Update های PSN (EU) برای ماه بعد از همين حالا فاش شد!

Reza Modanloo

کاربر سایت
اين فقط شايعه هست از PS3Fanboy.com:
گفته ميشه اينهارو SCEE فاش کرده و رسمی هستند و به احتمال فراوان درست خواهد بود!


October 11th

* Ratchet and Clank demo

October 18th

* Feel Ski full game
* Pixel Junk Racers full game
* Blast Factor: Advanced Research add on
* Folklore "Kidnapped Folk" add on

October 25th

* EyeCreate full application
* Trials of Topoq full game
* Operation: Creature Feature full game
* Aqua Vita full game
* Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection online add on

November 8th

* Toy Home full game

PS1 games due out during October

* Crash Bandicoot 2
* Crash Bandicoot 3
* Everybody's Golf 2
* Crash Team Racing
* Bust a Groove
* Syphon ****** 3
* Cool Boaders
* Spyro 2
* Spyro: Year of the Dragon
October 11th

* Ratchet and Clank demo

October 18th

* Pixel Junk Racers full game

* Folklore "Kidnapped Folk" add on

October 25th

* Aqua Vita full game
* Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection online add on

November 8th

* Toy Home full game

PS1 games due out during October

* Crash Bandicoot 2
* Crash Bandicoot 3

* Crash Team Racing
* Bust a Groove
* Syphon ****** 3

* Spyro 2
* Spyro: Year of the Dragon
دست سوني درد نکنه البته به درد بخوراش ايناست که من بالا مشخص کردم!

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اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن