امتیازات Among the Sleep


کاربر سایت


Developer: Krillbite Studio
Publisher: Krillbite Studio
Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux, PS4
Genre: First-Person, Adventure, Horror
Steam Store Page


Joystiq: 80
GRYOnline.pl: 80
78 :Game Informer
Merlin'in Kazanı (Turkey): 77
GameStar: 73
IGN: 73
Eurogamer Germany: 70
Polygon: 70
Gameplanet: 70
GameSpot: 70
Gamer.no: 70
Digital Chumps: 70
Multiplayer.it: 69
Strategy Informer: 65
3DJuegos: 65
Vandal Online: 65
The Escapist: 60

PC Gamer: 60
GameOver.gr: 60
Eurogamer: 40
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من بازی رو دانلود کردم تحولی ندیدم جز اینکه شخصیت بازی یه بچس و ترس رو از دید یه بچه میبینی با یه دوست عروسکی که همیشه باهاشه و راهنماییش میکنه همین
من بازی رو دانلود کردم تحولی ندیدم جز اینکه شخصیت بازی یه بچس و ترس رو از دید یه بچه میبینی با یه دوست عروسکی که همیشه باهاشه و راهنماییش میکنه همین
برادر تحول چی میخواستی؟! توی بازی Horror من نمیدونم چه چیزی رو تحول میگید شما و انتظار چی شق القمری رو دارید؟!
تحول یعنی وقتی یه بازیو ببینی بگی تاحالا مثل اینو بازی نکردم .بازی این سبکی هم تا دلت بخواد هست outlastو slender و و و و ..... پس اینم میشه جزیی از اونا البته بازیه بدی نیست واسه یبار تموم کردن خوبه.
متاسفانه انیمیشن راه رفتن داغونه، معما ها رو اعصابن و باگ هم داره بازی و کمی هم کوتاهه، داستانش هم کم عمقه. اما چیزایه دیگه:
Being a young child makes the world immediately more threatening. Even simple doors become towering gateways, and your sense of scale is thrown off. You are tiny, weak and helpless, and the game makes sure you know it by constantly throwing you into environments which loom over you. Being young, you also have an active imagination, and Krillbite wisely uses this to blur the line between reality and dreams - you can never trust what's real and what's you being a scared little kid.
Among the Sleep will take you back to a time when a teddy bear was your shield, and you'd think twice about going to sleep without checking under the bed.
When the monster is introduced—there is a monster, and it can get you—there’s some seriously tense crawling for your life. It’s scary, creepy, and the best part of the game,
The creature appears only a handful of times, though when it gives chase, it can be a pretty intense experience.
It's a testament to the game's smart level design that I never really got lost or felt like I didn't know the path forward, even as everything around me became more warped and unrecognizable.
mong the Sleep provides the perfect perspective to capture how scary it can be to stumble through a much larger, unknown world. A laundry room becomes a frightening source of noise and movement. A lullaby hummed by a parent morphs into a sinister hymn. An unassuming raincoat hanging on a hook above a pair of boots takes on a more startling, insidious shape. And these are only a few of the smallest examples of how a normal life is warped into a nightmare as the game progresses.
Polygon خیلی خوب بازی رو وصف کرده:
Among the Sleep builds an engaging, terrifying experience on top of simple, buggy mechanics
این همان بازی نبود که میگفتید قرار سبک ترس را متحول کنه و نو اوری داره؟! متاش تو وبسایت گیم رنکینگز روی 68 هست!

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