هک ps3 در مراحل پایانی


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سلام طبق گفته هکر های محترم و البته بیکار تونستن بازیهای ps2 و ps1 رو از روی هارد اکسترنال و اینترنال اجرا کنن ولی با بازی های ps3 یه نموره مشکل دارن امیدوارم زودتر هک بشه پس به سلامتی هکر ها هیپ هیپ هوورا:laughing:
PS3 NEWS : منبع

اين متن اصلي
Mainman has updated his PS3 NAND Extractor/UnPacker to v0.4 recently! Changes to the latest revision include support for multiple dumps. The NAND Tool now scans for files, versus using a fixed position making it much more robust with extracting files.

It includes BETA support for the 40gb PlayStation 3 flash, however, we are still working out a few major bugs prior to a public release.

As mentioned above, extraction now dumps the files, plus additional data including the IDL section. It extracts the MAC Address, and also dumps the asecure loader section. More on this soon..

In other news, we are waiting for the InFeCtuS Team to update their program to support the new Samsung Flash revision, so we can experiment more with our recently discovered PS3 downgrading technique. Until then, not much new to report on this area yet.

Finally, we have been successful with running PS3 Retail game back-ups on a PS3 Test from both Internal and USB HDD (along with DVD). Unlike PS2 and PS1 development systems, a PS3 Test won't play a 1:1 copy/scene release.

It only plays development copies, so the executables (EBOOT.BIN) had to be decrypted and rebuilt for them to load. However, as mentioned previously, the executables also had to be patched to eliminate some disc checks.

VERY cool being able to run PS3 Retail Games via HDD though, and now we can tinker with game data to find a potential flaw in how a game handles included files!

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