امتیازات L.A. Noire


کاربر سایت

امروز صبح وب سایت Gaurdian اولین نقد بازی را قرار داد و با کلی تعریف و تمجید از حالت فیلم گونه بازی بهش نمره کامل 5 از 5 داد.

این نقد قرار بود 17 May قرار بگیره که ظاهرا به طور سهوی زودتر از موعد مقرر قرار گرفت (یا شاید هم از حربه های تبلیغاتی Rockstar باشه) و البته الان از سایت برداشته شده.

به هر حال میشه اینو به عنوان اولین امتیاز بازی قلمداد کرد.


Digital Spy - 10/10
VideoGamer - 10/10
Giant Bomb - 10/10
The Guardian - 10/10
GamePro - 10/10
Totalvideogame - 10/10
Justpushstart - 10/10
G4TV - 10/10
1UP - 10/10
The Onion A.V. Club - 10/10
Examiner - 10/10
xbox360 Achievements - 9.6/10
HardGame2 - 9.5/10
Feedyourconsole - 9.5/10
GamingTruth - 9.5/10
Vandal - 9.5/10
BigPond GameArena - 9.5/10
Gameplanet - 9.5/10
Meristation - 9.5/10
Spaziogames - 9.5/10
Cheat Code Central - 9.4/10
TeamXbox - 9.3/10
VicioJuegos - 9.3/10
Multiplayer.it - 9.3/10
Nowgamer - 9.3/10
VaDeJuegos - 9.2/10
Incgamers - 9.2/10
Gametrailers - 9.1/10
3DJuegos - 9.1/10
Destructoid - 9/10
Gamesradar - 9/10
Everyeye.it - 9/10
Eurogamer.de - 9/10
Gamespot - 9/10
Game reactor UK - 9/10
Joystiq - 9/10
Metro.co.uk - 9/10
SPOnG – 9/10
The Telegraph - 9/10
Gamespy - 9/10
Playstation: The Official Magazine (US) - 9/10

CVG - 8.9/10
GameInformer - 8.75/10
Videogameszone - 8.6/10
IGN - 8.5/10
Jeuxvideo - 8.5/10
Eurogamer - 8/10
Gameblog.fr - 8/10
Wired - 8/10
EDGE - 8/10
Gamrreview - 8/10

Gamekult - 7/10
Gamer.no - 7/10
Attackofthefanboy - 6/10
Gaming Age - 5.8/10
Honest Gamers - 5/10
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مجله OXM UK هم امتياز 10 از 10 رو داده و گفته كه بازي بيش از 30 ساعت هست و اگر همه مضامين اون رو تموم كنيد بيش از 40 ساعت هم ميشه.
این هم تعریف هاش از بازی (البته آخریه نکته منفیه:دی):

+Very meaty, very lengthy (took them about 30 hours to finish the main story, and took them around 40ish to complete everything)

+Very cinematic, takes many cues from LA Confidential they said. Also according to the reviewer “A game that bridges cinema and the gaming universe.”

+Motion Scan is the highlight for them, and the feeling of actually being a detective. They said no game comes close to the experience that they had with L.A Noire.

+Great Narrative. In there opinion they said it has the dramatic, and cinematic storytelling of Heavy Rain, with the complexity of Metal Gear Solid, mixed with the length of Red Dead Redemption (but longer).

+Excellent pacing. At first you start somewhat slow, but you quickly rise within the ranks. Once you finish the 30 hour epic you become attatched with the world, the characters, the cases. Not many games have done that for him (said the reviewer).

-Gameplay is a bit clunky. If your fan of Red Dead, or GTA IV then the gameplay of LA Noire won’t feel out of place. That said, they were hoping for some advancement in this aspect.

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