Industry insider SurferGirl (who has had more than enough rumours turn out to be facts to be trusted as reliable) has posted some tidbits regarding Resident Evil 5:
5) When is RE5 and SFIV coming out? Any interesting tidbits?
September/October and July/August, respectively. The lead female character is Sherry Birkin, who is in her early twenties, and Wesker is will likely show up.
5) When is RE5 and SFIV coming out? Any interesting tidbits?
September/October and July/August, respectively. The lead female character is Sherry Birkin, who is in her early twenties, and Wesker is will likely show up.
نکته دوم : ولی این معلومه که Sherry هستش !
نکته دوم بخش دوم : البته این SG اعلام کرده که این خبر نقل مستقیم از کپکامه و سندیت داره !
نکته سوم :
بالاخره Action Figure های RE هم آماده شدند ! سایت برای فروش گذاشته اینارو !
من خودم اینو میخوام بگیرم :
ولی فعلا نسخه هایی از Mutant William Birkin و Chris Redfield و Jill Valentine و همینطور عمو Tyrant که در بالا هستش ، برای فروش آماده شدند ، هنوز معلوم نیست که مدلهای دیگری هم هستند یا نه !