Initial release date: August 31, 2018
Developer: Larian Studios
Publisher: Bandai Namco Entertainment
Designer: Farhang Namdar
Series: Divinity
Genre: Role-playing
Mode: Single-player, multiplayer
LaPS4 84The best classic fantasy RPG on console, ever.
Vandal 95Divinity: Original Sin 2 comes from PC world to become one of the most complete RPG games in PlayStation 4 catalog. The freedom of action it offers will appeal to players who are more familiar with the Rol genre, but maybe the amateur players will find too much complexity in this game. The control is not accessible at all and the keyboard and mouse are missing on more than one occasion.
Eurogamer Italy 90This game is one of those RPGs fans of the genre can’t miss, and now arrives on more platforms for everyone to enjoy with all the content and some enhancements.
With the addition of new moves and abilities, and with plot changes, this Definitive Edition perfects an already stunning RPG. Also on consoles, Divinity: Original Sin II entertains and amazes.
Critical Hit 90Fans of fantasy RPGs will absolutely love their time with Divinity: Original Sin II Definitive Edition. Its unforgiving yet rewarding campaign is one of the most satisfying adventures that you'll ever partake in.
The Games Machine 85This singular vision is perfectly at home on consoles. The experience is mirrored more or less perfectly on the controller and the addition of split-screen is a welcome one. Its characters, world and combat are a breath of fresh air in a stale genre. Though new content would not have hurt this supposed Definitive Edition, Original Sin 2 is perhaps the most compelling Role-Playing Game in a decade.
Jeuxvideo.com 95The control system is less comfortable and the framerate not so stable, but Divinity: Original Sin 2 remains an excellent RPG also on console, with several improvements to the pure content.
GameSpot 100Divinity: Original Sin 2 is very much a love letter to the RPGs of yesteryear, and it's a proof of how enjoyable those games can still be.
Cubed3 100From lonely farmhouses through pitched battles with gods in far-flung dimensions, Divinity: Original Sin II is one of the most captivating role-playing games ever made in both its original and Definitive incarnations, with the latter proving that even the most complicated role-players can be ported successfully to gamepad-limited consoles. This immaculately conceived and emotion-wrought fantasy world, topped by brilliant tactical combat, make it one of the finest games of recent years, and it remains an instant classic in the pantheon of RPG greats.
Hobby Consolas 91Divinity: Original Sin II - Definitive Edition is absolutely phenomenal; almost perfect in every way and easily one of the greatest RPGs of not just recent years but all time - easily able to stand alongside the greats not just in this style, like Knights of the Old Republic, but alongside any RPG. It puts Bioware's recent efforts to shame. It's fantastic that it's coming to console and that more people will have an opportunity to play this magnificent masterpiece.
Xbox Achievements 85One of the greatest classic RPG of the generation. Story, setting and freedom of action seems unparalleled, although controls and menu navigation for consoles version still feel a bit rough.
Divinity Original Sin 2: Definitive Edition is a fine installment in the Divinity series and despite a few odd design decisions and the balance being completely out of whack, it’s still a truly memorable and enjoyable experience.
بازی رو به کسی که کلا میونه خوبی با نمای ایزومتریک نداره پیشنهاد میکنین؟D:هیچ وقت تو فکر و خیالمم نمیگنجید یه بازی به این شدت منو بگیره و زیبا باشه. بی نهایت شاهکاره این بازی. به هر نحوی شده (خرید-دزدی-قتل-غارت) این بازی تهیه کنید. واقعا در عظمتش هیچی نمیتونم بگم.
کسی بازیو روی پی اس 4 داره؟ من برای اون تروفی ای که باید روی honor mode بازیو تموم کنیم مشکل دارم. نمیتونم تکی. بیش از اندازه سخته . یه بارم بمیری تموم میشه بازی. کسی هست کو آپ بزنیم؟
من نسخه اول بازی کردم نسخه دومم خریدم ولی هنوز دانلودش نکردم منتظرم یکی پیدا بشه Co-op برم باهاشبازی رو به کسی که کلا میونه خوبی با نمای ایزومتریک نداره پیشنهاد میکنین؟D: