امتیازات Bloodborne The Old Hunters

Metro GameCentral
An excellent expansion to what is not only the best game of the year, but one of the best action games of all-time

For the most part, The Old Hunters feels like a tight, good bit of content that fans of the original game will thoroughly enjoy. The Old Hunters ratchets up Bloodborne’s difficulty quite a bit. But in doing so, the satisfaction of beating bosses only gets stronger

Playstation Universe
A brilliant expansion to an already unmissable gaming experience

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نسخه فيزيكي كه فكر نكنم داشته باشه ولي يه نسخه COMPLETE EDITION هست كه هم بازي اصلي رو داره هم اينو
تازه اونم معلوم نيست داخل ديسك باشه يا كد براي دانلود DLC
Forbes : 10

The Old Hunters is a devilishly challenging addition to an already brutal game. With its release, Bloodborne transforms into an even beastlier and more grotesque experience, and it’s better than ever—a blood diamond in the rough even in a year chalked full of incredible releases

LaPS4 : 9

Old Hunters expands Bloodborne's universe with new areas, weapons and enemies. Although it has an average duration, this trip to the past is more than appetizing for those enthralled by the Moon

IGN Italia : 8.8

A good expansion for one of 2015's best games

Hobby Consolas : 8.6

The Old Hunters is what every other DLC should be: fresh, challenging and full of quality content, and one that doesn't feel as if ripped from the main game. Nightmares never felt so delightful

Everyeye.it : 8.5

It's filled with content (almost 15 hours to get to the optional fifth boss), new weapons and more variety in the combat system, and even new fascinating areas of Yarnham. Fans should really consider buying this DLC, especially since it will be the only one dedicated to the game

Meristation : 8.5

Old Hunters is more Bloodborne. Neither better, not different. More content, more challenging bosses and more weapons. If you loved it in February, you're gonna love this DLC

Gameblog.fr : 8

The Old Hunters provide invaluable hindsight through this nightmare, exhuming Yharnam's darkest secrets while fleshing out the gameplay with an extended set of tools. Therefore it's not only an addition to Bloodborne, but a truly fundamental part that should have been - and probably was - lying there from the beginning
NZgamer : 9

More than just DLC. It’s a core part of the Bloodborne experience

Gamer's Temple : 9

Besides the few flaws, the expansion is fantastic and I'm sure hardcore fans will sit back and consume it like a delicious wine just like they did with the main game. More Bloodborne is always a good thing

The Escapist : 9

The Old Hunters is a worthwhile expansion to one of the best games of the year and a shining example of how DLC should be made

Eurogamer : 5/5
Generous, artful and brutally hard, The Old Hunters is the perfect send-off for a modern masterpiece.
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Eurogamer Poland : 9/10
The Old Hunters provides a dozen or so hours of engaging gameplay and an extra dose of grim atmosphere. Exploration of the mysterious world is still a huge pleasure.
Gaming Age : 8.3/10
If you plan on tanking through and have the chops to get it done, I still feel the $20 price more than worth it to get some new weapons and clothing to carry into your NGP.
3DJuegos : 8/10
The Old Hunters is inconvenient to access and its first moments aren’t inspired, but it has the ability to rise in the next areas, where we find great level design and the ability to continue to surprise us.

ZTGD : 7/10
It’s great to see some new areas and bosses for Bloodborne, but as it stands I don’t find it necessary. Most that love Bloodborne will eat this new content up with a silver spoon wanting more. I’m content with what the base game offered, and find it almost unnecessary, but I do appreciate what is offered for those wanting more reasons to jump back into the world of monsters and hunters.
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