
The provocateur
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راکستار افشا کرد که اولین STORY MODE DLC مهم بازی در سال ۲۰۱۴ عرضه خواهد شد که در اون هر سه شخصیت بازی هستند.اون ها گفتند که نقشه های بزرگی برای ادامه داستان سه شخصیت بازی دارند از هرج و مرج (خرابکاری)تا ماجراجویی های غیر منتظره در سن اندریاس جنوبی
Additionally, Rockstar detailed the future of its online multiplayer. A bigger update hits this week, with deathmatch and the race creator beta rolling out. Later in the month, we'll see four Capture mode variants -- Raid, Contend, Hold, and GTA -- which Rockstar will detail soon. Finally, on the subject of online heist missions, the developer wrote, "Heists are currently in development and we are working very hard to get them as polished and as fun as they can be. Stay tuned for much more detail in the New Year."

Rockstar has plenty more to announce for GTA 5 in the future, as well. For more on that, in addition to GTA Online's regular updates and the upcoming story expansion, stay tuned to IGN.
احتمالا ارزش خبری نداشته خصوصا قسمت بولد شده ...
احتمالا ارزش خبری نداشته خصوصا قسمت بولد شده ...
GTA Online Update: Free Deathmatch & Race Creators this Week, Capture Mode and More on the Way | Rockstar Games
GTAV Story Mode Updates. For those ready to jump back into the story of Grand Theft Auto V, we have big plans for substantial additions in 2014 continuing Michael, Franklin and Trevor's action, mayhem and unexpected adventures in Southern San Andreas.

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