K I 1 1 E R

ناظم انجمن

Initial release date: Jul 2, 2019
Publisher: Square Enix
Developer: Square Enix Co., Ltd
Platform: Microsoft Windows_PlayStation 4



آخرین ویرایش:
CGMagazine 100
Shadowbringers is more than just a masterful arc in a beloved tale; it’s one of the best Final Fantasy stories ever realized, showcasing an MMORPG at the apex of its craft.

Vandal 95

USgamer 90
Final Fantasy 14 set a high bar with its previous expansions, but Shadowbringers stands above the rest. Expected additions come in the form of new regions and the new jobs, Dancer and Gunbreaker. Both bring their own flavor to the game, though the Dancer is the standout. More importantly, Shadowbringers tells a tale that not only contains some meaningful real-world connections, but also provides an experience that's firmly Final Fantasy-esque. Great writing, solid voice acting, and an excellent soundtrack wrap Shadowbringers up in a package that should satisfy Final Fantasy 14 fans and neophytes alike.

GameSpot 90
For a story that starts with a laser focus on your character's motivations and misgivings, it tells a tale that ends up being the biggest and the best that Final Fantasy XIV has ever told. Equal parts redemption, vengeance, cruelty, and sassy Elezen, Shadowbringers promises a hell of a lot when you take your first steps into Norvrandt and delivers a truly spectacular finish even if it stumbles a little along the way.

Hardcore Gamer 90
Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers is what MMOs should aspire to, telling a story for the ages and engaging their players with evolving mechanics. It’s an exquisite adventure that needs to be experienced.

Jeuxvideo.com 90

The Games Machine 86

MMORPG.com 85
Shadowbringers brings a lot to the table. From a great story, to amazing areas to discover and explore, Square Enix has truly outdone themselves this time. With many changes not only to the Jobs system, but also FATEs and just general gameplay, it’s more than enough to bring new players and returning players alike to the game. Unfortunately, it’s not all perfect, but the flaws are mostly revolving around issues not related to actual gameplay. Still, some will find the content boring, as per usual, but to me, it’s pure fun.


DualShockers 95
Shadowbringers has set quite a standard in quality of content delivered and how Yoshi P and his team respond positively to community feedback for further updates. While there are some flaws to be addressed still, many of these are due to how ambitious in nature Shadowbringers is in every category. With an outline of future content roll-outs that includes a Nier: Automata YoRHa series of raids, more notoriously difficult Savage difficulty trials, housing updates, and an ever-expanding story, there’s even more to look forward to down the road with Shadowbringers.

Destructoid 95
This is how an MMO ages gracefully: Final Fantasy XIV is arguably the best it has ever been.

GameSpot 90
Equal parts redemption, vengeance, cruelty, and sassy Elezen, Shadowbringers promises a hell of a lot when you take your first steps into Norvrandt and delivers a truly spectacular finish even if it stumbles a little along the way.

Jeuxvideo.com 90

Digital Trends 80
It’s hard to say how things will feel as the main story continues in smaller updates over the next few years, but what’s on offer right now suggests Shadowbringers is the finest storyline we’ve had yet. The only thing holding it back now is a truly seamless world – and that’s more a consequence of early design limitations that can’t be undone. If you haven’t played Final Fantasy XIV yet, you’re really missing out on something special.
Critic Reviews

MMOGames - 9.5 / 10
Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers is without question the best Final Fantasy XIV expansion yet. The gripping story gave me quite a few gut punches. Shadowbringers is fun, fast, and fluid, largely due to the latest changes made to the battle system. If you're looking for a brand new MMO or just want to get back into Final Fantasy XIV after a long hiatus, now's the time to do so as this edition is wonderfully done.

MMORPG.com - 8.5 / 10
Shadowbringers brings a lot to the table. From a great story, to amazing areas to discover and explore, Square Enix has truly outdone themselves this time. With many changes not only to the Jobs system, but also FATEs and just general gameplay, it's more than enough to bring new players and returning players alike to the game. Unfortunately, it's not all perfect, but the flaws are mostly revolving around issues not related to actual gameplay. Still, some will find the content boring, as per usual, but to me, it's pure fun!Score: 8.5/10

PCWorld - 4.5 / 5 stars
Full of emotion and high adventure, Final Fantasy XIV's Shadowbringers expansion brings MMORPG storytelling out of the shadows. Two great new combat classes, two cool new races, and a nifty system for running dungeons solo round out the experience of FFXIV's best expansion to date.

IGN - 9.5 / 10
Shadowbringers has only further solidified XIV's status as one of the greatest Final Fantasy games ever made.

PlayStation Universe - 9 / 10
Shadowbringers delivers on all fronts, offering up great new instances, vast new zones to explore, and a new storyline worthy of almost any best-of list. Despite its few early day hangups and minor missteps, Stormbringers excels on almost all counts.

Easy Allies - 9 / 10
Final Fantasy XIV's third expansion, Shadowbringers, elevates the long-running MMO to new heights with the addition of two excellent jobs, a fantastic story, and breathtaking environments.

Twinfinite - 5 / 5
With Shadowbringers, the development team has proven that they have perfected everything that Final Fantasy XIV is known for and does well.

Gameblog - French - 9 / 10
Shadowbringers is simply the best MMO extension ever made, period. The new world to discover is amazing, the story is amazing, the soundtrack is amazing and the updated battle system is amazing. We will only complain about one thing: please Square Enix, fix the way characters are animated during cutscenes because it is painful to watch in 2019.

Impulsegamer - 4.6 / 5
Shadowbringers brings a completely new level to an already fantastically evolving world. From it’s deep, personal story about inner conflicts and shattered, dying worlds. To it’s emotional cast, musical scores and gorgeous landscapes.

Daily Star - 5 / 5 stars
Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers is a step above anything that has come before it. The perfect blend of captivating gameplay and a truly memorable story that rivals those heralded by fans for decades. It’s time to step out of the shadows and become what you must Final Fantasy XIV; the best MMORPG in the world.

Polygon - Unscored
Final Fantasy 14: Shadowbringers is one of the best MMOs available for both fans and newcomers

Screen Rant - 5 / 5 stars
Square Enix's third expansion for Final Fantasy XIV, Shadowbringers, raises the bar for MMORPGs into the night sky so high it's tough to see anymore.

DualShockers - 9.5 / 10
Become the Warrior of Darkness in Final Fantasy XIV's most epic expansion yet.

USgamer - 4.5 / 5 stars
Final Fantasy 14 set a high bar with its previous expansions, but Shadowbringers stands above the rest. Expected additions come in the form of new regions and the new jobs, Dancer and Gunbreaker. Both bring their own flavor to the game, though the Dancer is the standout. More importantly, Shadowbringers tells a tale that not only contains some meaningful real-world connections, but also provides an experience that's firmly Final Fantasy-esque. Great writing, solid voice acting, and an excellent soundtrack wrap Shadowbringers up in a package that should satisfy Final Fantasy 14 fans and neophytes alike.

GameSpot - 9 / 10
Even though some ambitious additions need a little refinement, Shadowbringers' fearless execution pays off in spades.

The Digital Fix - 10 / 10
Despite a consistently high standard in previous expansions, Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers has defied all expectations to better all of them, even at this early stage in the journey. The darkest tale in the ongoing saga has proven to be the most inviting; with some excellent refinements to existing mechanics and some great quality of life improvements. Absolutely essential for Final Fantasy fans and MMO enthusiasts alike.

The Games Machine - Italian - 8.6 / 10
Thanks to a substantial story developed along the ten new levels available and to the rather well-built antagonists, Shadowbringers manages to bring the player to moments of tension, epic battles and espionage missions, allowing himself some dramatic moments that make us almost hope history took an even more tragic turn.

Gamer Escape - 92 / 100
Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers has had the smoothest launch of any MMO I’ve ever seen[...]The amount of polish that we’ve seen in other aspects of this expansion also shine through with some great quality of life (QoL) adjustments.

Gamefa - Persian - 9.1 / 10
Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers is an excellent choice for New Players and Experienced Ones. The story is very attractive and gameplay mechanics are so deep. Besides thd improved trust system make you explore dungeons more and more. It's the best time to walk in Final Fantasy XIV world.

Hardcore Gamer - 4.5 / 5
Shadowbringers solidifies Final Fantasy XIV as the best MMO on the market.

CGMagazine - 10 / 10
Shadowbringers is more than just a masterful arc in a beloved tale; it's one of the best Final Fantasy stories ever realized, showcasing an MMORPG at the apex of its craft.

Digital Trends - 4 / 5 stars
Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers is the strongest start to an expansion since Heavensward.

Destructoid - 9.5 / 10
Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers is more XIV, and right now that's something I'm still happy with. The story delivers with its effortless whimsy and urgency, the battles are filled with spectacle, and the core fundamentals have only gotten better over time.



پ.ن : عجیبا غریبا ! یعنی اینقدر اسکوار فن ها کم شدن تو سایت ؟؟؟؟!!!! بعد مدت ها اسکوار یـ فاینال فانتزی در خور داده ! هیشکی به هیشکی !!!!!!
Critic Reviews

MMOGames - 9.5 / 10

MMORPG.com - 8.5 / 10

PCWorld - 4.5 / 5 stars

IGN - 9.5 / 10

PlayStation Universe - 9 / 10

Easy Allies - 9 / 10

Twinfinite - 5 / 5

Gameblog - French - 9 / 10

Impulsegamer - 4.6 / 5

Daily Star - 5 / 5 stars

Polygon - Unscored

Screen Rant - 5 / 5 stars

DualShockers - 9.5 / 10

USgamer - 4.5 / 5 stars

GameSpot - 9 / 10

The Digital Fix - 10 / 10

The Games Machine - Italian - 8.6 / 10

Gamer Escape - 92 / 100

Gamefa - Persian - 9.1 / 10

Hardcore Gamer -

Critic Reviews

MMOGames - 9.5 / 10

MMORPG.com - 8.5 / 10

PCWorld - 4.5 / 5 stars

IGN - 9.5 / 10

PlayStation Universe - 9 / 10

Easy Allies - 9 / 10

Twinfinite - 5 / 5

Gameblog - French - 9 / 10

Impulsegamer - 4.6 / 5

Daily Star - 5 / 5 stars

Polygon - Unscored

Screen Rant - 5 / 5 stars

DualShockers - 9.5 / 10

USgamer - 4.5 / 5 stars

GameSpot - 9 / 10

The Digital Fix - 10 / 10

The Games Machine - Italian - 8.6 / 10

Gamer Escape - 92 / 100

Gamefa - Persian - 9.1 / 10

Hardcore Gamer - 4.5 / 5

CGMagazine - 10 / 10

Digital Trends - 4 / 5 stars

Destructoid - 9.5 / 10


پ.ن : عجیبا غریبا ! یعنی اینقدر اسکوار فن ها کم شدن تو سایت ؟؟؟؟!!!! بعد مدت ها اسکوار یـ فاینال فانتزی در خور داده ! هیشکی به هیشکی !!!!!!
والا با اشتراک ماهانه ایی که بازی داره و قیمت دلار توی این دور و زمونه ایی میتونم به بچه ها حق بدم تا حقی اینجا اینقدر سوت و کور باشه:-<

آنقدر اسکوار اعتبار خودش رو لگد مال کرده که ۴ تا فاینال +۹۰ هم بده کسی براش مهم نباشه چه برسه به یه پک گسترش دهنده!

والا غیر قابل انکاره همین الان یکی از بهترین MMORPG های تاریخ رو دادن!

اینکه میگی کسی براش مهم نیست رو نمیدونم چطور میتونی بگی!
هایپ بازی وحشتناک توی بقیه جاهای دنیا و با اوردن تام هالند هم برای تبلیغات بازی به اوج خودش تونست برسه.
این حقیقتم نمیشه تغییر داد با همین بازی که فکر میکنید کسی بهش اهمیت نمیده، اسکوئر هر سال داره توی استخر پول شنا میکنه.
خلاصه اینکه خودت با این سبک حال نمیکنی مثل خودم دلیل نمیشه بازی مشکلی داشته باشه.:D
اصلا ربطش رو نفهمیدم به حرف خودم مگه من گفتم این بازی بده? این نسل خیلی از بازی های اشغال هم پول پارو کردن ، دلیل بر خوب و کاردرست بودن ناشرشون نمیشه!
  • Smile
Reactions: Arima Kishou
پ.ن : عجیبا غریبا ! یعنی اینقدر اسکوار فن ها کم شدن تو سایت ؟؟؟؟!!!! بعد مدت ها اسکوار یـ فاینال فانتزی در خور داده ! هیشکی به هیشکی !!!!!!
من خیلی وقته که توی هایپش هستم ولی با این سرویس اینترنت و قیمت دلار نمیشه سراغش رفت:D
پ.ن: کاش یکی پیدا میشد تاپیکش رو به روز میکرد:-"
  • Like
Reactions: New Shredder
پ.ن : عجیبا غریبا ! یعنی اینقدر اسکوار فن ها کم شدن تو سایت ؟؟؟؟!!!! بعد مدت ها اسکوار یـ فاینال فانتزی در خور داده ! هیشکی به هیشکی !!!!!!

بعد مدت ها هم نیست تقریبا ها D: چون XIV بعد اینکه تبدیل به ARR شد هم خود ARR هم اکسپنشن بعدیش Heavensward هم اکسپنشن بعدیش Stormblood حالا هم که این همه یکی از یکی خفن تر و بهتر بودن

وقتی Heavensward اومد همه از جمله خود من فکر میکردیم عمرا بتونن چیزی بهتر از این بسازن یعنی شاهکار بودش. داستان شدیدا سیاسی مذهبی (از نوع تیره و دارکش) با شخصیتای فوق العاده معرکه. گیم پلی هم که معرکست

بعد Stormblood رو دادن و نشون دادن که میتونن چیز بهتری بسازن که واقعا قابل تصور نبود D: و الان با shadowbringers یه چیزی بهتر از Stormblood دادن D:

یعنی تو کل اون SE خراب شده یه تیم درست کار بکنه تیم XIVئه و یه نفر باشه که بازیی که میسازه ارزش هایپ شدن داشته باشه چون مطمعنم کارش خوب یوشی کارگردان همین XIVئه

حرف بقیه رو هم توجه نکن SE برا بعضیا شده یوبی که هرچی بهش بیشتر هیت بورزی خفن تری و گیمر هاردکور تری هستی D: حتی اگه بدبدختا یه بازی درست و حسابیم بدن باید هیت بورزی که خفن بودنت حفظ بشه D:

ولی خب من قبلا 70 تومن میدادم اشتراک 2 ماهش رو میگرفتم الان باید 500-600 بدم که نمیتونم برا همینه چند وقته بازی رو کنار گذاشتم

ولی برا اونایی که با PC بازی میکنن توصیه میکنم حتما تجربه کنن من خودم تا قبل این اصلا از MMO خوشم نمیومد و هیچی بازی نکرده بودم قبلا چون MMO ها حس خیلی شلوغی بهم میدادن ولی این شاهکاره تازه با PC از استیم میتونید بزنید استور هند بود روسیه بود کجا بود اشتراکش رو خیلی خیلی ارزون بخرید

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

تبلیغات متنی

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن