ابتدا شما به موارد زیر نیاز دارید
به کامپیوتری که سیستم عاملش ویندوز باشه (با VIsta کار نمی کنه )
فرستنده اینترنت (access point )
فایل های زیر رو دانلود کنید
مراحل نصب :
1. Extract the Wifi controler file and open the PSP directory and edit the proper wifi.cfg for your PSP version and set the IP of the computer you are going to use this on. If you don't know your IP address. Go to your "Start" menu. Click on "Run..." When the box opens up type "cmd.exe" without the quotes. When the command prompt opens type "ipconfig" without the quotes. It will report your IP address.
2. Copy the correct director(y|ies) to your PSP depending on whether you have a v1.00, v1.50 or v3.xx PSP. If you use a custom firmware mod that allows the use of a single EBOOT.PBP files on a v1.50 PSP then you can use the v1.00 directory.
Note : Depending on your access point's wireless encoding security, you might have to use the 3.40 version! because 1.50 does not work with WPA-TKIP!
3. Download and install PPJoy.
4. After it is installed open up your "Control Panel" and click on "Parallel Port Joysticks".
5. When the window comes up click "Add..." at the bottom. On the next screen change "Parallel port" to "Virtual joysticks" and then click "Add."
6. It will want to install some drivers so either have it scan automatically or point it to the directory you installed PPJoy to.
7. After it is done installing, click the "PPJoy Virtual joystick 1" in the menu and click "Mapping..."
8. Choose "Set a custom mapping for this controller" and click "Next."
9. Set these options for best results:
* Axes = 2 (X Axis and Y Axis)
* Buttons = 9
* POV hats = 1
press next...
* X Axis = Analog 0
* Y Axis = Analog 1
press next again...
* Button 1 = nothing
* Button 2 = Digital 0
* Button 3 = Digital 1
* Button 4 = Digital 2
* Button 5 = Digital 3
* Button 6 = Digital 4
* Button 7 = Digital 5
* Button 8 = Digital 11
* Button 9 = Digital 10
next again...
* North = Digital 6
* East = Digital 7
* West = Digital 9
* South = Digital 8
13. Repeat the steps above to add up to a total of 4 joysticks. (only if you want more than one PSP to play with)
14. Inside the PC directory, you will find a WiFiServer.exe. If you are just using one PSP to play games, you can run this file directly. If, however, you are or will be using more than one PSP, you will need to run one of the batch files in the directory. Simply double-click the batch file for the appropriate controller. You must have a server running for each controller you wish to use. The server(s) must also be running at all times while using the PSP as a joystick. When you are done using it, you can safely exit the program by pressing CTRL+C or clicking the close button for the window.
در اسرع وقت ترجمه میکنم
به کامپیوتری که سیستم عاملش ویندوز باشه (با VIsta کار نمی کنه )
فرستنده اینترنت (access point )
فایل های زیر رو دانلود کنید
PSPjoy PPJoy - Parallel Port Joystick driver for Windows 98, Me, 2000 and XP
wifi controller- http://imk.cx/psp/wificontroller/WiF...ler_v0.4.4.zip
مراحل نصب :
1. Extract the Wifi controler file and open the PSP directory and edit the proper wifi.cfg for your PSP version and set the IP of the computer you are going to use this on. If you don't know your IP address. Go to your "Start" menu. Click on "Run..." When the box opens up type "cmd.exe" without the quotes. When the command prompt opens type "ipconfig" without the quotes. It will report your IP address.
2. Copy the correct director(y|ies) to your PSP depending on whether you have a v1.00, v1.50 or v3.xx PSP. If you use a custom firmware mod that allows the use of a single EBOOT.PBP files on a v1.50 PSP then you can use the v1.00 directory.
Note : Depending on your access point's wireless encoding security, you might have to use the 3.40 version! because 1.50 does not work with WPA-TKIP!
3. Download and install PPJoy.
4. After it is installed open up your "Control Panel" and click on "Parallel Port Joysticks".
5. When the window comes up click "Add..." at the bottom. On the next screen change "Parallel port" to "Virtual joysticks" and then click "Add."
6. It will want to install some drivers so either have it scan automatically or point it to the directory you installed PPJoy to.
7. After it is done installing, click the "PPJoy Virtual joystick 1" in the menu and click "Mapping..."
8. Choose "Set a custom mapping for this controller" and click "Next."
9. Set these options for best results:
* Axes = 2 (X Axis and Y Axis)
* Buttons = 9
* POV hats = 1
press next...
* X Axis = Analog 0
* Y Axis = Analog 1
press next again...
* Button 1 = nothing
* Button 2 = Digital 0
* Button 3 = Digital 1
* Button 4 = Digital 2
* Button 5 = Digital 3
* Button 6 = Digital 4
* Button 7 = Digital 5
* Button 8 = Digital 11
* Button 9 = Digital 10
next again...
* North = Digital 6
* East = Digital 7
* West = Digital 9
* South = Digital 8
13. Repeat the steps above to add up to a total of 4 joysticks. (only if you want more than one PSP to play with)
14. Inside the PC directory, you will find a WiFiServer.exe. If you are just using one PSP to play games, you can run this file directly. If, however, you are or will be using more than one PSP, you will need to run one of the batch files in the directory. Simply double-click the batch file for the appropriate controller. You must have a server running for each controller you wish to use. The server(s) must also be running at all times while using the PSP as a joystick. When you are done using it, you can safely exit the program by pressing CTRL+C or clicking the close button for the window.
در اسرع وقت ترجمه میکنم