Firmware 1.82 نيز براي PS3 منتشر شد و بر روي PSN موجود مي باشد.
متن كامل خبر: ( به علت اينكه از سيستم PS3 هيچ اطلاعي ندارم اين خبر رو ترجمه نكردم زيرا ممكن است اشكالاتي بروز دهد)
PS3 Firmware 1.82 Released on playstation network now. The 1.82 update is going to add AVC-MP4-H.264 High Profile and this may finally open up AVC-MP4 conversion as the main way to go.
And there is better software that will write AVC-MP4-H.264 High Profile at the higher bitrates and 1080p resolution.
AVC-MP4-H.264 Main Profile *only*. Plus the PS3 is very restrictive about what it considers is a valid file fitting that profile, ergo, Unsupported Data or Corrupt Data File. A few software like PS3 Video 9, Nero AVC, Super-C and a couple of others are able to write PS3-compatible AVC-MP4 but all of those programs have serious conversion issues, mainly maximum bitrate.
ببخشيد من به صفحه اصلي سايت نرفته بودم و نديده بودم رضا اين خبر رو فرستاده
متن كامل خبر: ( به علت اينكه از سيستم PS3 هيچ اطلاعي ندارم اين خبر رو ترجمه نكردم زيرا ممكن است اشكالاتي بروز دهد)
PS3 Firmware 1.82 Released on playstation network now. The 1.82 update is going to add AVC-MP4-H.264 High Profile and this may finally open up AVC-MP4 conversion as the main way to go.
And there is better software that will write AVC-MP4-H.264 High Profile at the higher bitrates and 1080p resolution.
AVC-MP4-H.264 Main Profile *only*. Plus the PS3 is very restrictive about what it considers is a valid file fitting that profile, ergo, Unsupported Data or Corrupt Data File. A few software like PS3 Video 9, Nero AVC, Super-C and a couple of others are able to write PS3-compatible AVC-MP4 but all of those programs have serious conversion issues, mainly maximum bitrate.
ببخشيد من به صفحه اصلي سايت نرفته بودم و نديده بودم رضا اين خبر رو فرستاده
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