امتیازات Sniper Elite 5

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عضو تحریریه

سازنده و ناشر: Rebellion Developments

پلتفرم: pc ps4/5 xboxone xbox s/x

تاریخ عرضه: 26 می 2022

سبک: Tactical Shooter, Stealth




Sniper Elite 5

Sniper Elite 5

Sniper Elite 5


Sniper Elite 5 for PC, XBXS, PS5, PS4, XB1 Reviews
  • PC (May 26, 2022)​
  • Xbox Series X/S (May 26, 2022)​
  • PlayStation 5 (May 26, 2022)​
  • PlayStation 4 (May 26, 2022)​
  • Xbox One (May 26, 2022)​
Developer: Rebellion

Review Aggregator:

OpenCritic - 78 average - 77% recommended

Critic Reviews

3DNews - Алексей Лихачев - Russian - 7.5 / 10
Invasions make the gameplay in Sniper Elite 5 feel fresh, but in other respects it's almost the same game as Sniper Elite 4. This series starts to feel a bit stale, so in the future we'd like to see more innovations than just bigger maps and small gameplay improvements.​
"Sniper Elite 5 does what I didn't expect, it made me want to come back to the series as well as each level in the game to see what changes I could make. A very good example of how a sequel should work in these kinds of titles."​
The wheel isn't being reinvented for stealth shooters in the case of this game but is a thoughtful infusion of elements from several genre-defining franchises resulting in a cocktail that's fun, so long as it works.​
There is no denying that Sniper Elite 5 is the best game yet by Rebellion and the most complete entry in the series, but could it take the franchise to the next level and transform it from a mediocre experience to a top of the bar shooter? The answer is probably no.​
Sniper Elite 5 does what the series does best: letting you kill Nazis with unrelenting fury. You can be as strategic or guns-blazing as you’d like, and the number of options will have players coming back for more quite often.​
Sniper Elite 5 let me down. I expected the next generation of this franchise. Instead, we got Sniper Elite 4.5. If Rebellion Developments hopes to continue this series down the line, they’ll need to return to the drawing board and bring something fresh next time.​
Sniper Elite 5 does not disappoint. The newest entry in the series introduces customizable weapons, new gadgets, ammo types, and an improved kill cam.​
There is a whole lot to like about Sniper Elite 5, especially if you are a fan of the series already. The non-sniping gunplay feels better than ever, and the maps are huge with plenty to do. There is a solid progression system that lets you unlock perks as you complete objectives and take down enemies, and the story is solid if unspectacular.

The best-looking and sounding release in the series, with a handful of different entertaining modes to boot – this is absolutely a worthwhile play.​
Sniper Elite 5 is a culmination of many years of gameplay systems and development processes being polished to a mirror sheen. Making tremendous strides in both technology and visuals, Sniper Elite 5 can stand amongst the likes of its AAA contemporaries with gorgeous, realistic environments and visuals. Character modelling and animation could still use some refinement and the narrative left something to be desired, though the story thread was enough to provide adequate pacing for the action on screen. If you’re a fan of the series or looking to finally see what all the fuss is about, Sniper Elite 5 is the best the series has ever been.​
Sniper Elite 5 already aims low by being only a small improvement upon its underwhelming predecessor, but it still manages to fall short of its target.​
Sniper Elite 5 successfully builds on the foundations of Rebellion's long running series, but some glitches do hamper the experience somewhat.​
Slightly above average or simply inoffensive. Fans of the genre should enjoy them a bit, but a fair few will be left unfulfilled.​
When Sniper Elite 5 hits right, it’s every bit the long-range murder simulator sandbox we wanted. When you’re completely in the zone, balancing stealth and precision and executing your plan of attack with utmost excellence, there are few games like it.

Sadly, minor issues mount up and can harm your experience and tarnish some of what it does so well. Still, with a refined template, it feels Rebellion is on the verge of a bullseye here.​
Sniper Elite 5 doesn't have anything new to say, but its open-ended missions make for a devilishly enjoyable Nazi-slaying sandbox.​
Sniper Elite 5 is the best game in the series so far. Its intricately designed levels, deep weapon customization system, and satisfying gameplay offer hours upon hours of entertaining ways to kill Nazis. After five games, the game's story and character development still feel too underdeveloped, making every mission blend together in an unending series of contextless kill cams and gravelly voiced one-liners, but if you don't care about any of that then you will still find a lot to enjoy.​
Sniper Elite 5 offered more of the same, the series needs renewal and innovation, but if you love the series, you will find excellent content, but without new features.​
Over the years, Rebellion have been the target of a lot of glib claims that they have merely “made the same game over and over” with Sniper Elite. While it’s true that the studio has never thoroughly overhauled their formula, the series has consistently improved with each instalment. With Sniper Elite 5, these enhancements are truly stacking up and Rebellion’s passion and experience shines through. While its thin story and demand for patience mean that it isn’t for everyone, this is an enthralling fifth entry in a series that has continued success firmly in its sights.​
Through its invasion mechanic, Sniper Elite 5 achieves the ultimate goal of any sniping game, to capture the tension and drama of Jude Law and Ed Harris squaring off in Enemy at the Gates. If, like me, you watched that film when you were too young to do so, and thought "I wish there was a game that let me do that", rather than the more balanced "wow, war is terrible," then Sniper Elite 5 is that game, just without the Russian setting or Rachel Weisz. Couple that with eight superbly flexible sandboxes and the most imaginative interactive representation of the second world war in at least a decade, and you've got yourself one of the most entertaining games of the year.​
Sniper Elite 5 is a very successful continuation of the series. Fans will once again be presented with exciting and challenging missions, and newcomers will find a good introduction to the series. Visually, the latest adventure with sniper Karl Fairburne isn't always on point, but the gameplay is all the more accurate. The story is solid, typical WW2 fare, without big surprises or special highlights. The drama could have been turned up a notch here. Especially the ending could have used a bit more tension. There aren't really many visible innovations, but the revised controls and the Killcam stand out, and on the PlayStation 5 there's also DualSense support. Nevertheless, Sniper Elite 5 is a lot of fun and will entertain genre fans well.​
I like this slow evolution towards a full-fledged stealth game reminiscent of the Hitman series, with more options and gameplay modes. Sniper Elite 5 is a good example of how to improve your series without implementing controversial ideas.​
Sniper Elite 5's modernized version of a classic formula caters to every type of player, for better and for worse.​
Invasion Mode is the saving grace in Sniper Elite 5, rescuing a safe sequel that would otherwise be tough to celebrate. With that said, I still need to experience the competitive multiplayer side of things, which could also be a highlight.​
Putting it under the scope, Rebellion Developments has delivered a coherent, open-ended stealth experience filled with plenty of freedom. This is peak Sniper Elite, with so much about the game inspiring tactical, sneaky gameplay that makes you feel like a real wartime marksman.​
With so much to do, collect, and kill, I don't know how I'll be putting down Sniper Elite 5 any time soon.​

GameMAG - Russian - 7 / 10
Sniper Elite 5 is yet another conveyor belt product. The whole concept of a sniper sandbox-game still very fun, but after how great the fourth game was, this one feels like a step back.​
Broadly, however, Sniper Elite 5 is outstanding – it’s easily the best game in the series and offers a rich, rewarding and replayable adventure which can be as easy or as challenging as you like. The levels are well-crafted and detailed, the payoff when a shot or trap comes together is extremely high, and the ability to play from “the other side” is a welcome feature too.​
Combining the shooting action of Sniper Elite with the replayability of Hitman sounds like a winning idea. But is it?​
While Sniper Elite 5‘s campaign feels a little familiar, and largely more focused on sneaking than sniping, we can’t help but be impressed by the overall package. With co-op, competitive multiplayer modes and a new invasion mechanic, Sniper Elite 5 has something for everybody. And a range of difficulty settings make it suitable for all skill levels. So, unless you go into it expecting to snipe everything that moves, chances are you won’t be disappointed.​
Sniper Elite 5 emphasizes player agency with another thrilling sandbox that excels when you're looking down the scope.​
There's not much about Sniper Elite 5 that's particularly remarkable. That, however, didn't stop the visceral X-Ray kills and the simple act of mowing down Nazis to see me through to the end of its campaign. There are plenty of other games out there that do stealth, action, or World War II better, yet the series' formula is very much its own and does manage to carry a game that otherwise struggles to do anything interesting.​

Gameblog - HighJAHking - French - 7 / 10
Sniper Elite 5 brings a few improvements to an IP that works well. But after waiting for over 5 years, we would have hoped to see a bit more new stuff, and to be able to enjoy up-to date visuals and animaitons. Still, if you like the series, this journey through France will be quite enjoyable.​

Gamefa - Mostafa Zahedi - Persian - 7 / 10
Sniper Elite 5 is a mediocre Experience that doesn't even try to surpass its predecessors. Nevertheless, you'll have a fun time piercing some skulls and limbs!​
Rebellion Games has been quietly refining this formula for 10 years. The studio found an enthusiastic audience, among whom are other writers at this very site. You already likely know if you are interested in Sniper Elite 5.​
Sniper Elite 5 is an excellent step forward for the franchise bringing vast environments that are filled with unique challenges to tackle.​
Sniper Elite 5 knows what it is excellent at and sticks with it. If you like gory headshots and taking out Nazis, this game is a good time.​

Gamersky - Mega杰尼龟 - Chinese - 8.2 / 10
Sniper Elite 5 is like an enhanced version of the Sniper Elite 4. The content hasn't changed and the feeling is similar.​
Sniper Elite 5 is exactly what I want from the series: new maps, new Nazis, and new ways to kill them. The only real let down is that the graphics have not evolved evolved from the last couple of iterations. The levels look great and are fun to explore, they just don’t have a next generation feel.​
Sniper Elite 5 is the best it's ever been with a new game mode that'll blow your mind.​
Sniper Elite 5 is a top-notch stealth game. It might not have the flair of a AAA blockbuster, but thanks to its incredible stealth mechanics and its intricate and meticulously crafted levels, it is mighty impressive in the areas the count the most.​
Even five entries in, Sniper Elite 5 manages to deliver on the core gameplay sniping loop while managing to provide us with a handful of new features to keep things fresh. There are a few bugs to hammer out, and some movement systems are underbaked, but fans and newcomers alike will find a lot to like here.​
Sniper Elite 5 hits the excellence mark dead center with a game that dares to innovate without breaking the formula that we all know and love.​
The sniping in Sniper Elite 5 is still as gruesomely satisfying as in previous games, but various aspects of the game’s design actively take the spotlight away from it, making for a clunky and frustrating shooter.​
Sniper Elite 5 is the best the series has been, with layered combat, huge maps, and tons of options to get that all-important kill.​
While a few issues remain that hamper the experience, it's a no-brainer to proclaim Sniper Elite 5 has taken everything that made 4 as great as it was and improved it.​
Sniper Elite 5 opts for refinement over reinvention, and that’s absolutely fine when the building blocks of its predecessor were already stellar. Its tense sniping action and massive sandboxes are best in class for the series, allowing for creativity and player agency in a way that so few action games do. If you can overlook a narrative that suffers from fatigue due to its subject matter and the somewhat clumsy way in which Karl interacts with his surroundings, then Sniper Elite 5 and its open-ended approach to gameplay provide a stunning, experimental sandbox that you will likely find yourself returning to again and again.​
‎The setting in France, the new game modes, and the improvements in the skills of Fairburne, make Sniper Elite 5 the best in the saga. A classic infiltration game, which shines especially for the distant shots and the use of the "Killcam".‎​
Sniper Elite 5 is still a satisfying and spectacularly gross way to shoot Nazis in their nether regions, but it feels like the series needs to start aiming its sights a little higher.​

IGN Italy - Angelo Bianco - Italian - 8.3 / 10
Sniper Elite 5 is the natural evolution of Rebellion's third-person shooter, renewed with more refined gameplay mechanics and noteworthy freedom of action. The development team has managed to make another small qualitative leap, although there is still some work to be done (especially in the technical field) to achieve excellence.​

INVEN - Jaihoon Jeong - Korean - 8.2 / 10
The game succeed Diablo franchise's core mechanics such as grinding, the pleasure of looting items. The build structure using legendary equipment in the early to mid-game also immersive. However, the fun of growing your character is halved as soon as the way to strengthen it becomes to upgrading legendary gems. Moreover, the in-game payment system seems to failed to provide sufficient satisfaction compared to what have been invested.​
If you've liked the previous iterations of Sniper Elite, you'll only find this an enhanced and more enjoyable update. It may not convert sceptics, but this is still the best game in the series and it's the perfect time to jump into the franchise in all its dirt-hugging, ball-blasting glory.​
If you are new to the Sniper Elite franchise, or a veteran of this long-running series. Then I recommend checking the title out at some point this summer. While the story and overall polish are a little rough around the edges, the gameplay loop is rewarding and has a ton of variety. Bloody x-ray-soaked action combined with a great drop-in drop-out co-op experience, plus a unique twist on the PVP experience. Sniper Elite 5 feels like it has expanded the series in a new and bold direction.​
Sniper Elite 5 is the latest installment from the team over at Rebellion. Set in Nazi-occupied France and taking place just before the events of D-Day, you once again play as Karl Fairburne, where he finds himself sneaking past the Atlantic Wall to rendezvous with the French Resistance. Sniper Elite 5 is easily the best entry in the series. Hats off to the team over at Rebellion for sticking to what works and building on an already amazing and fun franchise. If you’re a Sniper Elite fan, this latest entry won’t disappoint.​
Despite its artificial intelligence problems and simple story, Sniper Elite 5 manages to stand out with its fun gameplay and dynamics like XRay.​
More highly addictive Nazi cranium popping, that improves almost every aspect of the experience – especially in terms of the open world and expanded weapon options.​
You would think that being on the fifth mainline title (with four Dead Army spinoffs) that the series would have grown tiring, yet here I am, still impressed and still having fun. It’s core remain unchanged, sure, but the saying of, “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” holds very true here, and what Rebellion delivers on, not only keeps the fundamentals of what made the franchise so great, but also keeps it in a way where they’re able to expand on it without losing its identity. While the semi-open world does have some faults, it was an appropriate step for the series to take, one that I cannot wait to see unfold further into the future.​
Thanks to the foundation built by its predecessor, Sniper Elite 5 is a good entry in the franchise, with large open levels and capable stealth mechanics. While it has several decent multiplayer options, better execution was needed to really hit all targets.​
So if you like immersive sniper combat and the satisfaction of landing those sneaky headshots, then Sniper Elite 5 is a game for you. The game is nothing but wall to wall tactical and precise sniping, bombing, and assassination. There’s some running and gunning, but if you play the way the game is designed, you won’t be doing much of that.​
Sniper Elite 5 falls short of its primary influence, but it also falls within its own merits. Its restricted level design, weak features, and perplexing A.I. make it a terrible stealth game only momentarily improved by its repetitive sniper tactics. Sniper Elite's essential components of tact and stealth remain, but the game's balancing flaws have been addressed, allowing players to concentrate on the game's primary appeal: enjoyment. Fun exists in the game, but it's not where you want it.​
A quality step-up for a series that's still short of greatness.​
Sniper Elite 5 reuses a tried-and-tested formula that has made the franchise a hit. Unfortunately, that familiarity can wear thin as you continue to progress. Still, some multiplayer modes might keep you engaged.​
Sniper Elite 5 makes small attempts at innovation but not enough to stop it from being a fairly safe entrant into the Sniper Elite franchise. The enhanced killcam, extensive weapon customization, and better skill trees help to improve the experience over Sniper Elite 4. Players will undoubtedly have fun roaming the large battlefields of France as long as they can get over the minor bugs, although we could do without those that can stop a playthrough in its tracks. While the standard multiplayer modes and Survival mode will keep players occupied for a while, Invasion mode is what will keep players coming back for more.​
Sniper Elite 5 is the series at its strongest to date. It's not a radical paradigm shift by any stretch of the imagination, but it doesn't need to be. Instead, it builds on what Sniper Elite 4 did so well by expanding on the scale of maps, stuffs them full of things to do, and polishes its already-compelling combat. If you're looking for a tactical, rewarding World War II-era shooter, Sniper Elite 5 comes highly recommended.​
It’s worth returning to that earlier word — “fun.” While much of the design seems rooted in the past, if there’s one feeling that endures after a session of Sniper Elite 5, it’s that Rebellion hopefully has a solid blueprint to do something truly innovative and worthwhile with Sniper Elite 6. Until then, raucously silly fun will have to suffice.​
Sniper Elite 5 is undeniably a better game than its predecessors. Every level is packed modestly with things to do, and the kills are endlessly enjoyable. But some antiquated design choices, a done-to-death setting, and a ho-hum story keep it from reaching its full potential. It's a shame too, because at its core Sniper Elite 5 is one of the best Sniper experiences you can play right now, it's just everything else that's letting it down.​
Sniper Elite 5 knows exactly who it's aimed at, and Rebellion is on target as always. The developer's dense French sandboxes are hugely replayable, and look fantastic to boot. There are some sloppy gameplay mechanics, like the climbing and twitchy camera, but these are easy to forgive. A wide array of difficulty options mean both super-agents and rookies can eke something out of this title, and with the release accommodating so many different play styles, it represents a real bullet to our heart – or should that be balls?​
Stellar level design and refined gameplay mechanics firmly establish Sniper Elite 5 among the stealth action classics such as Hitman and Splinter Cell.​
Sniper Elite 5 brings back the series' signature sharpshooting, but its rigid close-combat objectives force you out of the sniper nest too often.​
Overall, Sniper Elite 5 is a very high quality and very playable sequel to the Sniper Elite series. It offers an interesting environment, great replayability, but also plenty of cooperation and multiplayer options. Really good choice.​
Rebellion really put a lot into Sniper Elite 5, and it shows due to the well-thought out modes and mechanics. With over twenty hours of singleplayer to do here, and that’s only scratching the surface until you replay them for better scores or tackle the objectives differently. The robust campaign features an unraveling list of objectives that are engaging and rewarding. Invasion mode is a highlight, and a perfect fit for the series for some true cat and mouse action. Sure, there’s a few bugs, and some parts of this that may not wow or excite everyone, but it really offers an enthralling experience that is unrivaled. Sniper Elite 5 is one of the best stealth action games to exist, and is a must-play.​
Overall, Sniper Elite 5 is a truly enjoyable tactical action game. Sniping Nazis never gets old, and Rebellion has provided a brilliant platform to one again partake in one of video gaming's oldest pastimes.​
Sniper Elite 5 is a game that knows exactly what it is, and delivers on all fronts. The x-ray kills are as good as ever, and improvements to stealth and level design make the campaign enjoyable between the moments where you’re shooting through a guy’s eyeball. The Axis Invasion mode adds an entirely new dynamic to multiplayer, which still features the standard modes for a more traditional experience. It’s hard to imagine fans of the series not being satisfied with what’s there in Sniper Elite 5.​
Despite coming with its very own set of cons, Sniper Elite 5 is still brilliantly glorious. It’s indeed repetitive if you want to always take the fastest route to complete a mission, but at the end of the day, the more time you spend doing everything right, the more Sniper Elite impresses.​
Everyone who loved the previous entry, will surely enjoy this one, that lacks real improvements and innovations​
Sniper Elite 5 is stupid fun and a joy to play. Rebellion hasn’t made any giant leaps in terms of new functionality, but it doesn’t need to. Instead, the studio continues to refine and polish an experience that sets itself apart from other shooters.​
Sniper Elite 5 is a really fun time, but it's bogged down by a dull story, graphical glitches and boring characters.​
Sniper Elite 5 is a perfect example of a game that is just good. There are no real glitches or screen tearing and the game plays really well on the PS5. The graphics look fine, even if the character designs are a little questionable. The problem arises with the game becoming predictable and boring. However, the devs saw this coming – hence half the game being online. So even though playing through the campaign with a friend is fun, it’s not worth the price, in my opinion.​
Video Review - Quote not available​
Sniper Elite 5 marks the new entry point for tactical shooters, and although it's not a big revolution for this kind of games, thanks to a refined and engaging stealth and sniping approach, as well as the interaction with many elements of the scenario, it offers a fun gameplay in which there isn't a single way to complete missions that require multiple objectives to be fullfilled, all while offering a robust challenge. It's a pity that the game is not especially daring, but it's a fun single player and the online should grant it a lenghty lifespan.​
With its large and well executed environments, Sniper Elite 5 is a strong follow up to 2017’s previous entry in the series, with a healthy balance of open-ended approaches and a clear direction. Maps are large enough to revisit and rediscover new areas as well as acting as an endless playground to perform trick shots and discover its secrets.​
Sniper Elite 5 is held back by a presentation stuck in the past and a forgettable story. Ultimately well-designed missions, player freedom, and great moment-to-moment gameplay win out. Resulting in a game that is fun on your own or with a friend.​
After four Sniper Elites and four Zombie Army games, Rebellion decided it wasn’t quite done having us kill Nazis. With the new setting in France, the open map exploration, and new invasion mode, Sniper Elite 5 aims to keep things fresh for a nearly two-decade old franchise.​
With a new WW2 tale to tell and Axis plot to foil, Sniper Elite 5 expands and refines a lot of the action that will be familiar to fans of Sniper Elite 4. There's a few rough edges, but this is a fun stealth action romp for Karl Fairburne.​
Sniper Elite 5 is a lovingly crafted work by a team that exalts and studies a time of great human frailty.​
The gameplay mechanics and open world that felt fresh and fun in 2017 now feel outdated and stale. Combine this with levels that lack interesting vantage points or unique ways to kill enemies, and it wasn’t long before my immersion into the wacky world of Sniper Elite 5 went up in smoke.​
Sniper Elite 5 is definitely the best of a series that continues to grow with each installment. I’m happy to say that this one has some of the most meaningful updates to its formula to date. The heavy focus on more involved maps, and gameplay freedom within them is a breath of fresh air and exactly what this series needs.​
While going back to World War II might not be on the top of players' minds when it comes to a new shooter, the new Axis Invasion mode brings Dark Souls competitive PVP to a stealth series in a way that might be impossible to top.​
Rebellion treads little new ground, however Sniper Elite 5 remains the chief among WW2 stealth action games.​
In many ways Sniper Elite 5 is Sniper Elite 4 with a few new features and a fresh coat of paint, and I'm happy that this is the case. Except for the kill cam novelty having entirely worn off at this point, most of the gameplay still feels fresh. Sneaking around and lining up shots are equally rewarding, and the large, open levels give you plenty of freedom to tackle each objective in the way that you want. Sniper Elite 5 provides players with the necessary tools to feel like an elite sniper who's using superior tactics and stealth to take down a bunch of Nazis, and the game has certainly hit the bull's-eye.​
Sniper Elite is a fun game if you play in coop. Alone you will really challenge yourself, and quickly notice the game was meant to be played with a partner. It looks good, but could have been better. The x-ray shots keep on being really cool and during the nine hours the game lasts, you will not get bored easily.​
Another opportunity to eviscerate Nazis, Sniper Elite 5 is by no means perfect, but it is a wonderfully robust and consistently enjoyable sandbox shooter that's good, reliable fun. And, as if you need reminding, you can put a bullet through a Nazi's scrotum, which will never not be brilliant.​

XboxEra - Harm0nica - 8 / 10
There is added depth and complexity to this title that elevates the experience above the solid game that went before it. Too many series continuations just recycle the same old tropes but in this instance, I can gladly state that this is not the case at all. If you are a fan of Sniper Elite 4 you will certainly enjoy playing this game. Available to play from day one via Xbox Game Pass, this is not (in my opinion) an experience that you can afford to miss.​
Video Review - Quote not available​
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بهترین اسنایپر تاریخ نسخه دو و سه این بازی هست که واقعا یه سندباکس فوق العاده مهیج بود زمان خودش. اونو سه چهار بار تموم کرده بودم. حقیقتش ویدئوهای گیم پلی نسخه ۵ رو دیدم خیلی ناامید شدم. انیمیشن ها، بافت ها، همگی قدیمی. محیط کاملا بی روح. نسخه چهار که یک افتضاح تمام عیار بود واسه من.
آخرین ویرایش:
بهترین اسنایپر تاریخ نسخه دو و سه این بازی هست که واقعا یه سندباکس فوق العاده مهیج بود زمان خودش. اونو سه چهار بار تموم کرده بودم. حقیقتش ویدئوهای گیم پلی نسخه ۵ رو دیدم خیلی ناامید شدم. انیمیشن ها، بافت ها، همگی قدیمی. نسخه چهار که یک افتضاح تمام عیار بود واسه من.
جالبه منم اون زمان خیلی با نسخه دوم حال کردم الان رفتم همینطوری نمرات قبلیا رو ببینم متا 67 داره نسخه دوم و سوم :)) فعلا همین نسخه 5 ـمش با اپن 80 بهترین عملکرد رو داشته بین تمام نسخه ها.
گرچه پلیرا این چیزا واسشون مهم نیست الان نسخه چهارم رو استیم هنوز شدید فروش داره و Very Positive ـم هست نقداش.
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بازی افت فریم داره و امیدوارم با آپدیت حل شه
من هم Mission 1 رو رفتم و قسمتی از Mission 2. حدود 3 ساعت طولش دادم و همه جا رو گشتم. از نظر گرافیکی شبیه نسخه 4 بود که خب اونم اونقدرا با 3 تفاوت نداشت! ولی از نظر هنری خیلی قشنگه در طول ماموریت اول و نیمی از ماموریت دوم چند جا رو دیدم که با خودم گفتم اینجا چه قشنگه! هوش مصنوعی بازی هم اشاره کردن خیلی خوبه قشنگ سعی میکنن محاصرت کنن و خیلی تیزن. مکانیزمهای گیمپلی بازی بنظرم خیلی خوبه کلا اسنایپر از این نظر ایرادی بهش نیست و حتی چیزهایی تو این بازی اتفاق میافته که توی هیچ بازی دیگه ندیدم مثلا نارنجک پرت کنی اونایی که نزدیک باشن ولی نه خیلی نزدیک که بمیرن ناک اوت میشن یا مثال دیگه اگر شما پشت یه سنگر طولانی باشین و در حال تیر اندازی و دشمن مثلا بدونه در نقطه A هستین به همونجا تیر اندازی میکنه و اگر پشت سنگر بدون صدا برید اونورتر مثلا نقطه B برخلاف بقیه بازیها که دشمنها به عالم ماورا متصلن و میفهن اینجا متوجه نمیشن و اگر ببینن تیراندازی دیگه نمیکنین سعی میکنن فاصله خودشون رو کم کنن. هر مپ بازی هم که یه پا اپن ورلدی واسه خودش.

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن