امتیازات Call of Cthulhu


کاربر سایت

Publisher: Focus Home Interactive
Developer: Cyanide Studios
Genre: Role-playing , Survival horror
2018,Release Date: October 30
Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC

GameSpew 8/10
Digitally Downloaded 9/10
XGN 8/10
IGN 8.6/10
GamingTrend 8.5/10
Gamer.nl 7.5/10
GameCritics 7.5/10
Games Over Online 7.5/10
COGconnected 7.5/10
GRYOnline 7.5/10
Multiplayer.it 7.5/10
New Game Network 7/10
PC Invation 7/10
Press Start Australla 7/10
Vandal 7/10
PSX Senese 7/10
Playstation Lifestyle 7/10
PlayStation Universe 7/10
Gaming Nexus 6.5/10
Slant Magazine 6/10
Game Watcher 6/10
Gaming Bolt 6/10
God Is a Geek 6/10
Digital Chumps 6/10
App Trigger 5.5/10
GameSpot 5/10
The Escapist 5/10
VideoGamer 4/10
Variety 4/10

Metacritic PS4: 63
Metacritic PC: 70

آخرین ویرایش:
ZTGD 8/10
At the end of the day, Call of Cthulhu is a pretty fun game. I enjoyed my time with it throughout and it really had me going every time I booted it up. Sure, it’s not the best looking or the smoothest playing game, but it has the atmosphere and some interesting mechanics that I think any horror fan should check out. I was expecting something completely different from what I had thought this game to be and what I got, I realized I liked way more that what I expected.
تعداد نقدهای نسخه PC با اینکه نسبت به PS4 کمتر بودن ولی تا اینجا به مراتب مثبت تر و بهتر از نسخه PS4 بودن.
من تا Chapter 5 رفتم بازی اتمسفر خاص و مریضی داره که تا اینجا مورد پسندم بوده.
ZTGD 8/10

تعداد نقدهای نسخه PC با اینکه نسبت به PS4 کمتر بودن ولی تا اینجا به مراتب مثبت تر و بهتر از نسخه PS4 بودن.
من تا Chapter 5 رفتم بازی اتمسفر خاص و مریضی داره که تا اینجا مورد پسندم بوده.
سبک بازیش چیه اکشن داره؟
Game Informer 6.8/10
Call of Cthulhu may not be fun to play, and often feels like an amusement ride that is just pulling you along, but succeeds in delivering a mind-bending story that lives up to the Lovecraftian breed of cosmic horror. In the end, I’m glad I played it, but for roughly five or six hours, I questioned why I was subjecting myself to it.
Gameblog.fr 6/10
Call of Cthulhu is an ode to Lovecraft and fantastic literature, a success in terms of atmosphere with a pleasant artistic part. Sadly, the game is too weak technically speaking. The main quest is interesting but players in search of an RPG with a bit of freedom will probably realize too soon that the game is actually a very linear experience.
Ragequit.gr 8/10
Heavily atmospheric, this dark descent into madness and ruin, speaks directly to the heart of Lovecraft devotees. A narrative that embraces the core of true cosmic horror.

Gamers' Temple 8/10
Call of Cthulhu is such a dark game that if you turned off the lights while playing it, you might get sucked into the void.
Gamersky 7.9/10
Call of Cthulhu has a great atmosphere, but full of flaws in terms of gameplay.

MondoXbox 7/10
Call of Cthulhu won't set new standards or be recalled like one of the greatest Lovecraftian games, but it manages to deliver an interesting story (even if with a bit too many plot holes) and a very atmospheric investigative adventure.

Games.cz 6/10

TrueAchievements 6/10

Game Rant 4/10
آخرین ویرایش:

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