aval az hame bebakhshid farsy taip nemikonam eshkal az widowse
man tazegia ie sisteme toop ba gerafice 8800 gereftam ama vaghty khastam bazie splinter cell D.A ro roosh ejra konam too ghesmate Hardware Detection minevesht ke dirver version eshkal dare ieky az doostam goftan hame karthaie 8800 in moshkelo daran va ba downloade driver moshkel hal mishe hala man mikhastam bebinam shoma ham in moshkelo Darin?? albate man driver ro download kardam valy vasate nasb in error zaher mishe :
the contents of this file cannot unpacked.the executable you are attempting to run has been corrupted.please obtain another copy of this file ,verify its integrity , and try again.
man tazegia ie sisteme toop ba gerafice 8800 gereftam ama vaghty khastam bazie splinter cell D.A ro roosh ejra konam too ghesmate Hardware Detection minevesht ke dirver version eshkal dare ieky az doostam goftan hame karthaie 8800 in moshkelo daran va ba downloade driver moshkel hal mishe hala man mikhastam bebinam shoma ham in moshkelo Darin?? albate man driver ro download kardam valy vasate nasb in error zaher mishe :
the contents of this file cannot unpacked.the executable you are attempting to run has been corrupted.please obtain another copy of this file ,verify its integrity , and try again.