مود بتل رویال برای بازی RDR2 تایید شد

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ناظم انجمن

مود بتل رویال بازی با ظرفیت 31 پلیر امروز توسط راکستار تایید شد همچنین یک سری مود جدید به بازی اضافه خواهد شد :

  • Daily Challenges: Tackle new challenges each day covering every aspect of the game, from sharpshooting to evading the law.
  • Law and Bounty Upgrades: Some changes are coming to the way the Law and Bounty systems work in Red Dead Online to reduce the enticements for griefing. Soon, players will get a bounty for committing crimes and will be incentivized to pay them off within an allotted time. Wait too long and bounty hunters from each of the states will track the player forcing them to either pay up or escape.
  • Parley Changes: We’re making the Parley system easier to trigger so that you can avoid aggressive players more quickly. In addition, it will be easier to trigger Feuds, Posse Feuds and Leader Feuds to take on attacking players in structured competition.
  • Proximity-Based Player Blips: Player location blips will soon appear only over short distances, reducing the range at which you are visible to others, decreasing the likelihood of being targeted by another player across large areas. Down the line, we’re also looking to introduce the ability to identify players who grief and kill indiscriminately with a progressively darkening blip that becomes more visible and at a longer range, so everyone in a session can identify potentially dangerous opponents at a glance and from a safe distance.
‘Red Dead Online’ Gets Battle Royale Mode
آخرین ویرایش:
مگه همین بتل رویال یک کاری واسه مولتیش بکنه، نظرات مردم در مورد بتاش میخونی اکثرا میگن از همین الان خسته کننده شده و کاری واسه انجام دادن نداره و از همه بدتر دقیقا سیستم GTA رو دارن دنبال میکنن و همونطوری میخوان پول دربیارن که مردم راضی نیستن، و این بماند که باز RDR نسبت به GTA طرفدار کمتری داره و نصف GTA هم ازش ساپورت نمیشه.

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