زمان عرضه Dark Messiah of Might and Magic: Elements اعلام شد


کاربر سایت
عنوان نهایی و تکمیلی Dark Messiah of Might and Magic: Elements نسخه X360 برای ماه سپتامبر آماده عرضه خواهد بود همچنین این نسخه انحصاری دارای 4 بخش multiplayer maps میباشد.

آخرین ویرایش:
والا من هم زیاد مطمئن نیستم که کی میاد ولی از این مطمئنم که این سپتامبر نمی آید.اگر می آمد همونطور که امین گفت خیلی به کیفیت بازی لطمه می خورد همانطور که Drak Messiah of Might & Magic کیفیتش عالی نشده بود و بخاطر عجله ناشر ضررهایی به خودش دید.

WorthPlaying Say :
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic: Elements will be released in Q1 2008.

But ToTheGame Say :
This Game Released on 20 Nov.2007 in US
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic: Elements will finally be gracing the Xbox 360 with its presence in September, with the same content as the PC version and a few new extras that Jon told you about in July. These extras include the ability to explore four all-new levels - in some you will put your puzzle solving skills to the test, and in others you will just have to hack your way through. According to Ubisoft, the pace of the game will resemble Half Life 2 instead of the dungeon crawling style of Oblivion. Either way, gamers who prefer to play consoles instead of the PC will enjoy this great title, and it is high time it was bestowed upon us. As someone who loved the PC version, I am anxious to see how well it plays on the 360 in the comfort of my big chair in front of a great television.

سایت gamespot تاریخ عرضه Dark Messiah of Might and Magic: Elements رو نوشته Q1 2008!!!!!

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