امتیازات Crimson Dragon


Google Search:Yanet Garcia
Loyal Member

امتیازات این عنوان انحصاری xbox one هم اومد :

A Spiritual Successor Derailing Its Own Fun - Crimson Dragon - Xbox One - www.GameInformer.com
خلاصه ای از نطرات این سایت:
  • Concept: Resurrect the on-rails shooter genre with a spiritual successor to Sega’s classic Panzer Dragoon series, but fail to recapture the glory
  • Graphics: The environmental design is exotic, but the graphical detail isn’t much better than last-gen games. Not surprising, since it originally began as an Xbox 360 title
  • Sound: The music is moody and dramatic, but mostly unremarkable. The voice acting sounds like a Saturday-morning cartoon
  • Playability: You control your dragon with the left analog stick and your aiming reticule with the right stick, which takes a bit of getting used to
  • Entertainment: Crimson Dragon might offer fans a few cheap thrills of rail shooters, but the repetitive gameplay grows old quickly
  • Replay: Moderately Low


Review: Crimson Dragon Review - Xbox 360 - The Official Magazine

Gamespot 5 / 10
!Kotaku: NO
The Escapist
: 3.5/5
: 7/10
Destructoid: 8/10
VentureBeat: 3.5/10
GameReactor: 4/10
GamesRadar: 3.5/5
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