امتیازات Astro Bot

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کاربر سایت
کد بازی Astro Bot برای منتقدان ارسال شده و نقدها و امتیازات آن در تاریخ ۵ سپتامبر (۱۵ شهریور) منتشر می‌شود.
بازی در تاریخ ۶ سپتامبر (۱۶ شهریور) برای کنسول پلی‌استیشن ۵ به قیمت ۶۰ دلار عرضه خواهد شد.
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آخرین ویرایش:
EDGE 10/10
The cost of all this momentum and polish is that Astro Bot can be a near-frictionless experience. So eager is it to show you its selection box of surprises, it's zealous with checkpoints and stuffed with enemies that can be brushed aside, even some larger ones keeling over in a scant few strikes. In many cases, if you're unsure what to do, simply activating your current gadget is halfway to a solution, or if not, finding a power cord that you can heave out of the ground or a zip you can pull down – pleasant sensations in themselves – will trigger the next step. Even end-of-galaxy bosses, while spectacular, will likely force one or two retries at most before you've sussed their patterns.

Somehow this never feels like a deal-breaker. It helps that some of the lost bots and puzzle pieces you're hunting are cleverly tucked away, asking you to poke the boundaries of each level, and that the optional mini-planets are devious, removing checkpoints to extract a faultless performance. But more than that, remember, Astro Bot isn't a matter of life and death. While arriving at the destination is all but a foregone conclusion, the pleasure is in getting there, a journey that never stops serving up extraordinary moments and sequences and details. Ultimately, it's almost a footnote that this is an ode to PlayStation and, yes, the primary justification to own a PS5. Take away the branding and there remains a core of irrepressible imagination, the fuel of so many great games, that is anything but robotic
ثبت شد و متا همچنان ۹۴!
بازی 7 تا بازی با متای 94 جلوش داره تا به 95 برسه
ولی تا 93، 27تا 94 ازش عقب تر هستند! خیلی نزدیک به 95 هست ولی باید سه چهار 10دیگه بگیره و نمره پایین هم نگیره!
psx extreme 9/10
All things considered, I’m proud to say that Astro Bot is a 3D platformer every gamer should play, not just for PlayStation fans. This lovable, adorable white and blue bot offers a mixture of fun and engaging platforming gameplay with the PS5 spin and PlayStation nostalgia to please both new and longtime fans in multiple ways. Astro Bot may not have the extensive history nor brand recognition comparable to platformers like Mario… yet. Make no mistake, Astro Bot is still no Super Smash Bros-type knockoff. Rather, Sony may finally have their own Mario-caliber mascot, and could perhaps be the spark for more variety in modern gaming outside of Nintendo.

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