امتیازات Vampyr

K I 1 1 E R

ناظم انجمن

سازنده : Dontnod Entertainment
ناشر : Focus Home Interactive
سبک : Action role-playing
پلتفرم ها : PlayStation 4 ,Xbox One ,Microsoft Windows
تاريخ انتشار : Jun 5, 2018

GN Italia 90
GameCritics 90
RPG Fan 89
Hobby Consolas 88
COGconnected 88
PlayStation LifeStyle 85
DualShockers 85
Meristation 85
Power Unlimited 84
Everyeye.it 82
IGN Spain 80
JeuxActu 80
Multiplayer.it 80
Playstation Universe 80
Twinfinite 80
Trusted Reviews 80
GamesBeat 75
Vandal 70
We Got This Covered 70
Attack of the Fanboy 70
God is a Geek 70
GameSpot 70
Gamer.nl 70
GamesRadar+ 70
TheSixthAxis 60
Destructoid 60
Push Square 60
Cubed3 60
App Trigger 50
Game Revolution 50
آخرین ویرایش:
بعد از یک سال و نیم تاخیر آخرم نتونستن سیستم مبارزاتش که از همون اولین تریلر مشکل داشت رو درست کنن. فقط زور زدن ظاهر بازی AAA باشه که بتونن شصت دلار بچاپن.
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IGN 70/100

نقدا رو دیدم خیلی از داستان تعریف کرده بودن <:-P منتظر میشم مشکلات فنی حل بشن و برم سراغش. به نظرم فقط به خاطر ایده‌های جدیدی که بازی داره، حتما باید یه بار تجربه بشه...تقریبا یاد اوضاع Remember Me افتادم :-"
Meristation 85
Dontnod is back with a brand new franchise. Vampyr is an Action RPG with rich narrative and interesting gameplay design.

RPG Fan 89
In a market saturated by AAA titles, Vampyr is an excellent example of why we need more AA games. It's not the prettiest or the smoothest experience, but then again, it's really not trying to be. What Vampyr wants to do is tell the story of a newborn vampire who holds the fate of post WWI-London in his hands; the focus is on story, atmosphere, and making hard decisions that have hard consequences.

GameSpot 70
And yet, the credits roll on Vampyr with the realization of how seldom we see an open-world RPG experience like this, where being a citizen with a responsibility to a place and its people feels personal, even if that investment lies in who looks delicious tonight. Vampyr is certainly shaggy and rough in the technical department, but its narrative successes still make for an impactful and worthwhile experience.

Gamer.nl 70

Push Square 60
Vampyr has a ton of interesting ideas, an intriguing world, and a great cast of characters, but is ultimately let down by its narrow-minded focus on unnecessary combat.

GamesRadar+ 70
As much a detective story as a horror one, Vampyr rewards you for taking an interest in the people around you and tests your moral compass with a lack of black and white options.

Power Unlimited 84
Vampyr is a moody, dark game, centering around a very charismatic vampire. Through him, using an ingenious cause and effect system, the player can exert a great deal of influence on a gloomy part of London in the early 20th century, which should have all matter of emotional effects on them. Too bad the combat is far from perfect and technically it’s no masterpiece, but the emotional resonance and originality of Vampyr make it quite unforgettable in its great ambition.

GameCritics 90
With great combat, compelling characters, and a mission structure that ensures the players sees the direct effects of their actions, Vampyr is one of the best action-RPGs I’ve ever played. While it may not offer the sheer size of a Witcher or Fallout, it tells a resonant and consequential story that’s married it to some of the best open-world quest design around. This is one that’s absolutely not to be missed.

Hobby Consolas 88
Even with its noticeable flaws, Vampyr has the potential to be the new cult gem among vampire lovers. If you can see beyond technical limitations, the story and characters will trap you within their arms and suck until the very last drop of... your time.

Cubed3 60
Although flawed and at times painfully inconsistent, Vampyr manages to offer relatively engaging gameplay in spite of a lack of overall polish. Combat is stiff and quite mindless, but Jonathan's progression deeper into Vampiredom is handled well and the abilities at his disposal go a long way towards masking some of the more mundane aspects of the battle system.

Trusted Reviews 80
Vampyr might not be what many wanted after Life Is Strange, but it’s still an enjoyable – well, as enjoyable as its grim nature allows – game nonetheless.
RPG Fan در وصف بازی اینجوری گفته همین برا من و خیلیا دیگه فک کنم کفایت کنه :-"
In a market saturated by AAA titles, Vampyr is an excellent example of why we need more AA games. It's not the prettiest or the smoothest experience, but then again, it's really not trying to be. What Vampyr wants to do is tell the story of a newborn vampire who holds the fate of post WWI-London in his hands; the focus is on story, atmosphere, and making hard decisions that have hard consequences.
من خیلی منتظر این بازی بودم تا اینکه سیستم کمبتش رو دیدم کلا پشیمون شدم ،تو یوتیوب هم کاربرا به کمبت سیستمش گیر داده بودن ولی تو بازیسنتر بیشتر خوششون اومده بود
PC Gamer 68
There are some brilliant, original ideas in here, but Vampyr tries to do too much at once and suffers for it.

Slant Magazine 50
Vampyr compromises its themes that emphasize the value of life by shackling itself to traditional, tedious game design that finds the good Dr. Reid slicing through hordes of faceless folks in hopes of upgrading his hacksaw.
دقيقا به چى كم دادن دوستان؟ كسى انگليسيش پرفكته يه توضيح بده لطفا ..
ارزش تجربه داره يا ن
برا من داستان و هيجان بازيش مهمه و اينكه خسته كننده و تكرارى نشه
Wccftech 80
Dontnod worked hard to create an immersive, dark world to explore and it succeeds in doing so. Despite some boring conversations, most of the world of Vampyr is an exciting, dangerous place and if nothing else, being a vampire in here is also very fun.
VideoGamer 70
Vampyr serves delicious ladles of angst and drama with a hearty slice of excellent, morally grey choice system that will genuinely surprise you, all wrapped up in a wonderfully gloomy London. It's just a shame the combat turns a bit sour.
USgamer 60
Although this gives us more of a grounded portrayal of Reid’s character, it makes the game frustrating and overwhelming at times. Vampyr is full of promising concepts, excellent character building, and lifelike communities, but ultimately Reid's bloodlust can't help but get in the way.

GameSpew 80
Exploring London and uncovering secrets is always an engaging affair, and the combat never fails to get the adrenaline pumping. But trumping it all is the freedom that Vampyr grants you to be a devious agent of the undead or a doting doctor. Often the choices you make won’t be so clear cut, but that’s what makes Vampyr so interesting. It doesn’t simply deal in absolutes, but many shades of grey.

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