Brutal Legend isn’t quite perfect and there is room for improvement (it’s a little short, side quests are repetitive…), but when the credits roll you’ll find yourself hoping for a sophomore release. Double Fine created a rich heavy metal universe and backstory full of great characters and creatures, with potential for an out-of-this-world sequel. Here’s hoping Shafer and company get a chance to take us there.
آره خوب قبلا بازیهای اپن ورد با گرافیک کرایسیس اجرا میشدن!ولی من که دموش رو بازی کردم... اصلا گرافیک بالایی نداشت... بازیش خوب بود ولی گرافیکش یکم به ذوق میزد....
:biggrin1:. یه بازی مثل این گرافیکش به قول شما "بلائی نداشت" درعوض 1001 چیز داره که هیچ بازی نداره. ولی بازی هم داریم گرافیکش خیلی خیلی خیلی بالاست اما معجونی ست از المان های موفق و مختلف چند بازی بزرگ دیگه. کدومش بهتره؟
It’s probably Brutal Legend’s characters that win out. Since the days when he provided dialogue options for Guybrush Threepwood, Schafer’s secret skill has been to people his games with lovable oddballs who quickly start to feel like friends, creating bonds strong enough to ensure you forgive some of the ropier moments. In this case, Schafer, Double Fine, and Black haven’t just created a story about roadies: they’ve become them, scuttling about energetically, heads down and minds focused, as they pull a handful of simple props together in order to put on an amazing show.