Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

Infinity Warfare آخرین شماره در حال ساخت از این سری هست که توسط استدیو Infinity Ward طراحی میشه.


بعد از عنوان نچندان موفق Ghost استدیو IW سعی داشته با تمرکز بر روی کنسول‌های فعلی (و عدم عرضه بازی برای کنسول‌های نسل قبل) و به کار گیری یک تیم مجرب و حرفه‌ای، سری CoD را از ورطه تکرار نجات داده و بار دیگر نام خود را به عنوان غول‌های FPS دنیا مطرح سازد.

CoD:IW در تاریخ 4 نوامبر سال 2016 برای PS4 و X1 و PC عرضه خواهد شد.

پ.ن: اطلاعات تکمیلی سر فرصت اضافه میشه! الان بیشتر تاپیک رو زدم تا خبرهای بازی رو مستقیم بزارم اینجا.


کاربر سایت
May 30, 2011
خب Infinity Ward تو Reddit از آپدیت و تغییرات بازی که بر اساس feedback های بتا انجام شده نوشته. تقریبا 100% تغییرات مثبته از نظر من و چیزهایی که ملت مشکل داشتن، جواب های ملت هم زیر پست کاملا مثبته.
مهم ترین تغییراتش به نظر من:
- Nerf شدن شدید Sniper ها.
- بهبود شدید سیستم Matchmaking و Dedicated Server ها.
- سریع تر شدن Health Regeneration و تنظیم TTK هست.

لیست کامل تغییرات:

We received a ton of great data from the Beta, allowing us to take a hard look at all of the guns and we will make changes as needed. Here are some of the immediate tweaks we will be implementing.


  • Increased the consistency of shotgun damage.
  • Shotgun damage at longer range has been increased.
  • Slightly increased the one shot kill range.
  • Both the Reaver and Banshee have received a slight bonus to their 1 trigger pull kill range.


  • Bullet spread at the hip no longer gets smaller as the player ADS’s. Once the scope reaches the player’s eye, the bullet spread goes instantly to zero.
  • Sniper aim assist was reduced slightly for the KBS Longbow and the other bolt action snipers. Our turn rate while Aimed Down Sights is still slowed to help with precision aiming.
  • Sniper-class weapons no longer have any Aim Assist until the optic fully reaches the player’s eye.
  • For the ELO and Scout optics on snipers, the idle sway while ADS has been increased along with the player’s view bounce when moving. Because these optics are less zoomed in, the view bounce and the sway are felt less. These changes are to promote more stationary aiming and firing with these optics.
  • The Tracking Chip optic’s visuals have been improved.
  • Reduced bonus of the Quickdraw attachment on snipers.
  • Updated snipers to have more flinch when getting shot.


  • The Howitzer Grenade launcher can now be fired from the hip instead of requiring full ADS


  • The RPR Evo epic variant (Ripper) has had a tuning pass to increase recoil given its bonus fire rate


  • Marksman – We fixed a bug where, in addition to reducing flinch, it was also reducing recoil. This would then stack with Gun Perks and the Foregrip Attachment. This bonus reduction has been removed.
  • Momentum – Fixed issues with speed not being retained
  • Marked Target – The temporary red marker on the victim has been toned down


  • Health Regen time has been reduced.
  • Infusion bonus reduced.
  • Continuing to refine spawn system on beta maps, will assess remaining launch maps in live environment.


  • Increased salvage gain in mission teams.
  • Changed currency value in supply drops.
  • Increased drop rate of keys in round-based modes.



  • AP-3X
    • Increased health, bullet damage, and weapon accuracy up close to help with target acquisition
  • RC-8
    • Increased health, increased weapon accuracy to help with target acquisition, slight increase in fire rate, and slight damage increase on splash damage
  • T.H.O.R
    • Increased speed of tracking rockets
    • Increase damage of both tracking and straight fire rockets
  • Bombardment
    • Slight decrease in both time to the initial drop and the time between each subsequent drop
    • Updated area damage to be consistent inner to outer

  • Refining payload balance

  • Slight tweaks to gameplay balance across rigs


  • Defender: When carrying the Drone, the score-per-second bonus has been bumped from 5 score per second to 10 score per second. Scorestreak carrier bonus is unaffected.

  • Gun Game: Now features all classic weapons. In future updates, weapons with alternate functions will retain their state upon spawn.

  • Domination: When you step off a flag, the current capture bar progress starts to decay. The rate of this decay has been halved from the Beta. This allows players to hop off a flag to defend it and then get back on the flag with less progress loss


  • Potential player evaluation was too strict. We were doing some very thorough testing of your connection to other players before placing you in a lobby with those players. This turned out to be a bit too thorough, and eventually was relaxed, leading to shorter matching times.

  • Incorrect geographic categorization. There was an issue in our geolocation system which was causing some players to be incorrectly categorized. This was also resolved during the beta, improving matchmaking times.

  • Dead lobby cleanup. The process which cleans up unused or dead lobby information from our back end was taking too long. This was causing a number of slowdowns when searching for a match.

  • The matchmaker was always quite good at generating new lobbies, but one thing we noticed was that queueing into a join in progress situation was taking much longer. This was due to some issues in the way we track information about the lobbies that are currently playing a match. These issues were also addressed during the beta, and sped up the join in progress case immensely.


  • We know a lot of you had different experiences with TTK during the Beta. With the above adjustments to dedicated servers, matchmaking, and weapon tuning, we think you’ll find that the TTK will be more balanced at launch, both on the attacking and receiving end. We’ll continue to monitor and balance throughout the year as need and would love your feedback in the process.

  • We’re always looking at TTK and will continue to balance and monitor


  • One of the major infrastructure changes we made this project was how dedicated server allocations work. We're using a new load balancing system on the servers themselves, as well as pretty heavily changed how the game chooses a datacenter to use, and requests a dedicated server from that datacenter.

  • At the start of the Beta, you may have noticed some host migrations and some poorer quality matches. We discovered some issues where the new system was dropping our dedicated server utilization numbers way below target. After some tweaks and fixes we were able dramatically improve our dedicated server utilization for the second weekend and beyond.

What We Learned from the Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Beta • /r/Infinitewarfare

شدیدا منتظر عرضه بازی هستم :D
تازه جدیدا اومدن گفتن ما بازی رو با المان های جنگ جهانی دوم توی فضا ساختیم
یعنی مسخره تر از اینا خودشونن الان دیده بتلفیلد فروشش تاریخی شده اومدن چه چیزا که نمیگن واقعا کمپانی حقیری شده...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


کاربر سایت
Jun 22, 2010
دوستان یه کلیپ کوتاه از بازی درست کردم، فک کنم رکوردی چیزی باشه :D
زیر 1 دقیقه از 0 به بالاترین Score Streak رسیدم، آنچنان چیز خفنی نداره ولی جالبه ببینید ! :D
لینک دانلود کیفیت بالا(111mb) از Google Drive:
Infinite Warfare Highest Score Streak in less than 1

ویدیو تو آپارات:

ببخشید میشه اسم آهنگی که روی ویدئو هست رو بگید چون زبانش آلمانی بود نتونستم سرچ کنم


کاربر فعال
Sep 16, 2009

Call of Duty Infinite Warfare
Composer : Sarah Schachner

دانلود با سه کیفیت MP3 128 و MP3 320 و FLAC

01. Anthropic Universe [4:22]
02. Home [1:47]
03. Rising Threat [5:29]
04. Olympus Mons [4:09]
05. Black Sky [2:51]
06. Operation Black Flag [4:27]
07. Rally Point [1:21]
08. Terrible Resolve [4:32]
09. Infinite Warfare [1:08]
10. Adrift [1:55]
11. All or Nothing [2:50]
12. Endure [3:12]
13. Peace To The Fallen [2:25]
14. Sentient Mechanism [2:37]
15. Europa [4:04]
16. Reyes [2:22]
17. Taken Dagger [2:12]
18. Titan [4:11]
19. Pyrrhic Victory [0:52]
20. Faulty Wiring [2:33]
21. Safe Harbor [1:52]
22. Fair Winds [1:39]
23. Phoenix [1:56]
24. Blood Storm [2:30]
25. The Retribution [2:45]
26. Fight or Flight [2:52]
27. Afterlife [3:12]
28. Rogue Asteroid [3:31]
29. Dark Quarry [4:05]


کاربر سایت
Nov 20, 2009
بازی واسه همه بدون مشکل اجرا میشه ؟ پیغام ریجن نمیده؟ بنده خرید کردم منتها دانلود هم نمیکنه. با تغییر IP هم نتونستم دانلود کنم/ پیغام زیر را میده.



کاربر سایت
Aug 20, 2011
بازی واسه همه بدون مشکل اجرا میشه ؟ پیغام ریجن نمیده؟ بنده خرید کردم منتها دانلود هم نمیکنه. با تغییر IP هم نتونستم دانلود کنم/ پیغام زیر را میده.

داداش اینجا تاپیک نسخه کنسولی هست.
میخوای مشکلت حل شه توی ترد pc مطرح کن سوالت رو
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Reactions: myFreedom


کاربر سایت
Feb 18, 2013
احمد رضا
امروز صبح خونه رفیقم یه چند ساعتی زدم بازی کردم، واسه منی که بتا رو کوبونده بودم واقعا بازی تغییر کرده! خیلی خیلی بهتر از بتا شده هم گرافیک هم گیم پلی ، سرورها رو هم درست کردن. یعنی بعد اون بتای بازی کلا نا امید شده بودم ولی الان واقعا خوب شده بازی . سینگل بازی هم در حد advance warfare هست تقریبا
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Reactions: ps34


کاربر سایت
Aug 31, 2014
من هر چقدر گشتم و سوال کردم نتونستیم نسخه هشتاد دلاری ریجن آل پیدا کنم.لاگسی ها فقط ریجن 2 هستن که به کار و اکانت من نمیاد.
ریجن آل فقط استاندارد گیر میاد که تازه اونم یکشنبه میرسه.همین نسخه 60 دلاری رو میخرم دیگه دو حالت داره.یا سه شنبه شب که استور آپدیت میشه اکتیویژن اجازه میده کسایی که مثل من استاندارد خریدن با 20 دلار به لاگسی آپگرید کنن یا اینکه من اینقدر باید صبر کنن تا ریمستر به صورت جداگونه عرضه بشه.یه راه دیگشم اینه بعدا اگر لاکسی ریجن ال اومد این رو بفروشم اون رو بخرم.
لگاسی ریجن 2 چند بهتون قیمت دادن؟

کاربرانی که این قسمت را مشاهده می‌کنند

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
or ثبت‌نام سریع از طریق سرویس‌های زیر