قفل کودک !!!!!!


کاربر سایت
آقا من میخوام روی Xbox یه حالت User بسازم که هر شخص بتونه توی یه مدت زمان خاصی بازی کنه و نه بیشتر !!!!
مثال : برادرم بتونه روزانه 4 یا 5 ساعت بازی کنه
بچه خواهرم بتونه روزی 2 ساعت بازی کنه !

من یه جا دیدم که همچین امکانی داره ! ولی تا حالا پستی ندیدم در موردش از اساتید خواهشمندم که در صورت امکان کمک کنید !!
آقا یعنی شماها که کنسول دارید هیچ کدومتون از این خصیصش خبر ندارید ؟؟؟

اگه En بلدید بخونید !

Family Timer

You can use Family Settings to set a Family Timer to manage your family's console use on a daily or weekly basis.
For example, you can set the console to allow two hours of play per day. After those two hours of play, the console can't be used again within that 24-hour period, unless you grant additional time. A daily timer resets at midnight, and a weekly timer resets Sunday at midnight.
You can override Family Timer settings if you want to continue using the console after the set time limit is reached. Add more time or suspend the timer altogether until the next time the console is shut down.
Set the Family Timer
The first time any Family Settings for the console are set, the console administrator is required to set a four-button pass code. If a pass code has already been set, the system will ask for it before you can edit Family Settings.
Remember, console settings apply to everyone who uses your Xbox 360 console. You can't have different settings for different players.
When you first set up the Family Timer, it's a good idea to set the clock to the current time and time zone. If you're on Xbox LIVE, the console time is set automatically, but you may need to set the time zone.

To set the Family Timer:

  1. Go to My Xbox and open System Settings.
  2. Select Family Settings, Console Controls.
  3. Enter your pass code, if one is set.
  4. Select Family Timer, then select Daily or Weekly for the time range.
  5. Move the left stick to increase or decrease the time limit for the selected time period, then select Continue.
  6. Select Done. You will be prompted to set a pass code if you don't have one.
  7. Select Yes, save changes.
Manage the Family Timer During a Console Session
To see the status of the Family Timer while the console is being used, press the Xbox Guide button in the middle of the controller. A real-time countdown appears in the upper right corner of the Guide.
During gameplay or while watching a DVD, notifications will appear 1 hour, 30 minutes, 15 minutes, and 5 minutes before the time runs out. This gives players sufficient warning so they can save their games.
To override the Family Timer settings, use your pass code. You can add time in increments of 5 minutes and then 15 minutes.
You also can suspend the timer to continue console play until you're done. If you suspend the timer, you will have to shut down the console manually to reset the timer. It resets when you start the console again.
To add time or suspend the timer:

  1. Anytime a Family Timer notification appears on the screen, press the Xbox Guide button (the center round button on your controller) to bring up the Guide with Family Timer options. Enter your pass code.

  • To extend play time, select Add More Time.
  • To turn off Family Timer restrictions, select Suspend Timer. The timer will reset next time you start your console.
  • To turn off the console immediately, select Turn Off Console.
Once the timer counts down to zero, you must act—add more time or suspend the timer—or the console shuts down.
To change Family Timer settings at any time, press the Xbox Guide button and select Family Settings, Console Controls, Family Timer.
دوست عزیز شما که انگلیشی بلدی برو توی منوی My Xbox بعدش هم قسمت Setting و بعد هم Family timer بقیش هم کاملا مشخص هست. موفق باشی
البته تا جایی که من فهمیدم, برای هر شخص یا user نمیشه یه زمان معین کرد و کلا میشه مشخص کرد که کنسول در روز x ساعت روشن باشه.
با سلام.
من روی کنسولم 2تا یوزر درست کردم.
میخوام برای یکیش پسورد بزارم که وقتی میخوای وارد این یوزر بشی ازت پسورد بخواد.(مثل ویندوز)
با تشکر.

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