اينم از جديدترين , كامل ترين و بهترين شبيه ساز Playstation1 به همراه بايوس و جديدترين پلاگين ها كه ديروز(2008/5/24) منتشر شد.
ولي ديگه فك نكنم كسي Playstation1 بازي كنه.ولي بازي كردن بازي ها قديمي خالي از لطف نيست.ياد دوران بچگي بخير...:cheesygri
« 24. May 2008 »
Playstation ePSXe 1.7.0 released !!
The ePSXe team just released a new, eagerly awaited version of their Playstation emulator, after no less than a hiatus of 4 years. This version brings a very significant number of exciting updates to an already excellent emulator.
New in ePSXe 1.7.0:
Changelog (short version):
* Multiple changes has been done in the Pad support.
* The internal SPU plugin has been updated to the 1.7.0 version.
* The iso support code has been rewritten.
* The MDEC decoder has been rewritten.
* A new version of the Pete's Software Plugin is included.
* The XA/CDDA support has been worked in this new version.
* Many things have been fixed in the cd-rom decoder and the core.
2 مگ epsxe170Full
ولي ديگه فك نكنم كسي Playstation1 بازي كنه.ولي بازي كردن بازي ها قديمي خالي از لطف نيست.ياد دوران بچگي بخير...:cheesygri
« 24. May 2008 »
Playstation ePSXe 1.7.0 released !!
The ePSXe team just released a new, eagerly awaited version of their Playstation emulator, after no less than a hiatus of 4 years. This version brings a very significant number of exciting updates to an already excellent emulator.
New in ePSXe 1.7.0:
Changelog (short version):
* Multiple changes has been done in the Pad support.
* The internal SPU plugin has been updated to the 1.7.0 version.
* The iso support code has been rewritten.
* The MDEC decoder has been rewritten.
* A new version of the Pete's Software Plugin is included.
* The XA/CDDA support has been worked in this new version.
* Many things have been fixed in the cd-rom decoder and the core.
2 مگ epsxe170Full