
کاربر سایت

سازنده: Sucker Punch

ناشر: Sony Computer Entertainment

سبک: Sci-Fi

درجه سنی: T

پلتفرم: PS4


متای بازی تا به این لحظه:


تمامی 65 نمره ثبت شده تا به این لحظه:

Canadian Online Gamers: 10/10
PSU: 10/10
Destructoid: 9.5/10
Cheat Code Central: 9.4/10
GamesBeat: 9.4/10
Gaming Age: 9.1/10
LaPS3: 9.0/10
TheSixthAxis: 9.0/10
Multiplayer.it: 9.0/10
Lazygamer: 9.0/10
Joystiq: 9.0/10
EGM: 9.0/10
InsideGamer.nl: 8.8/10
Merlin'in Kazanı Turkey: 8.8/10
GameTrailers: 8.8/10
Meristation: 8.7/10
IGN: 8.7/10
Play UK: 8.6/10
JeuxActu: 8.5/10
IGN Italia: 8.5/10
XGN: 8.5/10
Gamer.nl: 8.5/10
3DJuegos: 8.5/10
GameOver.gr: 8.5/10
Post Arcade (National Post): 8.5/10
Game Informer: 8.5/10
Polygon: 8.5/10
Eurogamer Spain: 8.0/10
Level7.nu: 8.0/10
Toronto Sun: 8.0/10
Eurogamer Portugal: 8.0/10
Vandal Online: 8.0/10
Eurogamer Italy: 8.0/10
Gamereactor Sweden: 8.0/10
Gamereactor Denmark: 8.0/10
SpazioGames: 8.0/10
Gameblog.fr: 8.0/10
Gamer.no: 8.0/10
Everyeye.it: 8.0/10
Giant Bomb: 8.0/10
GamingTrend: 8.0/10
NowGamer: 8.0/10
PlayStation LifeStyle: 8.0/10
Push Square: 8.0/10
USgamer: 8.0/10
Playstation Official Magazine UK: 8.0/10
Gamespot: 8.0/10
Gamefront: 7.8/10
LevelUp: 7.5/10
4Players.de: 7.4/10
GRYOnline.pl: 7.0/10
Eurogamer Germany: 7.0/10
The Globe and Mail (Toronto): 7.0/10
God is a Geek: 7.0/10
The Escapist: 7.0/10
GamesRadar: 7.0/10
Edge Magazine: 7.0/10
VideoGamer: 7.0/10
Shacknews: 7.0/10
Game Revolution: 7.0/10
games(TM): 7.0/10
Eurogamer: 7.0/10
Guardian: 6.0/10
Digital Spy: 6.0/10
Metro GameCentral: 6.0/10


*نوروز باستانی بر همه ایرانیان مبارک باد*

آخرین ویرایش:
یک نفر تو GAF بازی رو تموم کرده و نظرش این بوده:
So ummm I just beat the game and the ending was....uh...how do I say this...FU-CKING FANTASTIC.

Seriously did you guys play the same game I just did? For anyone who's hype meter hasn't hit the maximum yet let me just say that my favorite studio on the planet is Naughty Dog, but this is my favorite game of all time. It was mature, well written, and an all around masterpiece as far as I'm concerned.

Greatness awaits GAF, have fun on Friday!

Beat it on good by the way, and I am immediately starting my evil playthrough.
احتمالاً خیلی هایپ زده شده طرف ولی خُب چیزی که مشخصه Second Son از inFAMOUSهای قبلی خیلی خیلی بهتره . اندینگش هم باید چیز فوق العاده ای باشه ! درکل فکر میکنم نمرات خوبی هم بگیره !
یه نقد معتبر اومد

XGN - 8.5/10

با تشکر از Behrooz :d

نقدشو میخوندم خیلی از بازی تعریف کرده و بهترین عنوان PS4 دونسته تا الآن ! ایراد اصلی هم که گرفته مثل اینکه بازی تنوع بالایی اونجور که منتقد میخواسته توی گیم پلی ارائه نکرده !
The game is just fun, and gives you a lot of fun powers and fun stuff to mess around with and keep you busy for a while, just moving in the city is a lot of fun.
The Good
Great looking graphics, great character personalities, good story and soundtrack, fun open world gameplay with varied super powers to play around with, worth playing the game again with different choice worth seeing, a lot of side missions and other fun activities to do, and the game is challenging and you don’t feel bored at all.
The Bad
Annoying sound increase bug in the last battle of the game.

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