Xbox Live hacked, 48 Million Users Exposed (آپدیت: تکذیب خبر)

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کاربر سایت
دوستان راست یا دورغش را نمیدانم برای احتیاط پاس خود را عوض کنید​

Also the hacker posted a list of some users’ s account information (email and password) and upload 6.12GB file for the entire credentials of every Xbox Live user in an nickname;email;password;join date format, It contains nearly confidental-info on around 47 million users, So we recommend you to change your password immediately.Microsoft doesn’t confirmed or commented about it yet.[/LTR]

[LTR]Xbox Live PWNED! (48 Million Users Exposed) -[/LTR]

دوستان راست یا دورغش را نمیدانم برای احتیاط پاس خود را عوض کنید
آخرین ویرایش:
اینم متنی که هکر به جا گذاشته . ریده به میاکرو سافت :d
Good morning, faggots

Today is a pretty fine ****ing day, and a good day for the underground too, as I believe everything happens for a small tiny reason. Today, one of the biggest IT-companies known as Fagsoft, oh sorry, autocorrect-problems, I meant, Microsoft. They are often known as the biggest cocksuckers that history has ever witnessed. They released a faggotry-infested 1960's-machines inspired Xbox One! They said that they have created 30,000 servers just for this lovely moment. I believe, you better shut the **** up before you get smacked the **** up, billy.

Today, Xbox Live has been brutally owned, in true-fashion. I shall not expose the vulnerability this time, as I do not want Benjamin Kuns Mejri masturbating all over my releases, oh and, Vuln-Labs, your advisories ****ing suck.

On the second hand, after the downfall of our well-known friends, Lulssec. sony was truly happy, sitting behind their chairs and ejaculating over pictures of Katy Perry. But I believe, that Microsoft should get a taste of some pure ownage too.

I brutally owned Xbox Live a few days ago, but I decided to dump all the super-dooper precious data now.

Oh and, If I get another stupid BBC-journalist talking crap on this lovely work-of-hand, thou shall be cursed.

And most importanly; Microsoft, this is not a dick-sucking contest. You gotta stand the **** up infront of cyberhackers. You seek help and therefore; You'll get owned.

Lastly, Microsoft is a pest to humanity.

Enjoy this lovely ownage for now.

I have uploaded the entire credentials of every Xbox Live user in an nickname;email;password;joindate format, It contains nearly confidental-info on around 47 million users.

اینجاش با حاله که 48 میلیون یوزر و پسورد رو تو یه فایل txt گذاشته واسه دانلود با حجم 6GB:d
همه سایت های معتبر از جمله گیم اسپات اعلام کردن . متاسفانه فیک نیست

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
هههههه مگه psn ـه هک بشه ؟:))
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