اخبار داغ کنسول ها


Come on it's time to go
Sep 22, 2005
سلام به همگی

من اون تاپیک قبلی و همچنین تاپیک XBOX 360 News رو به اشتباه پاک کردم !

ببخشید دیگه پیش میاد ...

در هر صورت اخبار بازیهای نسل بعدی رو در همین تاپیک بنویسید و دنبال کنید ...

با تشکر


Come on it's time to go
Sep 22, 2005
یه JRPG جدید برای XBOX360 اعلام شد

Absolute Blazing Infinity بازی جدید شرکت Idea Factory هست که قبلا با نام Neverland شناخته میشد و برمبنای یکی از عناوین PS2 به نام Blazing Souls ساخته میشه
تاریخ انتشار هم برای ژاپن 29 مارچ 2007 اعلام شده و برای اروپا و آمریکا هنوز تاریخی گفته نشده


کاربر سایت
Sep 30, 2005
سلام ...

سایت vgcharts آماری از فروش کنسول های مختلف منتشر کرده ...که نسبتا جالب توجه هست ...
بر اساس این آمار کنسول wii موفق شده از مرز فروش 3 میلیون هم گذر کنه ...


اما نکته ی جالب تر اینجاست که Nintendo DS هم بر اساس این آمار غوقا کرده و PSP کاملا تحت تاثیر فروش بالای اون قرار گرفته ...

بر اساس این آمار مایکروسافت موفق به فروش 7.74 میلیون Xbox 360 شده ... که با رقم 10 میلیونی که مایکروسافت پیش از این عنوان کرده بود فاصله دارد ...

سونی هم تنها توانسته 1.18 میلیون PS3 به فروش برساند ...

اما Wii توانسته مرز 3 میلیون را هم پشت سر بگذارد و با فروش 3.19 میلیون آمار جالب توجهی از خود به جای بگذارد
البته هنوز آمار فروش کنسول ها در ماه دسامبر رسما اعلام نشده و نمیشه دقیقا گفت که دقت آماری که این سایت اعلام کرده در چه حدی است اما اگر این آمار دقیق باشه باید منتظر باشیم که Xbox 360 بزودی جای خودش را به Wii بده و در رده ی دوم قرار بگیره ...
شکی نیست که محبوبیت Wii در سطح جهان بسرعت در حال افزایش هست ...و بسیاری از تحلیلگران از آن با عنوان اپیدمی Wii یاد می کنند :biggrin1:

Wiiهنوز با مشکل کمبود در تولید روبه رو است و کارشناسان پیش بینی میکنند که این مشکل ممکن است تا ماه مارس نیز ادامه داشته باشه

اما در سوی دیگر انتقادات از کنسول PS3 هم تمامی نداره و به طور ناجوانمردانه ای :-" در جریان هست
در ادامه ی اینگونه سلسله خبرهای انتقادی :) مطلبی عنوان شده که بسیاری از کسانی که PS3 خریداری کرده بودند هم اکنون دارند PS3 هاشون را با Wii معاوضه می کنند

first people camp out in front of Best Buys for days at a time to get the PS3, and then they trade them for Nintendo Wiis. Seriously. Tony Conrad, CEO and Founder of Sphere, pointed this out to us and we had to see it to believe it. There are people out there trying to trade their PS3s for Nintendo Wiis and some of them are offering to take a
I had to venture into the dangerous, uncharted waters of craigslist.org and start doing a little searching of my own.
We decided upon looking in some of the hottest cities on craigslist: Austin, New York and San Francisco. In my search of Austin, I only turned up 6 total people who wanted to trade their PS3 for a Wii, so I moved on to New York City, which boasted a pretty substantial 18 desired trades. Here’s where it gets crazy: in San Francisco, there are 48 different PS3 for Wii trades going on at this moment. Now, keep in mind, most of these trades are requesting a Wii plus cash difference, but there is the occasional barter that will take a loss just to get their hands on the latest Nintendo console.

حالا سئوالی که اینجا مطرحه آیا ابعاد این خبر انقدر مهم و گستردست که بخواد در بعضی سایت ها اینگونه بهش اشاره بشه ؟؟؟

اخیرا هم یک نظریه مد شده با نام نظریه ی Wii60
حالا این نظریه چی میگه ..:)

این نظریه هیج فرمول پیچیده ای نداره و خیلی سادست ...

Xbox 360 + Wii = Wii60


دو کنسول به جای یک کنسول ...
یعنی به جای اینکه 599 دلار بدید و یک PS3 شصت گیگابایتی بخرید شما با همین پول (و چه بسا کمتر) هر دو کنسول Xbox 360 و Wii را یکجا با هم بخرید و صاحب دو کنسول شوید و از بازی های هر دو کنسول لذت ببرید ...

به هر حال این نظریه موافقان و مخالفان زیادی داره و هر دو طرف هم دلایل قانع کننده ای دارند ... ;)


اما تولید سی پی یو های Xbox 360 با فناوری 65nm به تاخیر افتاد

مایکروسافت بمنظور ساخت پردازنده ی سه هسته ای Xbox 360 با فناوری 65nm چندی پیش قراردادی منعقد کرد

قرار بود که تولید این سی پی یو ها که در آن ها از تکنولوژی SOI استفاده خواهد شد در سه ماهه ی اول سال 2007 آغاز شود اما تا اواسط سال 2007 به تاخیر افتاد ...

پردازنده های Xbox 360 با فناوری 65nm نسبت به پردازنده های پیشین حرارت کمتری ایجاد میکند که باعث میشود که کنسول Xbox 360 گرمای کمتری ایجاد کند ...


اما برای دوستدارن Silent Hill ...

دومین قسمت فیلم Silent Hill ساخته خواهد شد ...

این مطلب توسط کارگردان این فیلم Christopher Gans در مصاحبه ای با سایت فرانسوی زبان dvdrama بیان شد ...

قسمت اول فیلم Silent Hill یکی از موفق ترین فیلم های ترسناک در سال 2006 بود و توانست بعد از Saw 3 و american haunting پرفروش ترین فیلم ترسناک لقب بگیرد ...



سایت gamedaily هم بازی Gears of War را به عنوان بهترین بازی سال انتخاب کرد ;)
آخرین ویرایش:


کاربر سایت
Apr 26, 2006
سایت vgcharts آماری از فروش کنسول های مختلف منتشر کرده ...که نسبتا جالب توجه هست ...
اين سايت هم مثل بقيه سايتها آمار غلط داده. تا موقعی که به طور رسمی آمار اعلام نشه هيچ کدوم از اين اعداد درست نيست، پس لطفا روی اين اعداد استناد نکنيد.


کاربر سایت
Aug 10, 2006
نوشته شده توسط farzadlion
سایت vgcharts آماری از فروش کنسول های مختلف منتشر کرده ...که نسبتا جالب توجه هست ...

بر اساس این آمار مایکروسافت موفق به فروش 7.74 میلیون Xbox 360 شده ... که با رقم 10 میلیونی که مایکروسافت پیش از این عنوان کرده بود فاصله دارد ...

اما اگر این آمار دقیق باشه باید منتظر باشیم که Xbox 360 بزودی جای خودش را به Wii بده و در رده ی دوم قرار بگیره

جدیدترین آمار شگفت انگیز سایت Amazon
من تعجب میکنم شما چرا آمار سایت nexgenwars رو تحریم میکنید و اونو فاقد اعتبار ولی آمار
واقعا افتضاح این سایت رو (هر چند کم و با ابهام) به دید میگذارید.
من میتونم راحت بگم این آمار فقط یک جک هست.
دلیل اول رو بر جدیدترین حرف سایت کاملا معتبر Amazon ( خبر امروز)که کارش فروش هست از جمله بازی و کنسول که
از فروش 360 بسیار شگفت زده شده و تنها تو این سایت که یکی از هزاران فروشنده 360 هست در عرض
29 ثانیه تونسته 1000 عدد 360 رو بفروش برسونه .خوب فکرش رو کنید تو این 29 ثانیه چند عدد 360
تو کل جهان بفروش رفته .
They also highlighted the record-breaking 1,000 units sold in 29 seconds for Microsoft's Xbox 360 in their Amazon Customers Vote promotion

اینهم منبع :
الحمدالله چون منبع کاملا معتبر هست و با توجه به اینکه هنوز 2 هفته نشده که خود مایکروسافت
اعلام کرد ما به فروش 10 میلیونی تا آخر سال خواهیم رسید پس مطمعن باشید حداقل 360 تا آخر سال
آمار واقعیش چیزی بین 9 تا 10 که من مطمعنم این فروش تا آخر تعطیلات تکمیل میشه.

Elvish Hero

Channeling La Masia
کاربر سایت
Sep 23, 2005
من راجه به vgcharts چیزی نمیدونم(هر چند اونقدر به فرزاد اعتماد دارم که میدونم مطلب از جای چرت نمینویسه!) ولی میدون Kexgen مزخرفه،واسه همینم منتظر آمار Media Crate یا NPD ام که ببینیم واقثعا تا آخر دسامبر 10 میلیونو فروخته یا نه؟
در ضمن این حرف چرت که:مایکروسافت حتما یه چیزی میدونه که گفته تا آخر سال 10 میلیون میفروشه و حرفایی این مدلی رو بریزین دور:biggrin1:
بعدشم اینکه اون مال وقتی بود که آمازون X360 رو صددلار میداد که تو 29 ثانیه 1000 تا فروخت.
نه اینکه به طور متوسط هر 29 ثانیه 1000 تا بفروشه!


کاربر سایت
Aug 10, 2006
بعدشم اینکه اون مال وقتی بود که آمازون X360 رو صددلار میداد که تو 29 ثانیه 1000 تا فروخت.
نه اینکه به طور متوسط هر 29 ثانیه 1000 تا بفروشه!
شما خوب نمیگیری......
ببین این خبر مال 27 دسامبر سال 2007 هست و گفته که 360 تو عرض 29 ثانیه تونسته 1000 تا بفروشه و اصلا
هم نگفته که این آمار مال موقعی بوده که 360 قیمتش 100 دلار بوده (اگر گفته به من بگو کجاش)و
اصلا هم نگفته 360 تو هر 29 ثانیه به طور ثابت !!! تعداد 1000 تا میفروشه و خودت سواد داری که
این چه معنی میده.

Amazon thanks game industry
Posted Dec 27, 2006 at 02:53AM by Ryan A.

The company didn't furnish exact figures for the DS Lite but mentioned that it was indeed the top seller on that day. They also highlighted the record-breaking 1,000 units sold in 29 seconds for Microsoft's Xbox 360 in their Amazon Customers Vote promotion. Mentioned too was the PlayStation 3's predecessor, the PS2, as a big seller.
کجاش گفته 100 دلار ؟
فعلا آمار سایت nexgen wars که فروش رو 9,216,758 برای 360 رو نشون میده خیلی به واقعیت نزدیکتره.
فقط کمی باورش برای برخی سخته.

Lich King

Sep 22, 2005
اين سايت هم مثل بقيه سايتها آمار غلط داده. تا موقعی که به طور رسمی آمار اعلام نشه هيچ کدوم از اين اعداد درست نيست، پس لطفا روی اين اعداد استناد نکنيد.
من نمی دونم چرا هر سایتی که آمار 360 رو زیاد نشون می ده سایت معتبری است و هر سایتی که آمار 360 رو کم نشون می ده فاقد اعتبار و غلط می شه از نظر 360 بازا. ولی با کمی دقت و فکر می شه تشخیص داد که vgchart از اعتبر بیشتری برخورداره در هر 3 کنسول چون ثمل nexgenwars نیست که یه کانتر گذاشته باشه همینطور برای خودش الکی زیاد شه!
حالا اگه کسی هم می خواد فکر کنه که nexgenwars معتبیر تره خوب نظر شخصیشه و محترم!!
ببین این خبر مال 27 دسامبر سال 2007 هست و گفته که 360 تو عرض 29 ثانیه تونسته 1000 تا بفروشه و اصلا
هم نگفته که این آمار مال موقعی بوده که 360 قیمتش 100 دلار بوده (اگر گفته به من بگو کجاش)و
اصلا هم نگفته 360 تو هر 29 ثانیه به طور ثابت !!! تعداد 1000 تا میفروشه و خودت سواد داری که
این چه معنی میده.
They also highlighted the record-breaking 1,000 units sold in 29 seconds for Microsoft's Xbox 360 in their Amazon Customers Vote promotion


کاربر سایت
Sep 16, 2006
مطمئن نيستم که این خبر به اینجا زياد ربط داشته باشه يا نه ولی ميگزارم و اگر مربوط به اینجا نبود لطفا پاک کنيد. خبر در مورد bypass کردن AACS DRM در Blu-Ray و HD-DVD هست.
AACS=Advanced Access Content System
Can it be? Is Hollywood's new DRM posterchild AACS (Advanced Access Content System, see more here) actually quite breakable? According to a post on our favoritest of forums (Doom9) by DRM hacker du jour muslix64, his new BackupHDDVD tool decrypts and dismantles AACS on a Windows PC. Just feed the small utility a crypto key (it comes bundled with keys for a few popular HD DVD titles, with the promise of more on the way), and it'll dump the video right off the disc onto your hard drive, supposedly playable in any HD DVD compatible player. If true, this would instantly become the DeCSS of high def optical (where you at, Jon?), as AACS is the copy protection scheme used not only by HD DVD, but by Blu-ray as well. Code and source posted in read link, let us know what you find!

Note: We're working on testing this ourselves, we'll report back with our findings asap.

[Thanks, Max and Adam]

Update: Well, it definitely does something. Click on for some pics and our experiences using the app.

هر چند تا اونجا که من ميدونم این برای محافظت فيلم هست ولی شايد بعد ها کمکی هم برای قفل شکوندن کنسول ها (در اصل PS3 ) بکنه.

منبع اصلی خبر:

بر گرفته از slashdot:

ببخشيد اگه بيربط بود.


کاربر سایت
Nov 30, 2006
اولين ps3 سفيد كه ساخته شده طبق شايعه ممكنه اين رنگ از ps3 در اوايل 2007 عرضه بشه .
ولي خدايي اين رنگش خيلي زيباست و ps3 را بيشتر يه كنسول فضايي نشون ميده .





بقیه‌ی عکس‌ها:

اينم ماشين سوزوكي مخصوص xbox360 ببينين چيكار كرده لازم به توضيح نيست خودتون ميتونيد ببينين چي خلق كردند!!!!!!!:love:





بقیه‌ی عکس‌ها:


کاربر سایت
Nov 19, 2005
من فکر میکنم اگه این 360 ها 2 دقیقه توی اونجا روشن بمونن ذوب بشن !!! نمیشن ؟!
Capcom اعلام کرده که در سال 2007 نزدیک به 6 عنوان گیم جدید برای کنسول XBOX360 عرضه میکنه.
البته به احتمال زیاد Resident Evil 5 توشون نیست و مثل اینکه رفته برای 2008 !
شایعاتی شده مبنا بر اینکه دو بازی کاملا اختصاصیه کنسول PS2 هم برای X360 عرضه میشن !
این دو بازی چیزی نیستن جزء دو عنوان بزرگ کپکام Okami و Godhand !
این دو بازی قراره در آینده نزدیک رسما به جمع عناوین 360 اضافه بشن.

pandora tomorrow

True Blue
مدیر انجمن
Sep 23, 2005
من فکر میکنم اگه این 360 ها 2 دقیقه توی اونجا روشن بمونن ذوب بشن !!! نمیشن ؟!

شاید پشتش خالیه!
یا از اون دستگاه ها که میزارن پشت نوسل تا خنگ بمونه بهش وصله!

Crackdown with Real Time Worlds


Will there be a punishment for a player committing repeated criminal acts against innocents?
Collateral damage is acceptable up to a point, but beyond that the Agent will be warned to minimize civilian casualties. If players persistently ignore warnings then an APB goes out to the local police force, the Peacekeepers, to take down the rogue Agent. The higher the Agent’s skill the greater the onslaught he’ll have to endure for his sins. Taking flight to the rooftops can be advisable at times like this.

The gangs actually perform in a similar way – kill too many of them and you piss them off, kill a boss and you really piss them off which results in hit squads that track you down and, if successfully dispatched, become a great source of skill development.

Was there any difficulty implementing the multiplayer in an open world game?
Definitely! Everything in the solo game is pushed to the limit. We have an environment drawn to the horizon and heavily populated with characters, vehicles and various other objects that can all be influenced by a powerful physics engine. Duplicating the entire solo experience for the co-op game by making sure nothing is left out has been our greatest challenge. In addition, the programming team begged us to keep the players together at all times. However, we wanted the core goal of player freedom to extend to the co-op game, so players can go anywhere and do anything anytime. The programming team also insisted that we shouldn’t include vehicles that travel at well over 200mph in a fully streaming environment, let alone a co-op one, but we did it anyway! The list goes on, and we’re delighted that we pushed the programming team so hard that they delivered the seemingly impossible.

Will there be new content and things to do in the coop mode, or will it be the same as the single-player game?
It’s exactly the same content, but it’s often been said that it’s twice the game!

Many people have labeled Crackdown a "GTA wannabe". How do you feel about this kind of statement, especially when you were involved with the original GTA?
Well, in so far as it’s what Dave Jones always wanted GTA to be, I guess that’s true! It’s a shame that so many action games set in open urban environments have been attempting to offer nothing more than a GTA style experience. It means that a game like Crackdown comes along and people immediately assume that it functions in the same way. The Crackdown team really enjoys the GTA games and, as you stated, many of them have been involved in their development. So, we know we’re offering a very different experience.

Do you intend to make the main character have more impact on his environment? So far the footage we have seen makes him appear very light on his feet, more like a Spider-Man or Daredevil type character than a Hulk or Thing.
The principal goal of the character movement was to deliver pace and fluidity. We wanted the player to seamlessly grab ledges, thrust upwards to a rooftop and then leap out into an open space while searching for his next foothold. An Agent is a type of super hero. One of the five skills he develops is agility. The Hulk might be able to jump huge distances, but I don’t think we’d ever describe him as agile! Of course, an agent can also develop his strength and as he bulks-up you will certainly notice him becoming more “Hulk-like.”

Can you tell us about the usage of the 360-CPU? How have you managed the three cores in Crackdown?
I can’t really answer with specifics because an enormous amount of protected R&D has gone into making Crackdown the game it is. I can tell you that all those characters running complex AI, vehicles hammering around the streets, true physics behaviours, explosions, etc. taking place in such a complex vertical environment is pushing the 360 to the limit. With so many ‘same again’ titles surfacing on the next-gen platforms, it’s great to have produced a title that really couldn’t have been properly realized until now.

Open-ended and perpetual are watchwords that are being used an awful lot in describing games recently, including Crackdown. Indeed you are behind the biggest world in console history, Grand Theft Auto. How does Crackdown take this type of game to the next level?
No other game has provided a truly freeform urban action experience. I know, it sounds like a bold claim, but if you don’t believe me then, when it’s available, download the demo from marketplace and decide for yourself! Persistence is obviously a big feature of a game like this: if the player stacks a bunch of explosives somewhere then he expects them to stay and if he totals a block’s worth of traffic then he expects the carnage to stick around. We’ve balanced the level of persistence rather than pushed it to the limit because we found that if we go too far then the world becomes too devastated to be fun!

What kind of guns do you have in the game?
Originally we toyed with the idea of going a bit sci-fi & MiB with the weaponry, but in the end the more military and contemporary street gang style weaponry packed the meatiest punch. Plus it felt the best in the player’s hands. Of course, some of these weapons have been pushed to the extreme and a couple couldn’t have possibly been held and fired by a conventional soldier.

Suffice it to say, there are plenty of varied weapons to appropriate from cold, dead fingers. Returning these to the hidden Agency Supply Points scattered around the city will permanently assign them to the Agent’s inventory.

The graphic novel visuals are very distinctive. Why did you go for this visual style, and what does it add to the gameplay?
Well visuals never add anything to gameplay and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! *laughter* We prototyped this game with flat coloured, flat shaded, blocky environment and skeletal characters. That prototype delivered on what’s core to the playability of the finished product. When that happens, you know you’re making a game for the right reasons! Quite rightly though, we all want a big slice of spectacle served on the side of our gameplay. We’re confident you’ll agree that Crackdown more than delivers on that too!

As you’ll no doubt have realized by now, everything in Crackdown is turned up to 11. We haven’t blown our budgets on a handful of extremely detailed characters or vehicles. Instead we’ve created a previously unseen world where thousands of people and hundreds of vehicles are visible at any one time in an environment that, from the always-accessible rooftops, can be seen in full. We wanted Crackdown to stand apart visually rather than follow the flock, so with the OTT action and superhuman abilities we quickly settled on a graphic novel stylization as a perfect fit.

The graphics technologies required to nail this look have largely been cutting-edge and difficult to achieve. This has worked against us over the last year or so as we released video footage and screens while the visual style was still in development. Take a look at the latest media though and you’ll see what our intentions always were; we’re certainly extremely pleased with the results.

There are three gangs terrorizing the city. Asians, Russians and Mexicans. Do the gangs interact with each other?
Microsoft’s geopolitical department would have a field day with this question! But yes, though there is a fairly balanced inter-gang status quo across the city before the Agency kicks into action, the gangs do from time to time engage each other in open warfare. When this happens the player can move in for some easier kills or just sit back and let nature run its course.

The gangs predominantly speak in their native tongue – Los Muertos in Spanish and The Volk in Russian. I should say that, though the Shai-Gen Corporation is of Asian origin, the board of directors (gang hierarchy) is completely multi racial. Therefore, their corporate language is English.

Can you describe how the player develops new skills and abilities as the game progresses?
All skills can be developed by killing. In fact, internally we refer to it as ‘skills for kills’! Hand to hand combat is one way to develop the strength skill, but any kill resulting from an act of brute strength will develop that attribute (i.e. bowling a dumpster through a bunch of enemies and then using one of the resulting bodies to beat the life out of the others). In this case the incentive isn’t just to become tougher for the harder missions, it’s to smash up previously indestructible barriers, rip up streetlights, use them as weapons, and hurl trucks across freeways into the path of an oncoming gang vehicle. Everyone wants to be a super agent!

As for developing the other skills: make kills from altitude and the agility skill is developed to the point where the player can leap Matrix-style from rooftop to rooftop; run down the bad guys (while surgically dodging the innocents) to develop driving skill and use of firearms and explosives should speak for itself. In testing we’ve found people fooling around with vehicles for hours on end: performing massive jumps, nailing stunts or simply completing races again and again. The mantra has always been to reward with skill progression any actions that players perform repeatedly AND continue to find fun. In fact many activities in the game will result in skill bonuses. The agility skill can also be developed by collecting markers scattered across hundreds of rooftops throughout the city.

Why did you go for coop multiplay instead of competitive? And is competitive multiplay planned as a surprise?
That’s a funny question because almost all cooperative game sessions regularly deteriorate into all-out death matches before a truce has to be called. It’s a lot of fun, particularly in the unique world of Crackdown, so we obligingly keep score until the score is settled.
As for more complex multiplay, that would also be awesome but it’s a different kind of game compared to the one we’ve made here. Plus, I’ve never been one for ruining surprises either…!

What kind of areas are included in the huge city and will there be other locations outside of the urban sprawl?
The city is divided into three main districts, with a fourth island at its centre forming the base of Agency operations. The districts are all uniquely themed to their host gang. The mission locations within them are all original and distinct, from the lighthouse and surrounding caves, to an offshore oil rig, to floor after floor of a towering skyscraper. As you can tell from those examples, we have many rural locations away from the city lights. We wanted the size and scale of Pacific City to overwhelm the player to begin with, but only to begin with. Through exploration and character development you should eventually get to know the full environment really well and take ownership – it becomes your city!

People might initially see Crackdown as a GTA clone, but in which directions did you want to take the game to set it apart?
The most obvious answer to this question is ‘up’. In Crackdown we’ve created a highly detailed vertical environment providing a true play volume for the intense action. In Crackdown the player is a crime-fighting super-soldier in the same morality mould as Judge Dredd. The city is his playground, everything in it are his toys. He has one clear objective: remove all trace of crime, but how he goes about doing this is entirely up to him – there is no restriction of a linear plotline; he becomes immensely powerful and regularly performs spectacular actions. So I guess you could say the directions in which we wanted to set the game apart from GTA was ‘all of ‘em’!

The coop-mode sounds very interesting. Can you explain how it will work and how we can play it with our friends?
One of the great things about the co-op feature is that players can dip in and out of each other’s games at any time. Games can be opened up to accept join requests from anyone or just friends if preferred. If you’re having a hard time with a particular gang boss, you could invite your friend in to help out. If you’ve arranged to meet up in the game then there’s no reason to wait at a lobby just play the game until your friend’s join request pops up.


کاربر سایت
Sep 30, 2005
ویرایش:عجیبه گذاشتن امار nexgenwars ممنوعه ولی vgchart ازاده !!! یکی به ما بگه علت چیه ؟

علتش اینه که پرت و پلا بودن آمار های nexgenwars کاملا اثبات شده ...

من منتظر آمار های رسمی فروش کنسول ها در ماه دسامبر هستم اگر دقت آمار های vgchart هم بخواد مثل nexgenwars باشه مطمعن باشید که گذاشتن آمار از روی سایت vgchart هم ممنوع میشه ...;)


اما کارشناسان و تحلیلگران پیش بینی می کنند که فروش PS2 در سال 2007 بیشتر از PS3 خواهد بود ...

The PS2 already owns the industry's all-time sales record. As of last March, Sony had shipped more than 103 million units worldwide. In the year ending in March, 2007, Sony expects to sell an additional 11 million—and just 6 million PS3s. In the following year, Sony will likely ship another 11 million PS2s vs. 7 million PS3s, according to research by rating agency Standard & Poor's (MHP).
آخرین ویرایش:


کاربر ویژه
کاربر سایت
Apr 9, 2006
محمد مهدی حاجی اسمعیلی
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Breeder

کوجیما در حال ساخت دوباره Metal Gear Solid 3 : Snake Eater برای کنسول PS3 هستش که دارای سبکی جدید (احتمالا Cross Platform) خواهد بود و هیچ توضیحی هنوز درباره سبک بازی داده نشده... نام بازی Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Breeder اعلام شده ولی معلوم نیست که یک Code Name هست و یا اسم واقعی بازی هستش...

"I have cornered the market on the stealth-combat style games. I think it is now safe to say that, without the pioneering techniques of cinematic story-telling that we have developed, the tactical stealth-combat genre would not be where it was today. I say today that every stealth-tactical game on the market today owes some legacy to the Metal Gear series.

So, I decided to branch out into other genres. As you all know, Metal Gear Solid: Acid is currently outselling even famous turn-based strategy RPGs like 'Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.' Yet, I feel there is so much I, and my developing team, have left to give to our profession. I have thus decided that we shall cross genres once again and revolutionize the dating-game genre with a heartfelt love story retelling of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. This game, slated to be released for the PS3 sometime in 2008, shall be called 'Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Breeder." — Hideo Kojima

یک شاهکار دیگه ولی به احتمال زیاد دیگه به سبک سینمایی (مثل قسمتهای قبلی) نخواهد بود....باید ببینیم که چی میشه ! فعلا که وضع لیست بازیهای PS3 خرابه !!!



کاربر سایت
Sep 30, 2005
سلام ...

دو تا خبر ...

اولین خبر از بازی Lost Planet: Extreme Condition ...

این بازی یکی از عناوین انحصاری Xbox 360 هست اما با سخنانی که تولید کننده ی این بازی Jun Takeuchi ایراد کرده بنظر میرسه که این بازی همچین هم انحصاری نباشه !!!

Jun Takeuchi در ارتباط با احتمال آمدن نسخه ی PS3 این بازی گفته که ما تلاش خواهیم کرد که این (بازی) را به عنوان یکی از عناوین انحصاری Xbox 360 حفظ کنیم ... اما از دیدگاه کمپانی (Capcom) هنگامی که شما در مورد کسب و کار فکر می کنید در آینده آن گزینه ای است که ما ممکن است مجبور شویم انجام دهیم ...

بنظر میرسه این جملات یک چراغ سبز به نسخه ی PS3 این بازی باشه ..


اما Crysis برای Xbox 360 خواهد آمد ؟؟؟

به نقل از سایت todoxbox360 خبری منتشر شده که بازی Crysis در آینده برای کنسول Xbox 360 خواهد آمد ...
در مقاله به هیچ زمانی برای آمدن این بازی برای Xbox 360 اشاره نشده ...

این در حالی است که تاریخ انتشار این بازی پیشتر برای PC با تاخیر مواجه شده بود (Q3 2007)...

هنوز Crytek و Electronic Arts در ارتباط با این خبر واکنشی از خود نشان نداده اند و آن را تایید نکرده اند ...

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