The Amazing Spider-Man Achievements Guide


کاربر سایت

درجه سختی : 4/10
تعداد کل اچیومنت ها : 46
اچیومنت های آفلاین : 46/46(

اچیومنت های آنلاین : 0
ساعت مورد نیاز برای گرفتن اچیومنت ها : 20-25 .
تعداد دفعات مورد نیاز برای گرفتن کل اچیومنت ها : 1

1000 تایی کردن این بازی خیلی آسونه، واسه همین تصمیم گرفتم گایدشو بذارم :d

تو بازی 7 تا لباس برای Spider Man هست، که میتونید از آپارتمان اونا رو انتخاب کنید.
روش باز کردنشونم رو هم آخر پست نوشتم.


Gladiator 15

Completed all Oscorp Secret Research Labs

بعد از چپتر 3 تعدادی لوگو آزمایشگاه سبز رنگ رو نقشه میبینید که با کامل کردن اونا میتونید این اچیومنت رو بگیرید. کلاً 4 تا Oscorp Secret Research وجود داره که آخری بعد از چپتر 9 باز میشه. گارد هایی که توی آزمایشگاه هستن به شدت مسلح هستن پس همه رو Stealth Takedowns کنید.


A Dash of Spider 15
Completed all XTreme Race challenges

بعد از چپتر 3 یه لوگو مشکی بالون هوایی رو نقشه ظاهر میشه که با رفتن به سمتش و زدن دکمه RB میتونید challnges رو شروع کنید. کلا 10 تا Race challenges وجود داره.


The Camera Loves You 15
Completed all XTreme Video challenges

همون اچیومنت قبلیه، فقط یه مدل دیگس باید یه دوربین رو کنترل کنید. از این هم 10 تا هست.


Friendly Neighbor 15 Saved a hostage caught in a petty crime
بعد از چپتر 2، تعدادی لوگو مشت آبی رو نقشه میبینید که با رفتن به اونا و نجات اولین شهروندِ گیر افتاده! این اچیومنت رو میگیرید.


Call Interrupted 15
Destroyed a Seeker before it could call a Hunter
بعد از چپتر 4، شما بعضی موقع ها هنگام گشت و گذار تو شهر، یه ربات کوچک که پرواز میکنه رو میبینید که داره شما اسکن میکنه. تا اونو دیدید با دکمه B بهش چند بار تار بزنید تا از کار بیفته.


Negotiator 15
Resolved all police deadlocks
بعد از چپتر 4، شما یه لوگو هلکوپتر آبی رو نقشه میبیند. با Web-Rush به سمتش وارد یه درگیری مسلحانه! میشید. کلاً 5 تا deadlocks وجود داره.


Car Hopper 15
Cleared all car chases
بعد از چپتر 3، چند تا لوگو ماشین آبی رو نقشه ظاهر میشه که اینم تقریباً مثل قبلیه فقط خیلی راحت تره و با چندتا کلیک تموم میشه. اوایل باید 1 ماشین رو متوقف کنید و اواخرش 3 تا.


Peace of Mind 15
Returned all escapees to the police

تمام آیکون آدمک های آبی رو روی نقشه پیدا کنید و به پلیس تحویل بدید.


Sanitized 15
Rescued all infected civilians
تمام آیکون آدمک های قرمز رو روی نقشه پیدا کنید و به بیمارستان تحویل بدید.


Sky Captain 15
Chained 10 Web-Rushes in the city

دکمه RB رو نگه دارید تا وارد Web-Rushe Mode بشید، بعد یکی جاهایی که اسپایدرمن زرد میبیند و انتخاب کنید و RB رو رها کنید. این کار رو 10 بار پشت سر هم انجام بدید.


Amazing Spider-Man 20 Unlocked all concept art
با عکس گرفتن از دشمنا، رد کردن چپتر ها، ملاقات کاراکتر های جدید و غیره concept art ها باز میشن. شما باید از تمام دشمن های توی بازی عکس بگیرید و همچنین جاهایی که با آیکون دوربین سبز رو نقشه مشخص شده. عکس گرفتن از Seeker ها و The Lizard الزامی نیست. از S-01 - اولین Boss بازی - میتونید توی Robotic Facility عکس بگیرید چون حین مبارزه باهاش دوربین در دسترس نیست.

OsCorp Guards

Enemy Location
OsCorp Guard OsCorp Biological Labs
OsCorp Sergeant OsCorp Biological Labs
OsCorp Containment Guard OsCorp Biological Labs
OsCorp Colonel OsCorp Biological Labs
OsCorp Sniper Manhattan rooftops after visiting Oscorp Archives

Enemy Location

Infected Striker West Pumping Station
Infected Heavy West Pumping Station

Enemy Location

Medical Sentry OsCorp Tower
Combat Sentry West Pumping Station/OsCorp Biological Labs
Advanced Combat Sentry OsCorp Tower

Enemy Location

Street Thug St. Gabriel's Bank
Street Slasher St. Gabriel's Bank
Mercenary St. Gabriel's Bank
Urban Commando St. Gabriel's Bank
Gatling Commando St. Gabriel's Bank

Enemy Location

Felicia Hardy St. Gabriel's Bank
Vermin West Pumping Station
Scorpion OsCorp Tower
Iguana Train Docking Station
Rhino Water Treatment Facility
Nattie Underground City
Pygos Underground City

Enemy Location

Seeker Manhattan
Hunter Manhattan

Enemy Location

S-01 OsCorp Robotic Facility
S-02 S-02 Fight
S-03 OsCorp Robotic Facility

Enemy Location

Alistair's Exo S-03 Fight
Lizard Underground City


Ultimate Spider-Man 20
Acquired all upgrades
برای این اچیومنت باید فقط XP کسب کنید، پس کار خاصی لازم نیست بکنید! فقط بازی رو تموم کنید و سعی کنید تو مبارزه ها بیشتر از Stealth Takedowns و Signature Moves استفاده کنید. دفت کنید برای گرفتن این اچیومنت باید آپگرید های هر دو قسمت Tech upgrades و Abilities رو کامل کنید.


Heavyweight Champion 30
Defeated 1000 enemies

1000 نفر/ربات رو از پا در بیارید/از کار بندازید.


Middleweight Champion 20
Defeated 500 enemies
500 نفر/ربات رو از پا در بیارید/از کار بندازید.


Lightweight Champion 15

Defeated 100 enemies

100 نفر/ربات رو از پا در بیارید/از کار بندازید.


The Sky Is the Limit 20
Defeated the S-01 without touching the ground
بدون اینکه زمین رو لمس کنید اولین Boss بازی رو شکست بدید. فقط کافیه دستتون رو LT باشه دورش بچرخید. اگه از Web Rush Mode استفاده کنید میتونید همه ی Web Strike ها رو vhpj انجام بدید. کلاً دو قسمت داره این fight، اول باید چندتا Web Strike و بعد چندین تا Web Shoot.


Clean Victory 20
Defeated a Hunter without using your Web-Shooters

وقتی یه Hunter حمله میکنه بهتون پیشنهاد میشه که با Web Shoot اونو ضعیف کنید. خب این کار رو نکنید! فقط از Web Strike استفاده کنید.


All Tied Up 15
Defeated 100 enemies by performing Stealth Takedowns
100 دشمن رو Stealth Takedowns کنید. مستقیم بالای سر یا درست پشت دشمنا بایستید تا بنفش بشن و بعد RB.


Stick to the Plan 15
Defeated 50 enemies by performing Stealth Takedowns

50 دشمن رو Stealth Takedowns کنید.


Keep It Together 15
Immobilized 6 enemies simultaneously with web
6 دشمن رو با Web Shoot بی حرکت کنید. اینجاها پیشنهاد میشه:
St. Gabriel's Bank Sidequest
Oscorp Robotic Facility
با پشت سر هم کلیک کردنِ دکمه B سعی کنید 6 نفر/ربات رو بی حرکت کنید.


Haymaker 10
Performed a Web-Rush punch

برای گرفتن این اچیومنت باید تا چپتر 6 صبر کنید تا قابلیت Web-Rush punch رو بدست بیارید. اول به طرف یه دشمن از راه دور RB رو بزنید تا Web Strike کنه و نرسیده به دشمن! X رو بزنید.


FYI I'm Spider-Man 10
Performed 25 Signature Moves
وقتی یه دشمن رو چند بار پست سر هم میزنید بعضی وقت ها گیج میشه و دور سرش دایره میچرخه. سریع برید بالای سرش و B رو بزید تا بچسبه رو زمین. 25 بار این کار رو تکرار کنید.


I'm on a Roll! 15
Achieved a combo streak of 42
این بازی آسون ترین combo هایی داشته که تاحال دیدم! من رکوردم 86 ـه، یه بدبختی رو که گیج شده بود رو تا جایی که میخورد زدم :d


Journalist 15
Collected all audio evidence


Corporate 15
Collected all Oscorp Manuals


Tech Savvy 15
Collected all hidden Tech Pieces


Librarian 15
Collected all magazines

خب ! رسیدیم به اصلی ترین اچیومنت های بازی. من لیست تمام Collectible ها رو تو هر چپتر میذارم + یه فیلم کلی که زمانش 46 دقیقه هست !! دیگه خودتون هر کدوم رو میخواید انتخاب کنید چون نه حس ترجمه هست نه حس آپلود ِ 270 مگابایت فیلم!
Chapter One: Oscorp Tower
Audio Evidence 1: After learning how to jump, then seeing that creature pull the scientists through the vent, in the next short hallway will be a piece of audio evidence on the ground on the left.
Audio Evidence 2: After activating the second security console, Web Rush over the second laser wall, then look right of the exit.

Chapter Two: Beloit Psychiatric Hospital
Magazine 1: At the beginning of the chapter, in the entryway to the break room from the control room.
Magazine 2: After Web Rushing up to the balcony Conners said to, head into the room behind the guard and look in the corner for this.
Magazine 3: After the fight with the dumpster-toss tutorial, under the office window near a drink machine (you might've thrown the machine).
Audio Evidence 1: On the balcony in the same area as Magazine 3 (after the dumpster fight with the slasher patients).
Magazine 4: After exiting the first air vent after the switch, before using the second, drop into the connecting room and grab the magazine.
Audio Evidence 2: After Spidey says "fills my good deed quota", head into the lounge area on the right. This is on the wheelchair propping up the fallen bookcase.
Magazine 5: When you reach the burning hallway, after climbing over or around the first fire, drop down and pick up this magazine.
Magazine 6: In the storage room, right of the exit.
Magazine 7: Directly opposite of Magazine 6, near some lockers
Magazine 8: After taking out the first armed patient, head into the connecting fiery hallway and climb over the blaze, then drop down to get this.

Chapter Three: Oscorp Archives
Tech Piece 1: When the level begins, stealthily take down the guard, then jump on the supply pile by him to find this.
Magazine 1: When you're done beating up the guards in the first area, Web Rush up to the above area, take out the guard, then look right to find this.
Oscorp Security Manual 1: On the ground in the second guarded area, you probably went over this area when you went to attack the guard across from the entry point.
Oscorp Security Manual 2: Upon exiting the air vent out of the elevator, take out the two guards, and head right to see this in the corner.
Audio Evidence 1: When you reach the exit of the vent you enter after Manual 2, Web Rush to the one right across, over the balcony, and this is in the vent.
Tech Piece 2: After the fight in the larger area ("Anybody bring a deck of cards or something?"), up on the balcony with the yellow railing.
Tech Piece 3: Tucked in a corner next to a stack of crates near the "entrance" of the larger area.
Magazine 2: After smashing the window with the large crate, look to the left under the broken window.
Magazine 3: After fighting the shield-guard, grab this from under the side window.
Picture (might bring concept art, unclear as of now): Story-related
Magazine 4: In the hazardous trench in the room after snapping the Oscorp box picture.
Oscorp Security Manual 3: Go through the left vent above the catwalk, then look down at the exit, and you'll see it behind a container.
Tech Piece 4: On some crates near the exit, beyond the hazard trench.
Audio Evidence 2: Drop off the entrance catwalk, then look in the nook to the right by the security tower.
Tech Piece 5: Head in the ventilation shaft on the left wall after exiting the guard-filled area.
Magazine 5: On the only enemy-free platform in the large server room, near a locked door.
Tech Piece 6: Against the wall behind the security console (facing the console, right) that turns off the laser floor.
Oscorp Security Manual 4: After watching Whitney get busted, this is below the window.
Tech Piece 7: After watching Whitney get interrogated, follow the railing left and drop down to find this in a pit.
Magazine 6: Near the locked entrance to where Whitney was held captive.
Tech Piece 8: When protecting and/or carrying Whitney, head up to the balcony up and right of the incinerator, and into the room a guard emerged from.
Oscorp Security Manual 5: When carrying Whitney into the warehouse, find this in a corner near the entrance.
Magazine 7: Follow the left wall back and see this behind some crates
Magazine 8: On a stack of crates near the warehouse exit.

Chapter Four: West Pumping Station
Magazine 1: After reaching the intersection after the first slimey hallway, head down the right turn to see this on a cinder block.
Magazine 2: When your first infected enemy is defeated, hop over the short wall on the right and see this amongst the slime on a red pipe.
Magazine 3: In corridor 43, on the milk crate table in the back-right corner
Photo 1: When you see the OsCorp logo left of the drop, photograph it.
Photo 2: Before pulling the next wheel, head on the pipes and this specimen is over the exit.
Magazine 4: After entering the acid hallway Vermin just went through, head down the branching path on the right to nab this Magazine.
Magazine 5: After the stealth-takedown-fest, when you reach the large corridor with the divider lines, head up through the ceiling gap and follow the chasm to a ledge with this.
Photo 3: When in the large divider-line-lined corridor, when the corridor turns, look into the turn and take a picture of the homeless shanty.
Magazine 6: In the back-left corner of the second battle area in the first Little Italy Junction (the first area after Vermin goes back into the sewers).
Audio Evidence 1: Go into the perfectly round tunnel, then fall all the way down. Web-Shoot the fan and enter the back room to find this on the table.
Magazine 7: Go through the green-sided square tunnel with the acid, then go all the way to the end of the tunnel to grab this.
Magazine 8: Upon entering the green tunnel used to continue and defeating the enemies, pull the subway car out of the Prince St. tunnel, then head all the way to the back of the tunnel.
Audio Evidence 2: After crawling through the container, look behind the large blue dumpster.

Chapter Five: Oscorp Tower Part 2
Tech Piece 1: On the lab table below your starting point.
Magazine 1: In a nook on the right side of the lobby.
Audio Evidence 1: On the reception desk that's on the wall you entered.
Magazine 2: On the floor near the force field generator.
Tech Piece 2: By the containment chamber in the middle of the force field room.
Tech Piece 3: After deactivating the force field, in the open elevator with a 2 on it.
OsCorp Security Manual 1: Look at the open elevator with a 2. Head right into the corner to find this on a bench.
Magazine 3: On the reception desk of the second elevator lobby (after climing up an elevator).
Tech Piece 4: On the top of an orange bench near where you entered.
Tech Piece 5: When in the crawlspace from elevator with a 3, in the first nook on the left.
Tech Piece 6: Near the crawlspace exit, around the last corner.
Magazine 4: Behind on of the force field generators around the chamber.
Photo 1: Snap a pic of the embryo inside the large chamber in the center of the room.
OsCorp Security Manual 2: On one of the broken ledges in the containment area.
Photo 2: Still in the containment room, find the second story window with the OsCorp logo, and take a picture of the computer with Scorpion's info on it.
Tech Piece 7: On the left side of the empty room with the gun turret.
Magazine 5: On a desk on the raised area on the right of the gun turret room.
Tech Piece 8: In the hallway after the turret room, simply on the ground for the taking.
OsCorp Security Manual 3: On the console in the laser wall room.
Magazine 6: On a desk in the second laser security room.
Magazine 7: On a drafting table in the quarantine area, below your entry vent.
OsCorp Security Manual 4: By the computers on the left side of the quarantine area.
Tech Piece 9: Out in the open in the middle of the exit from the quarantine area.
Tech Piece 10: In plain sight after the first ceiling turret you see when escaping OsCorp.
Photo 3: After the first ceiling turret when escaping, take a picture of the observation window with the robot inside (get all three panels of the window in).
Tech Piece 11: In the hallway with two turrets, in a nook on the left.
OsCorp Security Manual 5: On a computer right of the entrance to the Lab.
Audio Evidence 2: Inside the overturned capsule in the lab.
Magazine 8: After defeating all the scientists in the lab, the windows will explode revealing gunners. The magazine is in one of those niches.
Tech Piece 12: After exiting the lab, check the nook on the right made by the small room.

Chapter Six: Oscorp Biological Labs
Tech Piece 1: Right when starting the mission, don't leave that beam! A Tech Piece is to your left on the beam.
Audio Evidence 1: In the first area, in the corner of the control room.
Magazine 1: On the control board of the control room in the beginning area.
OsCorp Security Manual 1: After opening the doors with the console in the lobby, head up to the second level and proceed through the open door. Someone artfully put this in a tree planter.
Tech Piece 2: Behind the DNA statue in the middle of the lobby you open with the control console.
Photo 1: Take a pic of all four columns that rise out of the ground.
Tech Piece 3: On top of the clear air duct in the back of the area with the four columns that rise out of the ground.(Note these next collectibles are in a specific order by room you choose. For the next few, this is in the room closest, on the left.)
Tech Piece 4: On top of a cabinet in the back-right corner of the room.
Tech Piece 5: Find the ventilation duct on the second floor of the first room, and look for this inside.(This room is the second room if going clockwise)
Magazine 2: Up by the exit of a vent, near the removed cover. If you enter through this vent, it's left below your entry.
OsCorp Security Manual 2: Between two large shelving on the first floor of the second room (going clockwise around the four rooms)(Now we head to the third room, still going clockwise)
OsCorp Security Manual 3: Entering the third room (back right room), this is in a sink to the left of the entrance.
Magazine 3: In the third room (back right), use the vent on the second level. It'll be stashed in here.
Audio Evidence 2: On the second level of the fourth (final if going clockwise around the rooms) generator room next to a fridge.
Magazine 4: Smack dab in the middle of the elevator that comes up after demolishing all four locks.
Magazine 5: After free-falling down the elevator shaft, find this in the first corner on the right.
Photo 2: In the hall with all the enemies to stealthily take out (after elevator free-fall), look in the niche on the right wall, and take a photo of the console with the OsCorp logo stamped on it.
Tech Piece 6: After fighting the enemies in the chasm (Spidey will say, "Got to get through!"), head in the open door and see this hanging out in the corner by the railing.
Tech Piece 7: Along the wall in the hallway you jump down to by dodging a thing of lasers. This is by Piece 6.
Magazine 6: Next to the second generator, the one behind the door that's locked.
OsCorp Security Manual 4: On the crate in the corner of the first room after destroying both generators to open the door and activating the console.
Tech Piece 8: On the floor of the second laser wall and turret area, the room after OsCorp manual 4.
Magazine 7: On the floor in the circular area with the scientists.
Tech Piece 9: On the floor in the circular area with the scientists.
Photo 3: Take a group photo of all the scientists that were trapped.
Tech Piece 10: After the Hunter saves your life, head into the ventilation chamber. This is on the first piece of rubble you use that's largely intact.
OsCorp Security Manual 5: Exiting the first ventilation chasm into the brief hallway, check out the area on the left for this.
Tech Piece 11: On the ground floor of the second ventilation chasm.
Tech Piece 12: On the highest tier of the second ventilation chasm.
Magazine 8: After exiting the second ventilation chasm, check the outer edge of the botanical area.

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight: St. Gabriel's Bank
Magazine 1: In the bank lobby, on the second level on the right side from the glass that shatters.
Magazine 2: When the glass shatters in the lobby, this is on the small structure in the back-right corner.
Magazine 3: After the SWAT team smashes through the lobby ceiling, find this magazine hidden in the attic space.
Photo 1: Snap a picture of the director's coffee cup when in his office.
Magazine 4: Inside the large vault, in the corner by the second vault on the left of the entrance.
Photo 2: After the subway car breaks through, snap a picture of the briefcase on the orange chairs.
Magazine 5: Next to the soda machine at the farther end of the station after the subway crash.
Magazine 6: After you see Felicia and the getaway truck from the safety of the vents, upon exiting the vent, look all the way to the left of the first ceiling beam. Who put that there?
Magazine 7: On your way to the garage, find this on the left side of the hallway.
Photo 3: Take a photograph of the van with the OsCorp logo on it through the garage fence.
Magazine 8: With Felicia on your back (bet you feel special), look right just before getting into the elevator to find this.

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten: Oscorp Robotic Facility
Tech Piece 1: When in the entrance crawlspace, on the right by the yellow exit vent.
Magazine 1: After Smythe's chat with Connors, head into the assembly area behind you and find this on a ceiling beam.
Tech Piece 2: On the far end of the conveyor belt you enter after destroying four generators, on top of a robot's head.
Photo 1: Snap a photograph of the exoskeleton (mech suit) in the room with the sentry doors to web up.
OsCorp Security Manual 1: Under an interactive locker on the left wall (facing the elevator)
Audio Evidence 1: In the room with the large amounts of sentries and their doors, hop through the opening in the chain-link fence and find this lying on a dumpster.
Magazine 2: On top of the crate on the right of the elevator full of Sentries.
Magazine 3: When you drop through the hole in the elevator, hit the bottom, then look up. There's an active fan up there. Gum it up and snag the collectible.
Tech Piece 3: After the cutscene with you climbing on the glass walkway listening to Connors and Smythe, turn left once you enter a crawlspace and you can go directions besides forwards.
Tech Piece 4: Turn left at the T intersection of the same crawlspace as Piece 3.
Tech Piece 5: On the back wall of the room Alistaire tosses you into through a window. You should see this in front of you as you land.
Tech Piece 6: On the left wall of the second room of sentries after being tossed through the window.
Magazine 4: On the console opposite the one with your phone and web-shooters when you collect them.
Photo 2: When you open the blast doors to see the S-03, snap a picture.
OsCorp Security Manual 2: Just entering the S-03 hangar, take a right and check out the nook behind the shipping crates.
Tech Piece 7: After using the platform vehicle to cross the initial gap, use it again to cross the second gap to the catwalk with the Tech Piece.
Tech Piece 8: On the side of the area you use the platform vehicle to reach, under the B04 door.
Tech Piece 9: After the platform vehicle area, on the red pipe, follow the pipe's first turn and jump to this on the S-03's leg.
Magazine 5: After all the pipes, behind the elevator with the 04.
Magazine 6: In the gray hallway after the hangar, head into the first room and see this on the desk.
Audio Evidence 2: In the gray hallway after the hangar, head down right of the crate room past the floor lasers, and grab this. Then run because you probably just alerted two sentries!
OsCorp Security Manual 3: At the top of the crate-stair room on a rack on the left.
Photo 3: Head to behind the reactor and snap a picture to remember this moment.
OsCorp Security Manual 4: On the ground floor of the reactor room, driving... the... forklift... who authorized that?...
Tech Piece 10: On the right-side catwalk of the reactor room, right of the console.
Magazine 7: After moving the reactor, find this where the reactor once sat.
Tech Piece 11: Turn left after exiting the reactor room, avoid the sentry's laser-sight, then find this behind the sentry.
Magazine 8: Turn left at the fiery room with the broken window and head all the way down the oath to get this on a rack.
Tech Piece 12: Turn around after Magazine 8 (left past the broken, fiery window) and see this tucked in a corner behind some crates.
Tech Piece 13: On the console on the right wall of the room with the fire.
OsCorp Security Manual 5: After entering the room on fire after the reactor area, turn left through the lasers and head into the room to find this in a trash bin, where it belongs. If you haven't missed any manuals, Corporate will unlock.
Tech Piece 14: In the fan room after the room with fire, continue on the crates past the fan to find this tucked in a corner.
Tech Piece 15: Gum up the fan in the same room as piece 14, then head left at the intersection.
Tech Piece 16: When you reenter the S-03 hangar from the fan area, after the first leg smashes the catwalk, navigate through and find this guarded by steam vents to web up on the left. If you haven't missed any Tech Pieces, Tech Savvy should pop.

Chapter Eleven: Conners Makeshift Lab
Audio Evidence: Near the entrance of Connors' lab, in plain sight.

Chapter Twelve: Underground City
Audio Evidence 1: On an overturned white column behind the bus that's fallen through the ceiling.
Magazine 1: Look on the first floor of the area with the fallen bus, next to a red shipping crate.
Photo 1: After going through the tunnel on the second level of the area with the bus wreck, take a pic of the hazmat suit under the OsCorp decal.
Magazine 2: After exiting the crawlspace and entering the pump station (you'll see Nattie swim around), head to the right to find this on a barrel.
Magazine 3: After going on the red pipe and gumming the fan after pulling the first wheel, find this on a workbench on the far side of the second pump room.
Audio Evidence 2: After entering the second pump roomby gumming the fan, find this on the platform beneath the fan.
Magazine 4: After beating Nattie, head left at the fork. Crawl through a crawlspace, and find this on a crate right of the entrance.
Audio Evidence 3: After beating Nattie, head right at the fork. Turn the corner, defeat the Sentries, and grab this from the nook. If you have not missed any Audio Evidence, Journalist will unlock.
Magazine 5: After beating Nattie, head right at the fork. In the two-tiered area, look for this in the blue dumpster right of the entrance.
Photo 2: Take a right at the fork after beating Nattie, in the back-left corner of the two-leveled area. Snap a picture of the art and OsCorp logo.
Magazine 6: When traversing between the shanties after the narrow green slime tunnel, find this on a ledge to your left on the second dwelling.
Magazine 7: After exiting the crawlspace and spotting the Hunter, look behind the crate with the "Irish Pub" light.
Photo 3: Take a picture of the Hunter being attacked by infected (the friendly one).
Magazine 8: Just inside on of the tunnels on the second layer of the room with Gwen's hunter. The ledge has green goo on it. If you missed no magazines, Librarian will be awarded.

Chapter Thirteen: POST GAME Peter and Gwen
اینم فیلم:

اینم لینک :d :
tip: با این سایت لینک Uتیوب رو مستقیم کنید :


On the Fly 25
Collected all 700 Spider-Man Comic Pages
همه کمیک بوک ها رو جمع کنید. همشون تو سطح شهرن و توی ماموریت ها دنبالشون نگردین.
100 تا از 700 پیج رو هوا دارن پرواز میکنن. برید نزدیکشون و RB و بعد Y رو بزنید.

  • روی ساختمون های آنتن دار رو چک کنید.
  • روی بیلبورد ها و مخزن های آب هم حتما هستن.
  • پیشنهاد میشه بازی رو تموم کنید و تو شب برید دنبالشون، اینجوری خیلی خیلی راحت پیدا میشن.
  • بعد از جمع کردن 500 تا روی نقشه با نقطه ی زرد مشخص هستن.


Spider-Man 100
Completed the game on super hero difficulty
بازی رو روی درجه سختی super hero تموم کنید. ( واضحه که 2 اچیومنت زیر هم باز میشن )


Vigilante 50
Completed the game on hero difficulty

بازی رو روی درجه سختی hero تموم کنید.


Peter Parker 25
Completed the game on human difficulty
بازی رو روی درجه سختی human تموم کنید.

15 تا اچیومنت هم secret هست و در طول داستان بازی باز میشن و missable نیستن... دیگه واسه چی اونا رو هم بنویسم ؟!

اینم لباس ها:
Bonus Costumes

  • Cross-Species Outfit

یکبار بازی رو تمام کنید.

  • Black Suit

بازی رو 100% کنید.

  • Scarlet Spider

برای بقیه لباس ها باید از لوگوی اسپایدمن که تو جاهای مختلف شهر هست عکس بگیرین.
حتماً تاریخ دستگاهتون رو ببرید چند ماه جلو تر، مثلاً دسامبر.

  • Negative Zone

  • Big Time

  • Symbiote Spider-Man Suit

  • Future Foundation

آخرین ویرایش:
یعنی بریم پیدا کنیم لوگو رو عکس بگیریم!لباسا باز میشن؟؟
یعنی برا هر لوگویی که عکس بگیریم 1 لباس باز میشه؟ یه باید همه لوگو ها رو پیدا کرد؟
برای بقیه لباس ها باید از لوگوی اسپایدمن که تو جاهای مختلف شهر هست عکس بگیرین.
حتماً تاریخ دستگاهتون رو ببرید چند ماه جلو تر، مثلاً دسامبر.

با تشکر از دوستمون.تنها سوال بنده در رابطه با این دو جمله هستش.در رابطه با جمله ی اول میخواستم بدونم که چگونه باید لوگوهای اسپایدر من رو پیدا کنیم؟

در رابطه با جمله ی دومتون هم اصلا متوجه نشدم متاسفانه.
من یه 10 تایی اچیومنت secret برام باز نشده در صورتی که داستان بازی رو روی super hero تموم کردم! لطفا این ها رو هم بزارید.

بفرمایید :

Pest Control 20 G
Defeated Scorpion in the city

Speed Bump Ahead 20 G
Defeated Rhino in the city

Welcome Back, Friend 30 G
Defeated Lizard

Deeply Sorry 20 G
Defeated Nattie

Smell You Later 20 G
Defeated Vermin

Jinxed 20 G
Defeated Felicia

Tail? You Lose 20 G
Defeated Scorpion in quarantine

Down for the Count 20 G
Defeated Rhino in the sewers

Switched Off 25 G
Rescued Alistaire Smythe

Apparent Defeat 20 G
Defeated Iguana

Tomorrow Is Saved 30 G
Defeated the S-03

Big Apple, Big Worm 30 G
Defeated the S-02

Siege Averted 30 G
Defeated the S-01

Beating the Odds 30 G
Cleared the second fight against the Hunter robots

Who's the Prey? 30 G
Cleared the first fight against the Hunter robots​

با تشکر از دوستمون.تنها سوال بنده در رابطه با این دو جمله هستش.در رابطه با جمله ی اول میخواستم بدونم که چگونه باید لوگوهای اسپایدر من رو پیدا کنیم؟

در رابطه با جمله ی دومتون هم اصلا متوجه نشدم متاسفانه.

خب من نقشه ی اون جاهایی که لوگو ها هستن رو گذاشتم برید اونجا و از لوگو عکس بگیرید با LT
تاریخ کنسولتون رو روی تاریخی جلوتر از 2012 August تنظیم کنید.
خب من نقشه ی اون جاهایی که لوگو ها هستن رو گذاشتم برید اونجا و از لوگو عکس بگیرید با LT
تاریخ کنسولتون رو روی تاریخی جلوتر از 2012 August تنظیم کنید.

ممنون.فقط بنده از همشون عکس انداختم ولی فقط 3 تاشون باز شدن و یکی دیگه هم اینکه یک لباس classic black suit باز شد که توی توضیحات نگفتید.
میشه عکس های مکان لباس هارو لینک اصلیشو بهم بدی، آخه عکسها کوچیکه رو اون سایتی هم که آپ کردی دیگه نیست، عکس بزرگ میخوام
بازی مردعنکبوتی شگفت انگیز

بازم دم شما گرم که بخش اچیومنت سایت بالا نگه می دارین مرسی
سلام من دفعه ی قبل برای شما در مورد باز شدن لباس ها در بازی مردعنکبوتی شگفت انگیز سوال کردم اما جواب ندادید.از طرفsaeed1378

- - -ویرایش - - -

برای بار سوم _ من تاریخ دستگاه رو به دسامبر سال 2013تغییر دادم اما لوگوها باز نشد لطفا عکس مکان لوگوها رو هم بگذارید مرسی

- - -ویرایش - - -

سلام من دفعه ی قبل برای شما در مورد باز شدن لباس ها در بازی مردعنکبوتی شگفت انگیز سوال کردم اما جواب ندادید.از طرفsaeed1378

- - -ویرایش - - -

برای بار سوم _ من تاریخ دستگاه رو به دسامبر سال 2013تغییر دادم اما لوگوها باز نشد لطفا عکس مکان لوگوها رو هم بگذارید مرسی
لطفا زود جواب بدین چ

- - -ویرایش - - -

سلام من دفعه ی قبل برای شما در مورد باز شدن لباس ها در بازی مردعنکبوتی شگفت انگیز سوال کردم اما جواب ندادید.از طرفsaeed1378

- - -ویرایش - - -

برای بار سوم _ من تاریخ دستگاه رو به دسامبر سال 2013تغییر دادم اما لوگوها باز نشد لطفا عکس مکان لوگوها رو هم بگذارید مرسی
لطفا زود جواب بدین چ

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

تبلیغات متنی

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن