امتیازات Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag


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اولین امتیاز از مجله ی معتبر JeuxVideo (فرانسه) که به بازی نمره ی 18/20 رو داده.

خلاصه ی نقد:

AC4 received 18/20.

4/5 For Gameplay
4/5 For the gaphics
5/5 for the soundtrack
5/5 for the length of the game


Positive aspects of the game:
-Wonderful world / map
-A lot of things to do
-Stealth works very well, you can chose how to approach your taget, etc..

Negatives aspects of the game!
- Technical problems
- lose of frame rate on PS3
- aliasing on PS4
(I guess they played the game on PS3 & PS4 because there are nothing about Xbox)

Other things you shloud know:

-Cities are better than AC3 (for free running)
-This is A TRUE AC GAME, and the most accomplished of the franchise.
-Combats are slower than AC3...
-...There are less weapons, less new types of ennemies...
-... But naval battles are amazing !

-You'll play as Edward like 10 minutes after launching the game on your console
-Naval is amazing
-Economic system of AC4 is easier to understand and really well made (you board ships, and sell ressources)
-You'll need to upgrade your ship to succes on seas. To upgrade your ship you'll need ressources. You can get them by boarding ships.
-Taking forts have an impact on Edward's progression. It will reveal the location of special places such as caves.
-In all main or secondary missions you can play stealthy if you chose to.
-The involvement of Edward in the Templar-Assassin conflict is a bit predictable but still well done by Darby. You'll see a lot of history events.

About PS4 version:

-Beautiful, fluid, ... BUT there are aliasing on some textures.

About PS3 version:

-Almost like PS4 even if textures are kind of blurred.. The only thing is that there are loss of framerates.

TO CONCLUDE: AC4 is the most successful game of the franchise. Better mechanics of gameplay, better level design, the game is a real success.
You'll need about 20 hours to complete the main path and 50 hours to complete everything.




The Escapist - 10/10
While Black Flag feels very much like an Assassin's Creed game, its gameplay reminds me more of Sid Meier's Pirates! wrought in glorious 3D. As in that classic game, you are free to sail wherever your heart desires, and be as dastardly or as benign as you like. Embodying Edward Kenway and living through his adventures on the seas, while also experiencing his struggle with Assassins and Templars alike, is pure escapist delight.

AusGamers - 9.3/10
The greatest compliment I can afford Black Flag, though, is that I wanted more at the end of my time with it. With such an expansive map to explore and so many alluring distractions on offer, this is the kind of game a player could easily lose scores of hours exploring.

Gameblog.fr - 9/10
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag is the best Assassin's Creed experience in terms of scale, freedom and gameplay. Between land and sea, the journey of Edward Kenway is really captivating.

Game Revolution - 9/10
Though the cracks with stealth and freerunning are starting to show with time, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag does the one thing it means to do surprisingly well: pirates. Sailing the high seas, finding hidden treasure chests among gorgeous tropical archipelagos, letting the waves of turquoise water crash into the Jackdaw, plundering enemy ships without remorse, and hearing your crew sing authentic sea shanties has never felt better.

PlayStation LifeStyle - 9/10
The game is stunning, and the Caribbean makes for a gorgeous setting.

God is a Geek - 9/10
It’s yet another example of what the 360 and PS3 are capable of – a genuinely stunning creation that packs 40 to 50 hours of content into a beautiful, compelling world that begs to be explored.

Eurogamer - 9/10
The developers have worked around the series' foibles brilliantly.

Shacknews- 8/10
Much like Assassin's Creed 2 took the unpolished ideas of the original AC, Black Flag builds upon the flawed AC3 experience. Ubisoft's latest adventure takes the best ideas of last year's game, refines them, and adds surprising new experiences in the form of underwater missions and a genuinely fun modern-day narrative.

Post Arcade (National Post) - 8/10
It’s not so much what has been added that makes Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag good — but rather, what it lacks. Assassin’s Creed III was a grim game. The world was grim, and its protagonist grimmer. Strip away the environment, and you’re left with the sea. Strip away the American Revolution, and you’re left with humour and plunder of a lawless pirate war. It’s a welcome change — but it also deviates a little too far from the Assassin’s Creed DNA. The core mechanics are there, yes, but after ACIII, it’s been hard not to wonder how much is left to say?

Push Square - 8/10
Black Flag lacks the spit and polish of prize plunder, but it certainly doesn’t deserve to be cast back into the ocean. This is as much an enjoyable on water excursion as it as an exceptional stealth game, and while not every mission in its protracted campaign will leave you as buoyant as the Jolly Roger, you’ll find more than enough riches here to keep you coming back for more

JeuxVideo - 18/20
AC4 is the most successful game of the franchise. Better mechanics of gameplay, better level design, the game is a real success

Meristation - 8.6/10
After fighting our way through the newborn America, Ubisoft takes us back to the past to relive the Golden Age of Pirates with the most polished Assassin's Creed experience ever made. The core mechanics look better than ever, although they are going to need freshening in the next iteration. A true pirate's life, the whole Caribbean is ours to enjoy what we do best in the series.

GameTrailers - 9.2/10
While some core mechanics could still be improved, Black Flag's story, world, and systems come together to form a markedly better and more cohesive game than Assassin's Creed III. It's not only the best Assassin's Creed game to date, but also one of the best games for pirate fans to embark on as well.

IGN Italia - 9/10
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag is the franchise's best episode since Assassin's Creed II. By mixing the series classic gameplay based on stealth, action and exploration with the new naval features, Ubisoft Montreal created an exciting open world game in which lands and sea are both fully explorable without any kind of interruption.

Eurogamer Germany - 9/10
It took Ubisoft some time and Assassin's Creed 4 hasn't totally freed itself from all its past sins, but the fourth numbered entry in the series managed to capture me from start to finish, thoroughly entertaining me, wrapping me up in the engaging, often truly joyful proceedings.

Official Xbox Magazine UK - 9/10
Where Assassin's Creed 3 kept players at arm's length for hours, refusing to let you make your own way, Assassin's Creed 4 spreads those arms wide. We don't miss Connor, so much, but somebody should get this new guy a trilogy.

Official Xbox Magazine - 9/10
After weathering the somewhat diminishing returns of Revelations and ACIII, Black Flag is exactly the shot in the arm Assassin’s Creed needed. It’s dependably fun, endlessly engrossing, and filled with tons of ready distractions everywhere you look, all while bringing to life a fascinating period of history with an engaging story and memorable characters. And if that isn’t enough, it’s the best game about pirates we’ve ever played.

GameSpot- 9/10
There's an incredible scope to what you can do in Black Flag, with a level of harmony between its component parts that encourages you to try it all, and a story that keeps you invested throughout the whole thing.

MondoXbox - 8.5/10
We liked all the sea based activities: battles are challenging and deeper than before, underwater wrecks exploration is a nice addition and every pirate stories fan will find much to like here. Nevertheless, with Black Flag the series shows some fatigue especially in the ground sections like combat and the free-running mechanics, leaving us hoping for a strong overhaul starting with the next game.

IGN - 8.5/10
The amazing world of Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag has kept me gladly occupied for longer than any other game in the series, even though its story isn’t the strongest.

The Digital Fix - 8/10
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag doesn’t reinvent the franchise, nor does it move the story on. Instead, it refines the best bits of III and wisely sacrifices some of the po-faced historical accuracy for an adventure with pirates.

NowGamer - 8/10
Ubisoft needs to dial it down. It has the gameplay, it just needs to present it in a fashion that doesn't spoil an otherwise completely absorbing set of characters, locations and gameplay tools.

Xbox360Achievements - 7.5/10
A solid but ultimately uninspired instalment in the series, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag is comprised of ideas that are starting to wear thin.

EGM - 9.5/10
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag doesn’t move the franchise forward as a whole—but it doesn’t need to. Instead, this is probably the best pirate simulation in gaming history that successfully lays the groundwork for what’s to come in the series.

GamesRadar - 9/10
An ambitious start for Assassin's Creed on next-gen. The vibrant Caribbean world and bloody piracy shine brightest, while the only sour notes come from contrived series story beats and repetitive missions--both need rethinking for AC5.

Everyeye.it - 9/10
At the end of a generation, Ubisoft gives us a new and great chapter of Assassin's Creed. Black Flag, despite some congenital defects, works great, focusing on the exploration and a free roaming component refreshed for the widest audience.

Game Informer - 8.3/10
Despite my issues with the paths that are laid out before you, Black Flag is great fun when you let your impulses guide you.

Playstation Official Magazine UK- 8/10
So this is a beautiful, sun-drenched idyll in which you’ll never want for something to do, and as such Black Flag is an excellent pirate fantasy. However, the core game is undermined by issues which should have been booted out of the franchise years ago. Eavesdropping missions have always been abysmal, and there’s a boatload of them here.

Joystiq - 8/10
Beyond its present-day feature set, Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag is a vibrant historical adventure, drawn from bold characters and edge-of-your-seat sailing. It's not the proper return to form for the series, but it is a concerted acknowledgement of what that form is today, and what works for the monster of gameplay systems, stealth, ships and oceans that lurks underneath.

Eurogamer Italy- 8/10
As for the the next-gen and PC versions, we expected better graphics. And some of the same old gameplay problems are still there. Nonetheless, Black Flag is one of the greatest entries in the Assassin's Creed brand.

Polygon - 7.5/10
For all of its mechanical improvements, for the wonder I felt as I sailed the ocean, orca, dolphins, even great whites breaking the surface to my port side as I outran a royal trade armada, for the excellent performances and character moments throughout ... it felt disjointed. Directionless. Black Flag, like its protagonist, is constantly waiting for its dare-to-be great moment.

Metro GameCentral - 7.5/10
Frustratingly shallow and hamstrung by underdeveloped gameplay mechanics, and yet somehow the fact that that an open world pirate game exists at all is enough to provide a certain amount of fun.

VideoGamer - 7/10
There's only so many times, however, that you can tolerate the poorly-defined stealth and terrible AI.
آخرین ویرایش:
من واقعا نمی دونستم که افتضاح AC3 با اون وضعیتش متاش 84-85 بوده! یکی که گفت شک کردم خودم رفتم دیدم بله! واقعا تعجب کردم، فکر می کردم متاش در حد 60-70 باشه از بس که مزخرف و بیخود بود اون بازی! خب حالا که متای اینم تقریبا همون حدودا شده و فقط یه کم بیشتر شده انقدر ذوق کردن داره؟:-/ من خودم شخصا هرچی منتقدها و بقیه بگن بازی خوب شده اصلا باورم نمیشه چون واقعا وقت زیادی هم برای ساخت نسخه چهارم (!!!) صرف نشده. هنوزم باورم نمیشه که این بازی الان "IV" ـش اومده.
آخرین ویرایش:
حالا اگر امتیازهای بازی می اومد پایین الان صفحه 57 بودیم..!

The Escapist 10/10
Examiner 10/10
CheatCC 9.6/10
G4MERS 9.5/10
3Djuegos 9.3/10
AusGamers 9.3/10
Vandal 9.2/10
Gametactics 9/10
Forbes 9/10
PSLS 9/10
WGTC 9/10
ZTGD 9/10
SpazioGames 9/10
CVG 9/10
Edge 9/10
Gamereactor UK 9/10
COG 8.8/10
تا قبل از اینکه نمرات اعلام بشن و متای خوبی بگیره اکثر دوستان می گفتن که پیف پیف این بازی بو بد میده تکراری شده نخ نما شده و... ولی حالا میگن بابا عجب بازی خفنیه به دوران اوجش برگشته و ... واقعا بعضی از دوستان جوگیرن آ.=))
تا قبل از اینکه نمرات اعلام بشن و متای خوبی بگیره اکثر دوستان می گفتن که پیف پیف این بازی بو بد میده تکراری شده نخ نما شده و... ولی حالا میگن بابا عجب بازی خفنیه به دوران اوجش برگشته و ... واقعا بعضی از دوستان جوگیرن آ.=))

هنوز هم من میگم! دو نسخه قبلی منظورم AC3 و AC Revelation خیلی تکراری شده بود. حالا این یکی را بازی نکردم بدونم! امیدوارم که این نسخه خوب باشه! /:)
نمیدونم کسی گزاشت یا نه:

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag doesn’t move the franchise forward as a whole—but it doesn’t need to. Instead, this is probably the best pirate simulation in gaming history that successfully lays the groundwork for what’s to come in the series.

[TABLE="width: 640"]
[TD="align: right"]The Good[/TD]
[TD]The high-seas adventures add a whole new dynamic to the Assassin’s Creed franchise.[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]The Bad[/TD]
[TD]Overpowered Eagle Vision.[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]The Ugly[/TD]
[TD]18th-century dental plans.[/TD]

نقد و نمرش هم مربوط به نسخه ی PS4 هست!
متا از نسخه قبلی بیشتره!!!
بچه هایی هم که نسخه کنسولی زدن راضین و میگن نسبت به نسخه قبل خیلی بهتر شده و یک جورایی Come Back زده :دی ما که پی سی بازیم صبر میکنیم پی سیش بیاد :x
بال این نمرات بدجور امیدوار شدم به بازی!:x
شما هم باور کردی؟ چند روز دیگه V رو معرفی میکنن میگن ما از زمان PoP داشتیم رو این کار می کردیم:lol:

دروغ داشتن بگن مگه ؟
اگه میگفتن یه سال که خیلی واسشون بهتر میشد و همه به به چه چه میکردن که ببین تو یه سال چه شاهکاری ساختن:|
از قدیم گفتن هر وقت Assassin's Creed بسازی تازس:دی
قسمت شکار نهنگم جالبه و هیجان انگیزه:دی نمرات هم که خوبه ولی فک کنم باز داستان کمی ضعیفه :| من که راضیم :دی

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