تصاویر جدید از LOST: the videogame!


کاربر سایت
حتما سریال معروف LOST رو دیدین، این بازی هم از روی همون سریال ساخته شده و برای X360 و PS3 و PC خواهد آمد ( تاریخش معلوم نیست! )

آخرین ویرایش:
مالی نیست همون crysis بهتره/:)
اخه مگه چند تا بازي كه از روي فيلم ساخته شده قشنگ بوده كه حالا سريالLOST موفق باشه csi چه بازي اشغالي بود .سريال 24 با اون پتانسيل افتضاح از اب در اومد واي به حال LOST
اين بازي فقط براي پر شدن جيب ubi ساخته ميشه نه براي لذت من وشما ها;)
pandora tomorrow جان بازي افتضاح beowulf ساخته خود ubi
اين بازي رو هم خودش ميسازه من كه بهش اميدوار نبودم و نيستم
اخه همه يوبي سافت مونترال كه نيستند ;)
میشه در مورد سبک و داستانش بهم توضیح بدی؟! مخصوصا داستانش!
Lost: The Video Game is the first official game of the series for video game consoles and PCs from the developer Ubisoft Montreal, scheduled to be released sometime in Q1 2008. According to ebgames.com the Lost video game is set to be released Febuary 26, 2008.
The game will be offered for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Windows PCs. It will use its own original graphics engine. It was officially unveiled with a screening of its trailer during the Comic-Con 2007 pane
The game will follow a new character, Elliot [1], a "photojournalist with amnesia" whose background will be revealed over the course of the game through playable flashbacks. Elliot has not yet been featured in the show, but could possibly make the transition from game to screen [2].
Elliot's story arc will be divided into seven segments equivalent to roughly 90 minutes of gameplay. These "episodes" will have a format similar to those of the TV show, with "Previously On..." recaps at the beginning of each episode and cliffhangers at the end. The beginning of the first episode finds Elliot needing to fix a fuel leak at the plane-crash site; another will have him trying to prove to everyone that he's not a terrorist. After the hatch is opened in the game, Elliot will be able to explore parts of the island that weren't seen or were barely seen in the show - including the island's computer network. At times, Elliot will need to enter the numbers.
The game will begin in Season 1 before the opening of the hatch and continue until the beginning of Season 3. Most of the main characters in the show will appear in the game to help Elliot, including Jack, Sawyer, Kate, Sayid, Hurley, Locke and Shannonl.​

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