ای کاش همینجور که شما میگی بود ولی سالیان اخیر ثابت کرده یـ غده سرطانیی بیشتر نیستن خوش بختانه یا بدبختانه هرچی IP مورد علاقه بنده بوده زدن نابود کرد و هیچ حسی به IP هاش ندارم چون میدونم بازم به نحوی م*رینه توشون !
شاهدم از غیب اومد
دلیل کنسل کردن بازی :
UPDATE (10:17pm): Since the publication of this article, I’ve talked to several more people familiar with EA Vancouver’s now-cancelled open-world
Star Wars game. This project,
which was code-named Orca, was very early in development but would involve playing as a scoundrel or bounty hunter who could explore various open-world planets and work with different factions across the Star Wars universe.
When EA’s top decision-makers looked at their road map for the next few years, they decided that they needed something earlier than the planned release date for Orca, according to two people familiar with what happened. So they cancelled Orca in favor of a smaller-scale Star Wars project that’s now aimed for much sooner—likely, late 2020, which also happens to be around the time that I’ve heard next-gen consoles will launch. (Might be a bit earlier; might be a bit later. From what I’ve heard, next-gen plans are definitely still in flux.)
To EA’s credit, those people said, the publisher did not lay anyone off as part of this transition. This news comes at a time of cost-cutting across the industry, at major publishers including both EA and Activision,
as we’ve reported. Some at the studio also hope that Orca might be restarted after this new project is finished.
واقعا فک میکنید چننین گوسفندایی ارزش امید بستن بهشون رو دارن ؟ اینا احترامی واسه مشتریاشون قائل نیست اینا همونایی که تو طول تاریخ به خاطر مسند قدرت تو سالیان دور خون و خوریزی کردن اینا دسته کمی از اونا ندارن !