امتیازات BUGSNAX


اول که تیترو دیدم و ALL-CAP بود خندم گرفت. بعد که متارو دیدم واقعا جا خوردم. تهش نقد IGN که نوشته surprising amount of emotional depth دیگه از دست رفتم :)) واقعا؟؟ :))
حاضرم سر زندگیم شرط ببندم Emotional Depth بازی از بازیای AC Valhalla و WD Legion بیشتر و بهتر باشه :دی
حاضرم سر زندگیم شرط ببندم Emotional Depth بازی از بازیای AC Valhalla و WD Legion بیشتر و بهتر باشه :D
بخش‌هایی از نقد :DVG247
Here’s a sentence I didn’t think I would be writing this year, a year when truly nothing seems impossible – Bugsnax, a game ostensibly about brightly coloured walrus people eating sentient snack food, actually holds a dark secret akin to Spec Ops: The Line. I’ll get back to that in a bit....
Like in Spec Ops: the Line, or maybe even The Last Of Us 2, here you end up punished for what you’ve been told to do all along, in an unexpectedly harsh way.
بخش‌هایی از نقد :DVG247
Here’s a sentence I didn’t think I would be writing this year, a year when truly nothing seems impossible – Bugsnax, a game ostensibly about brightly coloured walrus people eating sentient snack food, actually holds a dark secret akin to Spec Ops: The Line. I’ll get back to that in a bit....
Like in Spec Ops: the Line, or maybe even The Last Of Us 2, here you end up punished for what you’ve been told to do all along, in an unexpectedly harsh way.
Spec ops
مگه قرار نبود فقط توت فرنگی بچینیم تو بازی؟:D
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حاضرم سر زندگیم شرط ببندم Emotional Depth بازی از بازیای AC Valhalla و WD Legion بیشتر و بهتر باشه :D

از نظر پختگی داستانی اگه باگزنکس هشت از ده باشه، اسسین والهالا منفی پنجه (یعنی زخمی میکنه سلامت روانی رو)
Comicbook.com 10/10
From the jump, Bugsnax caught the gaming world's attention for how genuinely weird it is -- and honestly, that weirdness is a comfort when you dive into the game itself. At its core, Bugsnax is a game that's both about the joy of curiosity and the importance of a found family, all wrapped up in an adorable and addictive package that's going to inspire a wealth of fanworks and merchandise. Whether you're cataloging different types of Bugsnax, coming up with a new trap combination, or interviewing the townspeople of Snaxburg (by the way, props to Young Horses for helping teach players good interview etiquette), Bugsnax is a gaming experience that just works really well -- and it feels like the kind of game that's going to stick around

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