امتیازات بازی World War Z

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Origami 2008

عضو تحریریه

Developer: Saber Interactive
Publisher: Focus Home Interactive
Genre: Third Person Shooter Tactical Survival Horror
Platforms: PC-XOne-PS4

Somos Xbox 78/100
World War Z is the ideal game for those looking for an entertaining, fun and addictive game with which to shoot and overcome almost infinite waves of zombies either alone or with friends
World War Z is a game full of zombie hordes, a feeling of great burden and a great experience to engage with friends. But at the same time, the negative points are huge, from bad gunplay to the scant variety and very short duration. And these weigh heavily on the title

Push Square 60/100
World War Z Launch Suffers with Connectivity Issues, Server Problems, and Bugs

Gamers Heroes: 40/100

World War Z has some moments that are an utter blast – the special zombie types and impending doom of a zombie tower bring pure excitement. However, these moments are few and far between, leaving a shell of game with very little content, a lack of creativity, a near non-existent story, and a disappointingly shallow progression system.
آخرین ویرایش:
Polygon N/A

It’s a shame, because World War Z throws so many interesting ideas at the wall — a half-baked multiplayer mode, 16 survivors with unique story videos, massive hordes of zombies in urban centers, and an ongoing progression system for survivors. Unfortunately, none of it sticks, except the sight of hundreds of angry zombies forming a human pyramid of hate.

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