البته به طور قطع هم نگفتن كه ما halo4 را نميسازيم يه جورهايي پيچوندن قضيه را و گفتن ما صحبتي از halo4 نميكنيم .
و اين سري از بازي كه دارن روش كار ميكنن با همكاري كارگردان پيتر جكسون ساخته خواهد شد (خدا به داد ما برسه )
چيزي كه در دنياي halo اتفاق ميوفته .
حالا من نميدونم پيتر جكسون ميخواد تو اين بازي چيكار كنه شايد يه بازي در سبك فيلمهاي هاليوودي بسازن
1UP: For all the super fans: does this mean Bungie won't work on whatever "Halo 4" turns out to be?
Jarrard: Well we are already at work on another Halo game -- I wouldn't call it "Halo 4", but it is based in the Halo Universe and represents a collaboration between Bungie and Peter Jackson. Halo 3 was definitely not the last Bungie Halo game.
Despite some rumors that Bungie was sick of developing Halo games by now, Frank O'Connor, content manager at Bungie, said that Bungie still loves the Halo universe and, "If we [Bungie] ever return to the Halo universe, I'm sure we'd have cool stories to tell. The universe is, after all, infinite."