امتیازات Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare


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پلتفرم : ps4 ، pc ، xone

تاریخ عرضه : 4 نوامبر 2016

Hardcore Gamer : 9

With the help of Naughty Dog alumni, the story is one of the most comprehensible and well-rounded in recent series history, even it can falter due to a lack of backstory. The multiplayer is a strong effort and introduces the neat Combat Rigs, although it can sometimes feel a bit like the little brother of Black Ops III.

Gaming Trend : 8.5

While Multiplayer feels largely like more of the same with a few new features and a fresh coat of paint, and Zombies in Spaceland is a goofy, funny romp through 80s nostalgia, the Campaign is where Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare really shines. Infinity Ward brings a level of narrative skill to the series not seen before, with a gripping space opera that makes this one of the best to come out of the series in a while.

XboxAddict : 8.7

As a whole Infinite Warfare is not perfect game, but that doesn't make it a bad game as all three gameplay elements (story, multiplayer, cooperative) combine to make a solid game that fans, and even non-fans, can enjoy and one that shouldn’t be overlooked this year.

Xbox Achievements : 8

We'll be damned if Infinity Ward hasn't gone and pulled it out of the bag this year. Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is yet another delectable dollop of shooty blockbuster entertainment that somehow manages to exceed expectations. Yes, it hasn't really come all that far and no, Infinity Ward hasn't reinvented the wheel. But as Call of Duty experiences go, Infinite Warfare hits the mark.

IGN Italia : 8.1

Good 'ol COD hasn't changed much. It's still a frantic and explosive experience that gives its best in multiplayer. The single player campaign is well-executed, but a bit shallow.

Gamer.nl : 7

Infinite Warfare is a good game, but certainly not the best shooter of this fall​

Impulsegamer : 10

One of the most unique experiences of this genre in 2016 which includes exceptional gameplay, a fantastic story and truly riveting multiplayer. It’s definitely my favourite Call of Duty to date.

GamesBeat : 9.3

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare delivers a familiar Call of Duty gameplay in an innovative new setting that should satisfy gamers who are tired of playing the same old thing.

God is a Geek : 9

Infinite Warfare provides a huge package with a lot of fun gameplay throughout. There's something here for everyone, and enough to keep us all playing for another year.

AusGamers : 7.5

Infinite Warfare was two things: a triumphant return to form for Infinity Ward, but also a return to safety and sameness in at least two of the three pillars. Multiplayer, while solid and highly replayable, is fraught with deja vu and I have concerns that some of the OP, built-in gun perks will devolve this into pay-to-win.

Everyeye.it : 7.5

Activision and Infinity Ward have decided to play it safe, offering a solid and tried and tested formula, without the addition of relief that could disrupt the game system

Game Informer : 9

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare features a compelling single-player experience with plenty of optional missions for those looking for more, and robust multiplayer modes for players of every style, whether you’re leading the scoreboards in kill confirmed or goofing around with friends taking on an alien invader in an over-the-top amusement park.

COGconnected : 8.6

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare doesn’t reinvent the franchise in any way. It brings back everything fans love about the game and that is an exhilarating single player campaign, a frantically deep multiplayer experience and one of the most memorable zombie games you’ll ever play.

Hobby Consolas : 8.5

The best campaign among the latest Call of Duty games is not enough to compensate for a conservative multiplayer approach and some technical issues. Great gunplay though.

NZGamer : 8.5

Overly familiar multiplayer, but tells a compelling story.

IGN Spain : 8.3

One of the few Call of Duty games that offers a better campaign than its competitive portion. On the single player side you'll find a great experience, but the multiplayer part of the game isn't as bright as we were expecting. Infinity Ward has followed Treyarch's step, making this game feel more like an expansion than a new game.

Post Arcade : 8
This is a sci-fi game for Call of Duty fans, not a Call of Duty game for sci-fi fans. Make your purchasing decision accordingly.

Attack of the Fanboy : 8

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is chock full of content. The campaign, multiplayer, and zombies modes all add up to a game that will keep you playing for hours. These individual modes might have their faults, with the campaign being particularly skippable if you just want that base action gameplay. The multiplayer remains true to its roots, even with the big shift in setting. And Zombies is the highlight of the experience in a lot of ways, offering a great co-op experience. All together, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is a winner. It just might not be the biggest winner the series has had.

GamesRadar+ :8

It's not quite a complete reinvention for the series but Infinite Warfare makes some refreshing changes to deliver a confident and exciting shooter.

GameSpot : 8

By venturing beyond Earth--and not just to other planets, but to space itself--Call of Duty found a canvas to produce its best story in years. It reinforces the notion that a game's narrative is only as good as its characters.

Destructoid : 7

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare does just enough to stay above the curve and somewhat make up for the appropriately soulless Ghosts. The zombies team did an incredible job with Spaceland, and the multiplayer still ticks all of the right boxes with an ample locomotion system that has since been surpassed by Titanfall. But if you were expecting anything totally new, including the non-inventive space campaign, look elsewhere.

EGM :7

nfinite Warfare is one step forward; two steps back for Call of Duty. The multiplayer is still fun, but suspect microtransactions have left me wary. The campaign also gets more wrong than right with shoddy storytelling overshadowing the usually tight FPS gameplay. At the very least, we got a Zombies experience comparable to what we’ve seen in the past—and Modern Warfare Remastered was a fun stroll down memory lane.

TheSixthAxis : 7

Sadly, despite setting off to explore new settings and backdrops for its blockbusting action, Infinite Warfare finds itself treading in the footsteps of others. The campaign is a good and refreshing twist of putting you in command and having you dogfighting in space, and Zombies is the most accessible rendition of the mode yet, but turn to the multiplayer, the beating heart of any COD game and we’ve been here before.

Eurogamer Italy : 7

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is a solid experience with a standard approach to the genre. The main problem is that Infinity Ward hasn't found a way to make the game remarkable.

Time : 5

An assemblage of hits and misses, that's the measure of this year's Call of Duty. I could say something about publisher Ubisoft pulling back from its annualized Assassin's Creed franchise, or how even Doctor Who gets a break. But it's probably simplest to remind that it's shooter season, and this year, the alternatives are formidable.​

آخرین ویرایش:
این طور که من تو نقد ها دیدم دقیقا برعکس نسخه قبلی بهتر single player و بدتر multiplayer هست. من کاری به تکراری بودن گیم پلی بازی ندارم چون core gameplay توی bf1 هم در عمل هیچ فرقی نکرده ولی واقعا برای اینا سخته که یه engine جدید واسه cod بسازن و حداقل یه تغییر اساسی توی graphics بازی بدن :/
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من انتظارم خیلی بیشتر بود! به نظرم فول گند زده! نه کمپینش انقد خوبه که ملت کف کنن نه مالتیش. فکر کنم با توجه به هیتی که وجود داره و امتیازاتش هم طوفانی نیست تو فروش هم یه افت محسوسی داشته باشه. البته در کل. شانسی که آورده سونی هم هست رو حساب باندل و این داستانا خوب میندازنش به ملت. و البته خود ریمستر.
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با اینکه نمراتش متوسط شده ولی خوبه یه افتی کنه سازنده هاش به خودشون بیان!
ایده های تکراری(که همش از بازیای دیگه گرفته لول) و خزعبلاتی مثل رفتن به اینده و حتی یه تغییر درست و حسابی تو موتور بازیسازی ندادن فقط خواستن بچاپن!خیلی خوب شد امسال EA دوتا شوتر خیلی خوب روانه بازار کرده که انتظارارو ببره بالا.
جدای یه عده که اسم COD میاد میخرن حالا مهم نیست کیفیتش چی باشه اگه فروشش افت کنه صددرصد تاثیر خودشو تو سالای بعد میزاره.
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من وقتی فیلم بتا رو دیدم که یارو با استفاده از killstreak شد سگ روباتی و همه رو درو کرد فهمیدم بازی خراب میکنه و تعریفی نداره.
خود Iw هم زمانی فهمید خراب کرده که تریلر رو نمایی Battle 1 منتشر شد..
اومدن kit harington رو هم چپوندن توی بازی بلکه فروش بازی بیشتر بشه ولی تلاشاشون بی نتیجست
گیم اسپات هم انگار از حفظ نمره میده.هر سال ۸۰ میده با Cod
من که امسال اینو نمیگیرم.مولتیش که یه کپی سطح پایین از تایتان فال هستش.
از لحاظ داستانی هم که هیچ کار شاقی نکرده.
از امسال به بعد خرید تایتان فال رو جایگزین COD میکنم.
انشالله هر وقت به روزای خوبش برگشت ما نیز برمیگردیم.:D
متایه بازی میاد پایین مطمعن باشید بلک اوپس 3 با 25 تا نقد رو 86 بود ولی بعد از انتشار کامل نقدها اومد رو 81
اولین بازی هست که دوس دارم متاش بیاد پایین:D
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خداروشکر این نسخه دیگه از سری Black ops نیس که بتونه با Nuketown ( مپ فوق العاده معروف Bo1 که با ظاهری متفاوت تر بصورت رایگان در دسترس دارندگان نسخه preorder Bo2 قرار میگرفت ) گولم بزنه :D

یادم میاد لانچ تایم Bo2 بالای 60/70 هزار پلیر استیم مشغول انجام مولتی پلیرش بودن . اما این بنده خدا تو روز عرضه بزور به 5 هزار تا رسیده . اینم وصف حال infinite warfare در استیم :

یا امامزاده بیژن په یوزرسکوری زده بازی 3.3 رکورد زده
مردم هم یجورایی اعلام انزجار کردن دیگه از Cod:| اکتی یک اب باریکه پیدا کرده تا نابود نکنا سری Cod ول کن نیست ...حدافل مثل EA بیان یکسال استروحت بدن برن رو ip های دیگه شون مثل prototype که نابود شدن بخاطر Cod
جالبه بازی حدود 70 هزارتا تو تویچ بیننده داره!
تا وقتی همچین عده ای بازیی که یه نسل دیگم تموم شد و موتورشون هنوز عوض نشده رو میخرن اکتی بایدم دست به بازی نزنه!قصد توهین به کسی رو ندارم ولی حقیقته که اکتی امثال این افرادو گیر اورده و هر چرت و پرتی میسازه اینا میخرن!
حداقل گقتم امثال این افراد یه تکونی میخورن ولی اینا کود رو میخرن حالا چه خوب باشه چه چرت!این همه شوتر خوب دیگه باید زیر سایه این بازی مضخرف گم بشه چرا چون یه عده نمیتونن دست ازش بکشن واقعا مسخرس!
کلا حس میکنم این متا به هیچکس نچسبیده. یکسری شدید منتظرن fail شدن اساسی کود هستند دو سه ساله، یکسری هم منتظر یک شگفتی متای 89 ایناها هستند کلا این عملکرد متوسط رو به خوب هیچکس رو راضی نمیکنه :D
من بهت قول می دم این بازی تا حداقل 5 سال دیگه میاد، همینجوری دست نخورده و بدون پیشرفت می مونه و هر سری امتیاز میانگینش میشه بین 70-90. کلا این IP جوری شده هر چی درجا بزنه هیچ کدوم از سایت های بزرگ بهش زیر 7 نمی دن.
من فقط میبینم ملت از cod بد میگن ..ولی امار فروشش ماشالله ...
من که از کد ۳ و بیرون اومدن از جنگ جهانی دیگه سمتش نرفتم ... حتی کپی خور مجانی
Bo2 هم که این همه قربون صدقش رفتن ملت ..من ۴-۵ ساعت تحمل تونستم بکنم

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

تبلیغات متنی

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن