بازی ترسناکه. بی رحمانه بزرگه
این زنه منتقد Gamespot رسما چِته ، نقدش دری وریه قشنگ! واقعا چرا بازیهای بزرگ رو میدن به این ؟! انگار مخصوصا واسه لج بازی اینکارو میکنن !
این زنه آیا همون زنیکه ای هست که دلست پارت ۲ رو نقد کرد ؟


اساسا باید منتظر کاهش میانگین نمره تو متا باشیم . دلست ۲ رو از ۹۶ آوردن رو ۹۳ ، دیگه خدا به این رحم کنه که از ۹۰ تا کجا میخوان پایینتر بیان :| مگه اینکه اتفاق دیمون سولز رو این بازی هم بیفته و نقد خوب زیاد ثبت بشه کن ثابت بمونه :D
The Digital Fix 100/100
CD Projekt Red has set a new standard for what can be achieved in this sandbox. Cyberpunk 2077 is taking open-world gaming to the next generation.

Hobby Consolas 98/100
Cyberpunk 2077 is one of the greatest RPGs of the generation. We love Night City, its characters and great writing for every mission. It is also one of the best looking games out there (if your PC is powerful enough).

The Games Machine 95/100
Cyberpunk 2077 is a wild journey within an incredibly fascinating setting; some technical uncertainties destined to disappear and a partial repetitiveness limit its glory, but overall it is an adventure worthy of William Gibson himself. Cyberpunk 2077 allowed me to finally feel immersed in that pen & paper RPG I discovered in 1988, pouring rain clouding my view in a kaleidoscope of neon signs, just as I had imagined while leafing through those pages. Some may not consider it a perfect game, but I do.

PCGamesN 90/100
Groundbreaking, but not quite as much as you're hoping it is. Cyberpunk 2077 doesn't surpass its brilliant influences, but in Night City, Johnny Silverhand, and its chilling vision of hyper-capitalism, it claims territory of its own.

Game Informer 90/100
Cyberpunk 2077 is dark and disturbing at times (frighteningly so), but the majority of its content is fascinating, and loaded with depth through the various RPG systems and lore. I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Night City, and Johnny Silverhand is a great partner to see the sights with. Cyberpunk 2077 doesn’t overstay its welcome with its critical-path story, and invites players to jack in and stay for hundreds of hours of unique content should they want to. It didn't blow me away like The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, but is still a hell of an opening to what will hopefully be a new series.

I can’t deny that Night City wowed me with its scale, its verticality, and its sense of history. But I wish I could see people like me on its streets as something more than objects. I wish that the game’s politics were more radical. Yes, I know I shouldn’t look to a colossal game that was itself produced under exploitative labor conditions to lead the charge of anticapitalist liberation, but I wish the sparks of Johnny Silverhand’s ideological rage got to burn brighter, that Cyberpunk 2077 felt more interested in envisioning new futures than in reminiscing over bygone glories. Neither its gameplay nor its narrative can imagine the bold possibilities that I find so central to the best of cyberpunk. But what it does offer is visions of people trying to make do and get by in a world that’s trying to eat them alive, and sometimes those people get by with a little help from their friends. It’s not the revolution I hoped for, but it’s something.

Cyberpunk 2077 always had a danger of becoming a case of style over substance and we’ll leave the final judgement on that until later. In terms of the environments, characters quests, and gameplay options though there’s little sign of Projekt CD Red trying to take a shortcut. The best sign of how enjoyable the game is, is that we’re not even finished as a Street Kid and yet we’re already looking forward to trying the Nomad lifepath from the start, and Corpo after that. Cyberpunk 2077 has been a long time coming but there’s every sign it’s going to end up being worth the wait.

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