امتیازات Bayonetta + Bayonetta 2


کاربر سایت

Developer: Platinum Games
Publisher: Nintendo
Platforms: Nintendo Switch
Release Date: 16 February 2018

امتیازات بایونتا + بایونتا 2:
Wccftech: 100
Bayonetta 1 & 2 rank as two of the best action games of all time, and now you can play them on the go. What’s not to love?
Press Start Australia: 100
Vooks: 100
Stevivor: 95
This is one for Bayonetta hardcore fans or those who’ve missed out on the originals. It’s also a brilliant way to get ready for Bayonetta 3.
Areajugones: 90
CGMagazine: 90
Digitally Downloaded: 90
EGM: 90
The queen of stylish action has now made her way to the Nintendo Switch, and along with Bayonetta herself comes two of the best action adventures money can buy. While both games have minor nitpicks and there, overall they’re fantastic experiences enjoyable by casual and hardcore players alike, giving form to quality re-releases on Nintendo’s latest platform.
We Got This Covered: 90
LevelUp: 90
Trusted Reviews: 90
Being able to play two of Platinum Games’ finest efforts whenever you like is hugely appealing, and the abundance of content on offer here only makes it even better. It’s somewhat disheartening that neither game has received any significant improvements beyond amiibo support and slightly better performance, especially since the Switch has proven it’s capable of far more.
Critical Hit: 85
Meristation: 85
Gamer.nl: 85
Everyeye.it: 83
COGconnected: 80
GameSpew: 80
Put simply, if you're a fan of the series, Bayonetta 1 & 2 are essential on the Nintendo Switch, especially if, like me, you only plan to play them in handheld mode. It's undeniably disappointing that they're less attractive in docked mode, but nevertheless they're still wildly enjoyable and engaging, just not as sharp as you'd probably expect.

Switch Player: 90
Nintenderos: 90
The Games Machine: 90
Hobby Consolas: 89
IGN Italia: 86
Bayonetta is one of the best stylish action game ever, probably the best one. It's good to play it again on Nintendo Switch.
GamePro Germany: 85
Vandal: 85
SpazioGames: 85
God is a Geek: 85
IGN Spain: 85
XGN: 85
Bayonetta is a sexy and interesting game. If you already played the Wii U-version, then the Switch version will not give you anything new. But if you have not played this version, try the Switch version for an interesting experience you will not see often.
Multiplayer.it: 84
Pocket Gamer UK: 80
Nintendo Enthusiast: 80
Cubed3: 80
FNintendo: 80
Bayonetta is back for another re-release of the original game but this gem hasn't lost any shine, as its gameplay remains impeccable and the Nintendo Switch treatment gives this version the added advantage of handheld gameplay and an improved performance. While the game would certainly benefit from some additional content, the experience is still as exquisite as ever.
Destructoid: 80
Gameblog.fr: 80
Nintendo Life: 80
Eurogamer Italy: 80
Bayonetta on Switch is a satisfying experience even today, despite the years on the shoulders of the beautiful witch. The portable version, even if with some smudging, manages to keep the fun in the massacre host of angels ready to war.

Switch Player: 100
FNintendo: 100
GameSpot: 100
Its predecessor still stands as one of the finest games of its genre. To have surpassed that with Bayonetta 2, and to have created a game that will be remembered as an absolute classic, is nothing short of astonishing.
Gameblog.fr: 100
Nintenderos: 95
Vandal: 92
Hobby Consolas: 92
IGN Spain: 92
Bayonetta 2 is still an essential game despite the time since its launch on Wii U. This version may not provide excessive improvements or novelties, but if you didn't play at the time, you are facing the perfect opportunity to do so.
Pocket Gamer UK: 90
Nintendo Enthusiast: 90
Cubed3: 90
Multiplayer.it: 90
SpazioGames: 90
Bayonetta 2 on Switch looks smoother and more solid. It is undoubtedly one of the best action games ever made, and it's a joy to play while we wait for the next chapter.
The Games Machine: 90
Metro GameCentral: 90
IGN: 90
3DJuegos: 90
Nintendo Life: 90
Despite being a three-plus-year-old port, Bayonetta 2 shines brightest on Nintendo Switch. It runs without a hitch at 60fps, looks incredible in both handheld and tabletop modes and offers an addictive free-flowing combat formula that sprinkles in platforming, light exploration and a ridiculous story to create something that you simply need to experience. If you’ve never played it for before, you’re in for a treat. If you’ve already played it, it’s even more bewitching as a handheld gem.
XGN: 90
4Players.de: 86
IGN Italia: 85
God is a Geek: 85
Eurogamer Italy: 80
Bayonetta 2 represents the highest point touched by the action genre, with a superfine and refined gameplay, and a totally out of the box narrative. The Switch version brings small improvements to the technical sector, and enjoys a portability that everyone now craves.

نقد و بررسی ویدئویی سایت نینتندو لایف:


متای bayonetta + bayonetta 2 از مجموع 17 نقد: 90
متای bayonetta از مجموع 20 نقد: 84
متای bayonetta 2 از محموع 23 نقد: 91

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پ.ن: هم برای نسخه ها بصورت جدا نقد هست هم برای جفتشون من نقدایی که مربوط به هردو نسخه بود رو گذاشتم
آپدیت: نمراتی که برای هر نسخه بصورت جداگانه ثبت شده بود هم بصورت تگ اسپویلر به پست اضافه شدن
آخرین ویرایش:
کیفیتشونم تغییری داشته یا نه
من ک نسخه 1 یکم بازی کردم خیلی خوب بود
نسبت به wii u نه فقط یکم رنگا بهتر شده
هر دو نسخه هم رو هردو حالت داک و دستی 720P اجرا میشن
ولی پرفورمنس بازی به شدت بهتر شده لودینگ تایما خیلی خیلی کوتاه تر شده و فریم بازی ثاببتر شده
ثابت بودن فریم تو این بازی خیلی بیشتر از بقیه چیزا اهمیت داره

امیدوارم فروشنده های عزیزمون یکم منصفانه قیمت بزنن بتونم همون اوایل بگیرمش
از زمان معرفی نسخه 1و2 برای سویچ دارم لحظه شماری میکنم منتشر بشه
آخرین ویرایش:
نسخه ی دوم هم به بهترین شکل ممکن 1080 و 60 فرم اجرا میشه سیستم زیاد قویی هم برا این مورد طلب نمیکنه (نصف زلدا هم سنگین نیست این بازی) ...
چطوری نسخه دوم با 1080 بازی کردید؟
لطفا اگ شبیه ساز میشناسید اینجا یا توی پروفایل بفرستید دانلود کنیم
بایونتا + بایونتا 2:
Stevivor: 95
Pocket Gamer UK: 80
Nintendo Enthusiast: 80
بایونتا 2:
4Players.de: 86
Pocket Gamer UK: 90


بایونتا + بایونتا 2:
EGM: 90
The queen of stylish action has now made her way to the Nintendo Switch, and along with Bayonetta herself comes two of the best action adventures money can buy. While both games have minor nitpicks and there, overall they’re fantastic experiences enjoyable by casual and hardcore players alike, giving form to quality re-releases on Nintendo’s latest platform.
IGN Spain: 85
A classic that now is becoming portable without losing anything on its way. Maybe we could have expected more improvements to take advantage of Switch's capabilities, but as it is is one of the best hack'n slash ever done.
بایونتا 2:
3DJuegos: 90
Bayonetta 2 is one of the best beat them all you can play at this time.

kotaku هم 18 تا از سوالاتی که کاربران راجع به بازی داشتنو جواب داده که البته زیاد ربطی به خود بازی ندارن و فانه ولی ارزش دیدن داره :D

آخرین ویرایش:
بایونتا 1+2:
COGconnected: 80
Assuming you have any taste for frenetic action games, these two titles represent the cream of the crop.
LevelUp: 90
Bayonetta is one of the best series of the hack and slash genre and this port is true to the Wii U versions with some small improvements. It is a good version for new players or for fans who want to remember the action of these games anywhere.
Gamer.nl: 85
Quotation forthcoming.
متا از 90 به 89 کاهش پیدا کرد
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