امتیازات سایتها و مجلات به Resistance 2


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سلام !
بالاخره نوبت یکی دیگه از بازیهای فوق العاده پاییز امسال رسیده و اولین سایتی که به Resistance 2 امتیاز داده IGN بوده :

به گفته IGN , این بازی یکی از معدود بازیهایی هست که از هر نظر نسبت به نسخه قبلی خودش پیشرفت داشته. قسمت Singleplayer بازی به اندازه کافی از نظر داستان و وسعت میدونهای جنگ عظیم و حماسی هست که به تنهایی ارزش خرید رو به بازی بده. Co-op بازی هم بیش از حد جذاب کار شده و وسعت بازی رو بیش از پیش میکنه. به علاوه تعداد زیادی چیزهای آزاد شدنی (Unlockable) و سیستم Trophy و Community باعث میشن با یک پدیده شگفت انگیز طرف باشیم. Resistance 2 بازی انحصاری ای هست که دارندگان PS3 باید به اون افتخار کنند.
نمره 7 کجاست؟ فکر کنم حذف شده! :)
احتمالا این خبرو از تو N4G دراوردی؟ این لینکش : http://www.n4g.com/ps3/News-227232.aspx

ضمن اینکه این Review بی ارزش چند خطی به شدت مورد انتقاد قرار گرفته کامنتهاش رو بخونید بهتره

Xbot Troll Submitted by: RROD loserville@hotmail.com
11/5/2008 10:40:45 PM PT
Variety and you need to stick to movie reviews or just get off of M$'s payroll! Variety = Xbots canada Submitted by: JoJo
11/5/2008 10:06:43 PM PT
How much does M$ pay you? If they dont, they should instead of Variety. Please keep up the unbiased reviews, your creditability and Variety are going up with each one
Student Submitted by: Elias ruizeli@live.com
11/5/2008 9:02:09 PM PT
I'm really surprise how this guy describes the game. He hates it with such a passion that I'm still in shock. From all the reviews I been reading from sites like IGN, 1UP and Gamepro, Variety have given the lowest score and is one of the worst reviews I have ever read.
Submitted by: RROD
11/5/2008 8:01:11 PM PT
LOL, look at this fool reviewer, he as the lowest score yet. G4 a REAL game site gave it a 100
Submitted by: PSN: Morbid_Demise
11/5/2008 7:39:39 PM PT
Yes, this review did seem a little bias, considering the review that halo got which the only thing it did have was the multiplayer, and some how still managed to get a phenomenal score. Sad really, this poor review lo ward the metacritic score for this game.
Submitted by: Donald Zopberg dino6790@doramail.com
11/5/2008 7:33:12 PM PT

بعد این رو هم بگم که نمره این سایت (من تا الان اسمشو نشنیده بودم!) اصلا مهم نیست و جزو میانگین حساب نمیشه هر چند که اصلا نمره ای نداده !

میتونید از این لینک که از سایت gamerankings هست لیست نمرات سایتهای معتبری که فعلا امتیاز دادند رو ببینید
میانگین نمرات فعلا %90 هست
امتیاز خوبی از گیم اسقات گرفته .:smile:
جالب اینجاس مدال داستان ضعیف و خسته کننده رو بهش داده ! یعنی اینقد .......:confused:


PSX Extreme
خوب... گرچه اگر هم امتيازش پايين هم بود برای يکی طرفدار اين بازی هست فرقی نداشت!

يکی خبر داره کجا اين بازی رو برای فروش دارن ؟ من پيام و ديگران رو ديدم که ندارن !
Resistance 2 Technical Issues

يكم؟ خيلي هم كمه.
مخصوصا از PSU كه تقريبا ميشه گفت به بازي هاي PS3 خوب نمره ميده بعيد بوده.
Technical Issues از دید یکی از Developer ها:

The game manual says that there is a one-hit kill game mode, but there is not an option for this in the game. There is intentionally no one-hit kill option, the manual is a misprint
Split-screen players have a lot of difficulty joining games successfully and staying in games. We're working on this issue currently
There are some issues with stats "dissappearing" and "reappearing". There is an issue with offline and online stats syncing and merging
There have been reports of corrupted save data files. If you see the SRPA star logo blinking/flashing/lighting up anywhere on your screen, please try to wait for it to completely go away
Occaisionally if you enter the XMB it will lock up and you will have to reset the PS3 manually. Be sure to use the in-game options to accept party invites, accept clan invites, and to send friend invites. This should minimize time needed on the XMB to messaging and accepting friend invites
Currently the only way to join private games is to be a part of the host's party
Some people are reporting connection problems. The game is working; we would post an update otherwise. This seems be a client side connection issue, so please try running through some of the connection guides around here to try and solve the problem
Selecting a player's name from the Leaderboards will result in a pop up that says "Account does not exist". We're working on this issue currently
The text describing the "Snake Eyes" berserk for the Spec Ops class in cooperative mode incorrectly states that you will receive two shots; it is intentional that you only get one shot. In Competitive mode, however, you will receive two shots when using the "Snake Eyes" berserk
Player 2 stats in split-screen mode are not saved
There are some instances where the rumble feature cuts out. We're looking into this issue
There have been several reports of users not receiving sound while using an optical output cable; we're not sure why this is happening. If this is happening to you, please double check your settings. Some people have reported that simply swithcing the in-game sound options to stereo and then switching it back to surround will fix the issue
In split-screen mode there are "black bars" on the side of the screen/the game appears in 4:3 aspect ratio. This is not a bug, this is intentional and was done for various reasons. Be sure to be mindful of burn-in possibilities
In campaign mode, the screen tint option gets stuck on your choice and you can't switch it back to normal mode. If you select normal and then die, the tinting will be reset
There is no round balancing between rounds
User's can't use another person's save game file. This is not a bug, this intentional
Campaign mode does not have a split-screen mode. This is intentional, the campaign was designed around single player experience. It simply would not work with two players, and there are no plans to add this in the future

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