امتیازات Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition

Mr. Worldwide

کاربر سایت

Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition
Developer: United Front Games & Square Enix London
Publisher: Square Enix
Platform: PC, PS4, XOne
Release date: EU 10 October 2014
NA 14 October 2014
Genre: Action-adventure
The Escapist 3/5
Push Square 7/10
IGN Italy 7/10

XBox One: IGN 8.5/10
Gaming Age B
GamingTrend 65/100
آخرین ویرایش:
میشه برا ما هم بفرمایید چی بود چی شد !؟ :| :دی
نسخه قبلی و بعدی هم نیست ، این ریمستر شده ی همونیه که 2 سال پیش اومد :-"

منظورم اين نبود اون يكي كه براي پي سي مياد رو ميگم و در كل بازي هاي اخيرش افتضاحه! Theif murder

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باو اسمش روشه دیگه! ریمستر! بازی دوسال پیشو انتظار دارید بیاند از اول بسازند و نمرات بالاتر بگیره؟ همین که نمراتش در حد قبله کافیه! IGN به نسخه قبلی هم همین 8.5 رو داده بود.
Push Square - 7/10
Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition provides a good excuse to get involved with Hong Kong's shady dealings if you haven't already, but a lack of new features makes it difficult to recommend a return trip – at least at full price. It's still a fantastic sandbox title, however, sporting cohesive,engaging mission design, satisfying gameplay, and a great story – a formula which makes Wei Shen's tale a fantastic alternative to the likes of Watch Dogs and even Grand Theft Auto V if you're looking for an open world time sink

The Escapist - 3/5
In the transition from PS3 to Xbox 360 to current consoles, Definitive Edition renders Hong Kong in glorious 1080p, though outside of that, visual improvements are difficult to ascertain, especially if you've already experienced the impressive PC version. As someone who has played Sleeping Dogs on PC already, I can't say I was exactly blown away by the way Definitive Edition looks on Xbox One. It's still remarkably pretty stuff, but at 30 frames-per-second and very little edge over the previous computer release, I'm just not feeling like the upgrade's worth it

IGN Italy - 7/10

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