در کل THQ از حراج دوم توانست مبلغ 6.6 میلیون دلار به دست آورد که این مبلغ حاصل فروش بازی ها به Nordic Games,Gearbox Software و 505 Games.
بازی Drawn to life و Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter به مبلغ $301,000 فروش رفت.
بازی Homeworld به مبلغ $1,350,000 به GearBox software رسید.
بازی های Darksiders , Redfaction,MX,سایر نرم افزار ها(شامل Destroy all Humans! و Summoner )و سایر بازی های لایسنس شده شامل(Marvel super hero squad و Supreme commander )به مبلغ $4,900,000 به Nordic games رسید.
در زیر میتوانید لیست تمامی بازی های درون حراجی را ببینید:
- Red Faction
- Red Faction Armageddon
- Red Faction 2
- Red Faction: Guerrilla
- Homeworld
- Homeworld 2
- MX Alive
- MX vs ATV Untamed
- MX Superfly featuring Ricky Carmichael
- MX vs. ATV Alive Tournament
- MX Unleashed
- MX vs. ATV Unleashed
- MX vs ATV Reflex
- MX vs. ATV: On The Edge
- Darksiders
- Darksiders 2
- All Star Cheer Squad
- All Star Cheer Squad 2
- All Star Karate
- Baja: Edge of Control
- Battle of the Bands
- Beat City
- Big Beach Sports
- Big Beach Sports 2
- Big Family Games
- Crawler
- Deadly Creatures
- Deep Six
- Destroy All Humans!
- Destroy All Humans! 2
- Destroy All Humans! Big Willy Unleashed
- Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon
- Dood’s Big Adventure
- Drawn to Life
- Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter
- Elements of Destruction
- Fantastic Pets
- Frontlines: Fuel of War
- Full Spectrum Warrior 1
- Full Spectrum Warrior 2: Ten Hammers
- Juiced
- Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights
- Lock’s Quest: Construction Combat
- Neighborhood Games
- Pax Imperia
- Stuntman: Ignition
- Summoner
- Summoner 2
- Terranium
- The Outfit
- Titan Quest
- Titan Quest: Immortal Throne
- World of Zoo
- uDraw
- Costume Quest
- Daniel X (SueJack)
- Deepak Chopra’s Leela (Curious Holdings)
- Fancy Nancy: Tea Party Time! (Harper Collins)
- Jeopardy
- Jeopardy 2
- Journey to the Center of the Earth
- Let’s Ride Best of Breed
- Marvel Super Hero Squad: Comic Combat
- Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet
- Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet 2
- Nancy Drew: The Hidden Staircase
- Nexuiz
- Paws & Claws Marine Rescue
- Paws & Claws Pampered Pets Resort 3D
- PurrPals 2
- Rio
- Rocket Riot
- Screwjumper (Frozen Codebase)
- Scripps Spelling Bee (Scripps)
- Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of Osborne House
- Stacking
- Supreme Commander
- Supreme Commander Forged Alliance
- The Biggest Loser
- Truth or Lies
- Vampire Legends: Power of Three (dtp)
- Wheel of Fortune
- Wheel of Fortune 2
- World of Zoo
- Worms 2
- Worms: A Space Oddity
- Worms: Open Warfare 2 (Team 17)
- Worms Battle Islands
- Worms Open Warfare
- You Don’t Know Jack (Jellyvision)