این بازی اولین امتیازش را گرفت. GameInformer به بازی امتیاز 6.0 از 10 داده است.
این بازی اولین امتیازش را گرفت. GameInformer به بازی امتیاز 6.0 از 10 داده است.
Concept:Solve repetitive puzzles and fight brainless
foes in a Saw-flavored setting
Graphics:Slow loading textures, awkward animations,
and generic character models mar a decent setting
Sound:Hats off to Tobin Bell’s Jigsaw voicework.
He really knows how to tickle your spinal cord
Playability:The combat is clueless, the traps get annoying,
and the experience drags on. At least the puzzles are fun
Entertainment:True fans of the movies may find something
worthwhile here, but survival horror fans hungry for their
next big scare should look elsewhere