امتیازات Gran Turismo Sport


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تو این تاپیک امتیازات این عنوان قرار می گیره و پست اول اپدیت خواهد شد .
  • NA: October 17, 2017​
  • EU: October 18, 2017​
  • JP: October 19, 2017​
  • AU: October 18, 2017​
Platform: PlayStation 4​

GamesRadar 8/10
DarkStation 8/10
Worthplaying - 8/10
Trusted Reviews 7/10
CGMagazine 6.5/10
Areajugones 8.5/10
GamingTrend 10/10
Playstation Universe 7.5/10
Digital Trends 7/10
PlayStation LifeStyle 7/10
آخرین ویرایش:
Critical Hit
It looks fantastic and drives like magic, but with its servers down at inopportune times, we've not been able to play Gran Turismo Sport nearly as much as we'd like.

This is possibly the most focused, directly enjoyable game Polyphony Digital has put out since the heady days of Gran Turismo 3. Racing improves the breed, industrialist Soichiro Honda once said, and Gran Turismo Sport is proof positive of that.

Game Revolution
One thing it smashes Forza 7 on, at least at this moment, is the rendering of your competitor's cars. Every racing game worries about making your vehicle always look sharp, but usually, the competition has scaling textures or lower-count models. In Forza 7 there's an issue with liveries being displayed. None of your opponents ever have them in single-player. Nothing takes me out of a race faster than the sight of my car looking totally sweet and decked out in decals racing alongside a bunch of dull, primary colored AI. GT Sport renders everything just right, and the AI will actually have varied looking cars.

God is a Geek
It’s a love letter to the driving machines of the racing world, but only time will tell if its multiplayer focus works.

PlayStation LifeStyle
Oct 17, 2017
I can’t understate how great the racing actually feels.

GT Sport is graphically outstanding, featuring top-of-the-line car models, and clean, crisp, and exceptionally realistically-rendered racing environments. The audio is similarly excellent. It's vastly improved over prior versions of the game, especially the high-end racers, which sound hair-raisingly raw and mechanical. Its sublime handling engine feels very Gran Turismo, with the distinctive weight and heft that the series is known for, and the overall driving experience is as involving and detailed as I could hope for. GT Sport really does look, sound, and drive exceptionally well

تا اینجا به شدت تعریف شده بیشتر منتظرن سرورها باز بشه تا نمره های نهایی بیاد
DarkStation 8/10
In its need to please as large demographic as possible, GT Sport is unmistakably deep but oddly sparse compared to its illustrious predecessors. The game feels more like a prologue to the inevitable Gran Turismo 7, hopefully including everything that was left out here. To best summarize the experience that is Gran Turismo Sport is as if Ferrari made a sport model of Ferrari 458. It would be stripped of the passenger seat, electronics and comforts like radio, heated seat and power windows, and the suspension would be harder too. It still would be Ferrari, beautiful to look at and beast to drive, but you’d wish it had more to it

GamesRadar+ 8/10
Gran Turismo Sport is a bona fide virtual motorsport and that’s awesome. But single-player modes are lacking and it’s demonstrably outshone by Forza Motorsport 7 in virtually every area

اگه نمرات تو این حدود باشه متا میره زیر 80 ، اگه بره زیر 80 یعنی باید گل گرفت در این استدیورو که نتونستن یه ریسینگ درست حسابی بسازن .
امیدوارم نمرات بالاتر بره :|
آخرین ویرایش:
از گیم‌پلی و گرافیک و صداگذاری به‌شدت تعریف کردن. بزرگترین یا شاید هم تنها ایراد بازی کمبود محتوا هست نسبت به نسخه‌های قبل. یجورایی حکم Prologue برای نسخه ۷ رو داره انگار.
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حقیقتا به ریسینگ زیاد علاقه ای ندارم ، ولی توی هر نسل که پشت ماشینای GT نشستم حس وقارو لاکچری بودن بهم دس داده ، فکر کنم اکثرا با من هم عقیده باشن که GT بازی خاصیه و واقعا حس راننده رو پشت فرمون داری .
سونی اگه یذره سخت گیری که برای سازنده درایوکلاب داشت برای اینام داشت بعد این همه سال بازی اینجوری تحویل نمیدادن!این همه طول بدی تازه نسخه فرعی و بخش افلاین درست حسابیم نداشته باشه!بعد سازنده درایوکلاب خود سونی مجبورشون کرد زودتر از موعد بازیو منتشر کنن و بعد اون ساپورت فوق العاده زد استودیوشونو بست!!!
همون بهتر یکم به باد انتقاد گرفته بشن که استاد بفهمه کم کاری کرده و بخاطر اسم و اعتبار کسی تحویل گرفته نمیشه دیگه!سازنده فورزا هرسال داره ریسینگ میده یکی از یکی بهتر اینا از اول نسله تو یه نسخه فرعی موندن!
سونی تو هرچی این نسل کولاک کرده تو ریسینگ افتضاحه و انگاری واقعا از استاد حساب میبرن که هیچ سخت گیری بهشون گرفته نمیشه!

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